Click on these regional tags to view Featured Past Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Alvarez acoustic guitar, signed hockey cards, Barracuda electric guitar, wide variety of collectible Canadian coins, vintage silver plate collection, a horse wagon display decoration, tribal bracelets, harmonicas, vintage violins, Royal Albert dinnerware set, electric wood stove, silver plated antique cruets, motorcycle riding gear and more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Picker's World Online Auction(June P...

This auction features Alvarez acoustic guitar, signed hockey & More

MaxSold Auction: Pick up for items at the station (59 George St N, Peterborough) starts Wednesday, July 2nd,  Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm.  MUST be picked up before 5 PM July 30th 2014. For items held at retailers locations, pick up during their business hours, starting Wednesday, July 2nd. Contact retail locations for information. You MUST bring a copy of paid invoice to all pick ups.

Peterborough (Ontario Canada) Bell Media Auction Summer 2014 Online ...

Pick up for items at the station (59 George St N, Peterborou & More

MaxSold Auction:

Bradford (Ontario, Canada) Storage Auction - Hwy 11 (Bathurst St / H...

& More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features silver plate serving dishes, teacups and saucers, early 1900s military uniform, decorative cushions, National Geographic books, tools cabinets with tools, crystal and glassware, pots and pans, insect displays, decorative vases, Acorn stair lift, various cameras and accessories, A.J. Casson original silkscreen and a secretary desk and hutch!

Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Winston Churchill...

This auction features silver plate serving dishes, teacups a & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features crystal glasses, upholstered chairs, Royal Albert china, small kitchen appliances, golf clubs and bags, solid wood dresser with night stand, washer and dryer, Thomasville wood bureau, large office desk, vintage sofa, solid wood cabinet and framed artwork!

Lincoln (California, USA) Estate Online Auction - Stillwater Ct(74 ...

This auction features crystal glasses, upholstered chairs, R & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features small kitchen appliances, wood kitchen table and chairs, crystal and glassware, Highpoint stove, deep fryer, oak sideboard and hutch, Inglis washing machine, Hot Point dryer, metal shelving, Hoover shop vac, bicycles, vintage homemade pipe fitter's bench and brand new luggage!

Finch (Ontario, Canada) Moving Auction - Hunters Rd(100 Lots)

This auction features small kitchen appliances, wood kitchen & More

MaxSold Auction: Bridgewater, New Jersey MaxSold online auction had two vehicles and a full estate with over 40 years of history.  The the power of attorney from Alabama hired MaxSold to sell everything, and the MaxSold online auction realized more than $11,000.

Bridgewater (New Jersey, USA) Estate Online Auction - Strawbridge St...

Bridgewater, New Jersey MaxSold online auction had two vehic & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Royal Doulton china, framed artwork, cross country skis, electric lawn mowers, music albums, crock pots, tools, pine tall boy dresser, mini fridge, dining table and chairs, vintage china cabinet, Grill Master barbecue, wheelchair, and a Panasonic sound system!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Moving Auction - Larchwood Cr(62 Lots)

This auction features Royal Doulton china, framed artwork, c & More

MaxSold Auction:

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Storage Lockers - Lakeshore W Blvd (5 Uni...

& More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features kitchen supplies, wine racks, leather love seat, hand crafted Deacons bench, trunks, glassware, vintage dresser, Kenmore microwave, Panasonic 27" television, rocking chairs, dining table and chairs, button collection and leather hand tooled saddle stool!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Norwest Rd(54 Lots)

This auction features kitchen supplies, wine racks, leather & More

MaxSold Auction: London Ontario auction features antiques, directors chairs, rocking chair, oak washstand, tools and more!

London (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Grenfell Dr(43 Lots)

London Ontario auction features antiques, directors chairs, & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features silver plate cutlery, stereo speakers, music mixing equipment, Maytag refrigerator, Kenmore oven, chest freezer, garden equipment, wide variety of tools, bicycles, jewellery, vintage maps of Ontario, boxing gloves, guitars, treadmills, stamp and coin collections and a mandolin!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) June Special Warehouse Sale - Discovery A...

This auction features silver plate cutlery, stereo speakers, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Goebel figurines, Stanley dining table and chairs, 60" Mitsubishi television, bicycles, upholstered chair, glass top wine rack, fur coat, entertainment centres, sofas and a walnut china cabinet!

South River (New Jersey, USA) Moving Auction - Rotunda Lane(65 Lots)

This auction features Goebel figurines, Stanley dining table & More

MaxSold Auction: 2002 Nissan Xterra, Bosch Stainless appliances including range, fridge, washer/dryer, vintage lamp, BBQ, garage tools, art, fur coat, bridge lamp, 42" LCD Tosheba TV, early doors, claw foot tub and more!

Cambridge (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Queenston Rd(108 L...

2002 Nissan Xterra, Bosch Stainless appliances including ran & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features silver plate pieces, Bravetti deep fryer, Sony mini hi-fi component system, 1991 Acura Legend, gold dining chairs, Capresso coffee and espresso machine, golf clubs and bags, Spacemaker propane barbecue, outdoor storage cabinets, Raleigh folding bicycle, Whirlpool gas stove, pine cabinets, art easel, glassware, Singer sewing machine, Dimples Delux electric fireplace and Seeburg Stereophonic jukebox!

Squamish (British Columbia, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Wenda Place...

This auction features silver plate pieces, Bravetti deep fry & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This Unionville, Ontario auction seller took more than six months to research companies to trust her downsizing sale (with many things from her mother’s estate) with.  She chose MaxSold and couldn’t have been more thrilled with her decision.  See how this MaxSold online auction realized more than $11,000.

Unionville (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Loring Crescent (C...

This Unionville, Ontario auction seller took more than six m & More

MaxSold Auction: Founded in 2006, Wounded Warriors Canada is a non-profit organization that helps Canadian Forces members – be they full time or reservists – who have been wounded or injured in their service to Canada.

This auction features autographed sports memorabilia and photographs.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Charity Auction - The K-Rock Auction for...

Founded in 2006, Wounded Warriors Canada is a non-profit org & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features water sport tubes, wood frame windows, china cabinet, Craftsman band saw, casket boxes with caskets, electric heater, blow up soccer field, television stand, embalming portable kit, folding black chairs, wood barrels, printer and rocker recliner!

Napanee (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Advance Ave(82 Lots)

This auction features water sport tubes, wood frame windows, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features collectible spoons, silver plate dishes, glass serving dishes, decorative plates, ladies and mens hats, vintage toys, Admiral refrigerator and stove, Inqlis washer and dryer, wheelchair, violin, projectors, typewriter, telephone table, Blue Mountain pottery, jewellery, china cabinet, decorative bells, and artwork!

Oshawa (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Oakes Ave (Wilson Rd N...

This auction features collectible spoons, silver plate dishe & More

MaxSold Auction: Features a lot of high end solid wood items and quality decorative pieces. Solid craftsman King Bed and mattress, solid pine and solid cherry armoire/TV cabinets, 42" plasma TV, golf travel bags, quilt. This is a great opportunity for our Kingston region buyers to obtain real quality!

Godfrey (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Potspoon Ln(100 Lots)

Features a lot of high end solid wood items and quality deco & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features upholstered chairs, vintage telephones, Blue Mountain pottery, JVC home stereo, Master Cook barbecue, Samsung flatscreen television, snowthrower, china cabinet, framed artwork, table lamps, small rugs, crystal and glassware, Hertel Jacob china, book collection and vintage sewing machine!

Peterborough (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Southlawn Dr(76 ...

This auction features upholstered chairs, vintage telephones & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features glass serving pieces, shelving units, cross country skis, Show Pak projector, Kodak photo printer, fondue sets, antique style china cabinet, cedar chest, futon, patio chairs, Christmas tree, work bench, hockey equipment, exercise equipment, and china sets!

Bolton (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - DeRose Ave (Queen St N...

This auction features glass serving pieces, shelving units, & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features vintage diner stools, silver plate dishes, chandelier, sculptures, Drexler Heritage sofa, china cabinet, crystal dishes, gold trimmed tea set, pool vacuum, Master Chef barbecue, artwork, chaise, Kenmore bar fridge, video game consoles, sectional sofa, air beds, Bissell steam cleaner, treadmill and other exercise equipment and a 32" LED Panasonic television!

North York(Ontario, Canada) Moving Auction (Old Yonge St/ York Mills...

This auction features vintage diner stools, silver plate dis & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features handmade Persian rugs, Thomasville end tables, silver plate serving dishes, crystal punch bowl, KitchenAid Ultra Power Mixer, utility cart, decorative lamps, baby grand piano, High Fidelity system, Argus camera, Canadian Royale toboggan, garden tools and glassware!

Arlington (Massachusetts, USA) Estate Online Auction - Old Spring St...

This auction features handmade Persian rugs, Thomasville end & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features china dishes, silver plate candle sticks, riding lawn mower, Royal Doulton figurines, Kenmore microwave, crystal and glassware, Toshiba DVD and VHS player, rocking chair, love seat, stained glass, Black & Decker bread maker, Le Meuble Villageois bedroom set, decorative owls, bicycles, table saw and mobility scooters!

Port Hope (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Ridout St(123 Lo...

This auction features china dishes, silver plate candle stic & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features silver plate dishes, patio furniture, signed baseballs, dining table and chairs, Weber gas barbecue, jewellery, KitchenPro bread maker, stereo, serving platters, leather chair and ottoman, Hespler mahogany dresser, Rubbermaid storage hut, fur coat, sectional sofa and garden tools!

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Orchard Cres (Bloor...

This auction features silver plate dishes, patio furniture, & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features original artwork by Ed Feinstein, silver plate utensils, China pieces, glassware, Singer sewing machine, lawn chairs, easel collection, wide variety of books, book cases, kitchen table and chairs,  shell collection, skateboard, tools, autographed basketball, comic books, leather butterfly chair, Electrolux Ambassador vacuum and wicker baskets!

Westbury (New York, USA) Online Auction - Friends Ln(98 Lots)

This auction features original artwork by Ed Feinstein, silv & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features crystal pieces, dining table and chairs, silver plate coffee service, metal chiminea, Muskoka chair, pine finish desk, oak china cabinet, Panasonic television, combination safe, fur coats, metal file cabinet, treadmill, chest freezer, sofa bed and rustic wood entertainment cabinet!

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Thorncrest Rd(47 Lo...

This auction features crystal pieces, dining table and chair & More

MaxSold Auction: Features NINE boxes of comic books, vintage toys, Teak furniture, prints, tools, crystal, Aynsley dish set, lawn mower, chest freezer, appliances, stair lift and more.

Orillia (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - June Dr (Coldwater Rd...

Features NINE boxes of comic books, vintage toys, Teak furni & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features silver plate dishes, kitchen table and chairs, table lamps, faux leather recliner, Bulova chime wall clock, Walnut dining table and chairs, vintage phones, electric organ, Mahogany buffet, music system with speakers, Black & Decker bread maker and luggage!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Old Colony Rd(76 Lot...

This auction features silver plate dishes, kitchen table and & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features patio sets, Cusinart barbecue, Mastervac shopvac, Hugo Elite Edition walker, Panasonic microwave, King size bed, mahogany entertainment wall unit, bone china, chair with ottoman, air conditioner, life-size Nutcracker, Sirius satellite radio and boom box, glassware, and tools!

Gananoque (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Days Rd(62 Lots)

This auction features patio sets, Cusinart barbecue, Masterv & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features outdoor decorative planters, briefcases, picnic baskets, home projector screen, Kobo touch, steamer trunks, wire storage rack, washable single seat sofa and yard tools!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Moving Auction - Lakeshore Blvd(21 Lots)

This auction features outdoor decorative planters, briefcase & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features dog care supplies, wide variety of books, patio umbrella and chairs, Rubbermaid garbage hut, sofa bed, jewellery, ladies shoes, plastic storage cabinets, outdoor decor, glassware, McCulloch weed trimmer, stuffed animals, ladies ice skates and rugs!

Oakville (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Gloucester Ave(29 Lo...

This auction features dog care supplies, wide variety of boo & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features silver plate serving dishes, Gibbard china cabinet, wall sconces, Kenmore washer and dryer, gumball machine, fur coat, Wedgwood dish set, antique brass finish double bed, Whirlpool stove, KitchenAid refrigerator, glassware, Broil-Mate barbecue, Broadhurst painting, dining table and chairs, photo printer and luggage!

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Ridgecross Rd(167 ...

This auction features silver plate serving dishes, Gibbard c & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features silver plate dishes, Royal Crown Derby dish set, wooden serving trays and bowls, variety of teacups and saucers, Gibbard china cabinet, cook books, luggage, oak finish rocking chair, stereo speakers, patio set, dressers, small kitchen appliances, crystal and glassware, doll house, upholstered chair and artwork!

Barrie (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Highcroft Rd(148 Lo...

This auction features silver plate dishes, Royal Crown Derby & More

MaxSold Auction: Features old Canadian bills, autographed hockey pucks, 1978 silver double dollar set, collector's edition retro Slinky Dog, brass hockey coins, women's 10K gold rolled wrist watch, rare hand blown uranium glass, hockey Jersey cards, retro California Raisins figurines, leather baseball glove, vintage brass crab ash tray and an ACDC pocket watch!

South Frontenac (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Battersea Rd(...

Features old Canadian bills, autographed hockey pucks, 1978 & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions