Click on these regional tags to view Featured Past Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Framed Wall Art, Plaster Wall Art, Garden Statues, Sewing Machine, Golf Clubs, Costume Jewelry, Lawnmower, Vintage Black Lacquered Asian Art, Vintage Bank and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - Lak...

This online auction features Framed Wall Art, Plaster Wall A & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Comic Books such as Marvel, Marvel Variant, DC, DC Variant, Autographed, Hit-Girl, Doctor Who, The Spirit Variant, The Book of Death Variant, and Magazines such as Savage Sword of Conan, Vintage Wrestling, and Hockey Cards, Wayne Gretzky Card, Kobe Bryant SI Cover and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - M...

This online auction features Comic Books such as Marvel, Mar & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Indigenous art, crystal ware, sterling silver, furniture such as teak dining chairs, cabinets, bed frames and U-shaped desk, glassware, kitchenware, CDs, area rugs, shelving units, Bose stereo, DVD player, original paintings, Stratford Festival original costume sketches, skis and ski boots, Kenmore bar fridge, XT bikes, books, vinyl, lamps, cameras, cookware and much more!

Kitchener (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Forest Hill ...

This online auction features Indigenous art, crystal ware, s & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as a wooden shelf, dining room table, marble top buffet, Players piano, Elephant plant stand, bench, lighted hutch, loveseat and more, grill, wood shelving, roosters, decor, native wall art, vintage items, serving ware, bar room mirrors, Byers dolls, Christmas decor, train bookends, Dept 56 decor, Santa Claus, games, Lladro, Belleek, Kachina dolls, decorative vases and much more!

Plymouth (Massachusetts, USA) Moving Online Auction - Red Leaf

This online auction features furniture such as a wooden shel & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Murano glass, collector dolls, furniture such as wooden sideboard, vintage chairs, curio cabinets, and sofa, dishware, wall art, glassware, steins, kitchenware, storage bins, board games, holiday decor, office supplies, lamps, area rugs, small kitchen appliances and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Estate Sale Online Auction - Wynford Heigh...

This online auction features Murano glass, collector dolls, & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Signed Original Art & numbered Prints, Inuit Soapstone carvings, artisan Tapestries and Needlepoint art, Fiesta ware, Murano glass, Air Propeller clock, MCM Furniture & Decor, Artisan Pottery and Ceramics, German Dolls, Mountain bikes, Vinyl LPs including Elvis and Classic metal, Mid-Century ephemera, Small Kitchen Appliances, Food prep, & gadgets, Mid-Century Glassware, Dinnerware & Kitchen sundries and much more!

Bath (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - Co...

This online auction features Signed Original Art & numbered & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Vintage & Mid Century decor, ceramics, & glass, Pyrex, Milk Glass, Art Glass, Novelty cookie jars, Brass figurines, Branded barware, Artbooks, Signed Original Artwork, Avon, Ontario Atlas, Folk Art, Coca Cola merchandise, Antique Salvage and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Business Downsizing Online ...

This online auction features Vintage & Mid Century decor, ce & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features vintage Stereo Equipment & Components, including Tube Radios, Oscilloscope, turntables, Bakelite Cash register, MCM Furniture & decor, including swag lamps, vintage Rotary & Push-button landline phones, Small Kitchen Appliances, Food prep, & gadgets, Cassette audiobooks, Reel to Reel recordings, Vintage Computer Equipment and Components, Books, DVDs, CDs, Signed Original Art & numbered Prints and much more!

Beamsville (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - ...

This online auction features vintage Stereo Equipment & Comp & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Vintage Annalee dolls, Lenox Nativity, Signed Original Artwork, Antique Solid wood Furniture, Outdoor Patio furniture, Bath decor, Plumbing supplies, Cabinets and Storage solutions, Tech gadgets, Homecare & Cleaning supplies, Mid-Century Glassware, Dinnerware & Kitchen sundries, Artisan Pottery and Ceramics, Puzzles, toys, Workshop Power Tools & Equipment, Hand Tools & Hardware, Boating gear, Home Repair & Improvement Equipment and Supplies and much more!

Naples (Florida, USA) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - Ascot C...

This online auction features Vintage Annalee dolls, Lenox Na & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as a cabinet, table, Pennsylvania house chair, Drexel dining table and chairs, bookshelf, recliner, card table and chairs, patio bench and chairs, nightstand, bed frame, wooden desk, stairlift and more, lamps, ironing board, vintage dolls, frames, games, small kitchen appliances, mirrors, luggage, cleaning supplies, cutlery, china, baskets, silverplate, books and much more!

Lancaster (Pennsylvania, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Church str...

This online auction features furniture such as a cabinet, ta & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features a Coca-Cola 25c Gumball machine, pony coin bank, books, advertising signs, Hot Wheels, foreign coins, Star Wars and Spiderman costumes, vintage car manuals, lawn care items, Roxton antique chairs, John Deere toy, vintage Tonka forklift, Ovechkin And Coffey 2nd Year Cards, Batgirl slippers, Nylint toys Steel hauler, vintage tin toys, 90s toys, toy robot, vintage keys, vintage milk crates and much more!

Harrowsmith (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Aucti...

This online auction features a Coca-Cola 25c Gumball machine & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Outdoor Patio furniture, Micro Fische Reader, Workshop Power Tools & Equipment, Hydraulic Jack, Tech gadgets, Video games, Popular Cartoon character toys, games & Collectibles, Vintage Buffet, Solid wood Furniture, Crystal, Stemware, Barware, Cologne, Kids DVDs & Books, Games, Jewelry, Vinyl LPs, Video Camera and gear, TVs, Small Kitchen Appliances, Food prep, & gadgets, Sewing Machine & notions, Patterns for Costumes and retro fashions, and much more!

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - Do...

This online auction features Outdoor Patio furniture, Micro & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Lenox, Noritake, milk glass, furniture such as side tables, full size sofa, Broyhill dining table, and dressers, framed wall art, DVDs, CDs, LG DVD player, books, small kitchen appliances, glassware, dishware, bookcases, Kodak projector, portable grill, yard tools, hand tools, storage shelves and much more!

Miami (Florida, USA) Moving Online Auction - Southwest 116th Terrace

This online auction features Lenox, Noritake, milk glass, fu & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features MCM Chrome Shelf, Lamps, Teak Furniture, TV, MCM Draperies, Bar Fridge, Patio Furniture, Exercise Equipment, Reel Lawnmower, Collectible Teacups, Art Pottery, Vintage Clocks, Jade Trees, Art Glass, MCM Cook Pots, Small Kitchen Appliances, Royal Copenhagen Decorative Plates, Hand Tools and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auction ...

This online auction features MCM Chrome Shelf, Lamps, Teak F & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such curio cabinets, bunk bed ladders, queen bed frame, side tables, dressers, game table, Pingpong table, glider, bookcases, painted pedestal table, chair and ottoman, secretary, bench, desks and chair, workbench, storage cabinets and more, tools, toolbox, air compressor, saw, Dremel, belt sander and more, wood, instruments such as flute, tambourine, guitars and more, elliptical, electronics, kitchenware, small kitchen appliances, toys, VHS, home health aids, silverplate, aquarium items, baskets, sewing patterns, Southwick china, go-kart, platters, books and much more!

Jefferson (Massachusetts, USA) Moving Online Auction - Princeton Str...

This online auction features furniture such curio cabinets, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Dollhouse & Accessories, Lladro figurines, Signed Original Art & numbered Prints, Wii games, Stamp collection, Tent, Small Kitchen Appliances, Food prep, & gadgets, American Girl dolls and accessories, Tolkien books, DVDs, Board games, Jewelry, Bikes, Keyboard, Fitness Equipment & Sporting Goods, Outdoor Patio furniture and much more!

Silver Spring (Maryland, USA) Moving Online Auction - Jennings Road

This online auction features Dollhouse & Accessories, Lladro & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features silver plate, crystal ware, Disney porcelain, furniture such as Bombay Company table, swivel chairs, vintage dining table, and mahogany dresser, area rugs, glassware, vintage Barbies, dishware, DVDs, PS4 games, Kenmore fridge, exercise equipment, sports equipment, ping pong table, boxing equipment, mountain bikes, children’s toys, basketball hoop and much more!

Glendale (California, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - Royal Boulev...

This online auction