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Click on these regional tags to view Featured Past Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features an 18' 1987 Catallina Capri sailboat, a 2005 Walker Bay Diny, silver plate items, glassware, garden utility trailer, cross country skis, china dishes, vases, Adirondack chairs, patio sets, tools, potpurri urns, serving platters, snow shoes and Livestrong treadmill!

Perth (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - MacPherson Way(108 Lots...

This auction features an 18' 1987 Catallina Capri sailboat, & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features silver plate dishes, Royal Copenhagen collector's plates, tea set, framed etchings, Victorian settee, golf clubs and bags, old Schwann "tornado" bicycle, HealthRider stationary bike and empire sofa!

Dunwoody (Georgia, USA) Moving Auction - Trowbridge Dr(83 Lots)

This auction features silver plate dishes, Royal Copenhagen & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features older Canadian bills, souvenir spoons, necklaces, Canadian silver dollars, hockey and baseball cards, signed prints, hockey pucks, remote control toy Hummer truck, vintage tea pot, Wii gaming bundle and vintage fire extinguisher!

South Frontenac (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Auction - Battersea...

This auction features older Canadian bills, souvenir spoons, & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features silver plate items, small kitchen appliances, serving dishes, glassware, garden tools, queen beds, costume jewellery, framed artwork, Denby china, pool lounger, rocking chair and patio set!

London (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Hillsmount Rd(89 Lots)

This auction features silver plate items, small kitchen appl & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features vintage and retro items including Seeburg tabletop jukebox, oriental rugs, National Motor Museum collectible cars, framed artwork, posters, sports items including golf bags, tennis and badminton, power and garden tools, early Silvertone radio console, wireless headphones, Coach purse, Pallister desk and hutch, oak roll top desk and much more!

Ipswich (Massachusetts, USA) Moving Auction - Hawk Hill Ln(128 Lots)

This auction features vintage and retro items including Seeb & More

MaxSold Auction: A great mix of collectibles, outdoor (including patio set), garden (ride-on John Deere, chainsaw, wheel barrows), quality furniture, vintage pedal car, children's toys and games, camping, military, trains, watches, tools, records and more!

Olney (Maryland, USA) Downsizing Auction - Goose Creek Rd(168 Lots)

A great mix of collectibles, outdoor (including patio set), & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features comic books, 1930's sterling silver amber earrings, NFL jerseys, silver plate items, Blue Mountain pottery, Queen's leather jacket, ladies rings, 1970's war magazines, framed artwork, Canada military pins, hockey card collection, travel trunks, Paradigm stereo speakers and an Aria electric guitar!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Picker's World Online Auction(July P...

This auction features comic books, 1930's sterling silver am & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features cut glass plates, sterling silver pieces, men's watches, pewter goblets, golf clubs and bags, vases, glassware, old wood chairs, rugs, Kenmore washer and dryer, leather chair and ottoman, television stand and ping pong table!

Atlanta (Georgia, United States) Estate Online Auction - Starlight D...

This auction features cut glass plates, sterling silver piec & More

MaxSold Auction: This Los Angeles area (Van Nuys) Online Estate Auction for the father of a famous baseball celebrity was an outstanding success for the family.  The auction featured Apple computers, electronics, software, memorabilia and even things you wouldn’t find in a typical estate like a Water Ionizer!

Van Nuys (California, USA) Estate Online Auction - Gilmore St(38 Lot...

This Los Angeles area (Van Nuys) Online Estate Auction for t & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features 1830s Grandfather Clock, jewellery, drop leaf table, mantle clock, armchairs, crystal, glassware, Ethan Allen furniture, projector screen, bicycle, original George A. Bradshaw etchings, hats, Victorian settee and even a ping pong table!

Dunwoody (Georgia, USA) Moving Auction - Saffron Dr(195 Lots)

This auction features 1830s Grandfather Clock, jewellery, dr & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features a 1992 Acura Integra, Royal Albert dishes, silver plate cutlery, China cabinet, Yamaha piano, collector plates, dressers, framed artwork, bookcases, golf clubs and bag, beds, armchairs and Royal Doulton figurines!

Burlington (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Bryant Crescent...

This auction features a 1992 Acura Integra, Royal Albert dis & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features glassware, garden tools, children's toys and books, pine bunk bed, Insignia 46" LCD television, vintage oak school desk, skis, cedar lined chest, antique table, Panasonic stereo, variety of framed artwork with books and jewellery!

London (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Victor St(101 Lots)

This auction features glassware, garden tools, children's to & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features a 1987 Ford Ecoline 150 Van, vintage cameras, fishing and camping gear, gold clubs and bags, luggage, china set, rocking chairs, Kenmore refrigerator, prints, steamer trunk, records, Giguere Morin oak dining table and chairs, tools and vintage jewellery!

Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Adams Ave(132 Lots)

This auction features a 1987 Ford Ecoline 150 Van, vintage c & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features small tables, silver plate items, rugs, glassware, small kitchen appliances, books, GE electric lawn mower, framed artwork, mahogany finish tray table, dresser and wicker settee!

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Islington Ave (Egli...

This auction features small tables, silver plate items, rugs & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction is for the entire contents of a condominium, including living and dining room furniture, decorative household accessories, flat screen TV, lamps, stemware and dinnerware, occasional chairs, small appliances, clothing, linens and more.

You will need to be able to arrange movers and assistance to be able to pack and move ALL contents in this single set time frame, as per the condominium management. Extra time will not be available.

Access for boxes and packing starting at 10am
Elevator will be on service from 2pm to 5pm

The buyer NEEDS to have all items removed by 5pm as the elevator will be off service at that point. Any items not removed by 5pm could be subject to a disposal fee.

Burlington (Ontario, Canada) Single Lot : Entire Contents Of Condo A...

This auction is for the entire contents of a condominium, in & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features silver plate dishes, bookcases, side tables, crystal and glassware, Royal Albert luncheon set, wine rack, pine dresser, beds, Royal Doulton figurine, Broil King barbecue, sofa bed and Sony E Reader with case!

Newmarket (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Millard Ave (Dav...

This auction features silver plate dishes, bookcases, side t & More

MaxSold Auction: There’s something about farm equipment we love - maybe it has something with our roots with farm auctions!  This Gananoque online MaxSold auction in the beautiful 1000 Islands area had tractors, motorbikes, trailers and more.

Gananoque (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Marble Rock Rd(45 ...

There’s something about farm equipment we love - maybe it & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features antiques, coca-cola memorabilia, crystal and glassware, framed artwork, bone china teacups and saucers, ladies coats, leather sofas, solid oak wash stand, carved wood chest, outdoor bistro set, Broil-Mate barbecue, suede fringe jacket with bead-work, Blue Mountain pottery, exercise bike, safe and a carousel horse!

Oshawa (Ontario, Canada) Online Contents Auction - Sarasota Crescent...

This auction features antiques, coca-cola memorabilia, cryst & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: Harley Davidson Road King, Star Trek costumes, Gibbard, Sony flat screen TV, vintage child's china set, fridge, wingback chairs, highboy, Lionel train set, travel bags, antique tool box, Malcolm double bed, vintage Coca Cola cooler, stamps, silver and much, much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) July Special Warehouse Sale - Discovery A...

Harley Davidson Road King, Star Trek costumes, Gibbard, Sony & More

MaxSold Auction: Pristine condition Gibbard furniture, White wicker, original acrylic art, Royal Doulton tableware, vintage dresser, Minton china, Limoges and Grindley serving pieces, Coleport wingback chair, metal shelving, piano and much more!

Kanata (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Peregrine Cres(74 Lots...

Pristine condition Gibbard furniture, White wicker, original & More

MaxSold Auction: Cafe set, Samsung 32" Flat Screen, BBQ, quality appliances, microwave, flat screen TV, patio set, camping and picnic lot, decor, furniture, sectional sofa, snowboard and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Moving Auction - Homewood Ave(36 Lots)

Cafe set, Samsung 32" Flat Screen, BBQ, quality appliances, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features quality hand and power tools (including Dewalt circular saw and impact drill), pressure washer, garden tools, rocking chair, Kenmore oven, recliner, leather suit, day bed, kitchen table and chairs, Kelvinator refrigerator, Kenmore washer and dryer, HP computer, steamer trunk and more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Glengarry Rd(57 Lots...

This auction features quality hand and power tools (includin & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features a large collection of single 78's from Louis Armstrong to Berlioz Berlin Symphony Orchestra. Over 1000 albums to sell. Also includes vintage tape recorder, reel to reel recordings, and more!

Ajax (Ontario, Canada) Business Liquidation - Lakeridge Rd (Kingsto...

This auction features a large collection of single 78's from & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features silver plate dishes and cutlery, garden tables, glassware, tea wagon, Asian motif mini bar, sectional sofa, statues, tea cups and saucers, antique highboy, showcases and a china cabinet!

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Playdell Crt (Albio...

This auction features silver plate dishes and cutlery, garde & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features gardening tools, record albums, amplifiers, vintage snow shoes, golf equipment, desks, bicycle, wood chest, sectional sofa, Coke cooler and camping equipment!

Prince Edward (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Auction - ...

This auction features gardening tools, record albums, amplif & More

MaxSold Auction: Between tools, toys and appliances this Belleville Downsizing Online auction raised an impressive $12,000. The big ticket item being a snowthrower selling for $1700 and a set of monster high Barbie dolls selling for remarkable $400.

Belleville (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Salisbury Rd(134 L...

Between tools, toys and appliances this Belleville Downsizin & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Sony speakers, Nikon cameras, pots and pans, dishes, Danby wine fridge, office supplies, patio set, computer desk, propane tanks, hall table, HP laptop and silver plate items!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Business Liquidation ...

This auction features Sony speakers, Nikon cameras, pots and & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Swarovski crystal figurines, handbags and wallets, vintage televisions, maple cabinet, collection of china, sterling silver serving tray, cedar chest, trunks, wine storage unit, camera, pots and pans, child's Singer sewing machine, jewellery, golf equipment and stein collection!

Guelph (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Waverley Dr(175 Lot...

This auction features Swarovski crystal figurines, handbags & More

MaxSold Auction: The TJ’s Roadhouse restaurant owner in London, Ontario was going to throw everything out - but thought he’d give MaxSold a try.  You can imagine his surprise when the goods realized more than $11,000

TJ's Roadhouse Restaurant/Bar Closeout Online Auction (Kitchene...

The TJ’s Roadhouse restaurant owner in London, Ontario was & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features sterling silver cutlery, Wedgwood and Royal Albert teacups and saucers, crystal and glassware, variety of books, silver plate items, small tables, luggage, Viscol dresser with mirror, dining table and chairs, artwork and a tea wagon!

Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Bloor St(Queen El...

This auction features sterling silver cutlery, Wedgwood and & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features crystal and glassware, luggage, fine china, area rugs, tallboy dresser, framed artwork, variety of National Geographic magazines, tools, decorative items, sofa bed, wicker baskets and a rocking chair!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Holland Cr(89 Lots)

This auction features crystal and glassware, luggage, fine c & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features silver plate dishes, antique books, signed NHL photos, WW1 leather pouch, silver plate spoon set, vintage crystal chandelier, Victorian theme rotary telephone, sports card collection, electric wood stove heater, Oxford solid oak table, and cast iron piggy bank!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Picker's World SELLER MANAGED Online...

This auction features silver plate dishes, antique books, si & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features crystal dishes, collector cars, Bossons head plaques, silver flatware, hanging light fixtures, antique record player, doll crib, Singer antique sewing base, Asian wood tub stand, sculptures and antique chairs!

North York (Ontario, Canada) Business Liquidation - Yonge St (Yonge/...

This auction features crystal dishes, collector cars, Bosson & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features a GMC SLS 2000 pick-up truck, Royal Albert tea cups and saucers, hanging Hummel figurines, fur jackets, artwork, vintage stools, golf clubs with bag, cedar chest, and tools including Homecraft drill press and a Craftsman chainsaw!

Innisfil (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Victoria St (10th Li...

This auction features a GMC SLS 2000 pick-up truck, Royal Al & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features crystal and glassware, record albums, dressers, decorative spoons, flower pots, china set, Panasonic sound system, Wedgwood serving dish, dining table and chairs, LG 31" flat screen television, and a safe!

*Enter off Elmwood St from Sir John A Blvd. Is an apartment building (Bowling Green) and parking is very limited. Do not park in fire route as cars will be towed.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Bath Rd(58 Lots)

This auction features crystal and glassware, record albums, & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features collectible hockey pucks, Uranium glass, 2 Dollar Canadian bills, Chinese vases, variety of collectible coins, porcelain figurines, older bank notes, Topps hockey cards, signed Toronto Maple Leafs jersey, vintage Cabbage Patch Kids doll, retro Coca Cola bag and signed Blue Jays baseball!

South Frontenac (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Auction - Battersea...

This auction features collectible hockey pucks, Uranium glas & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions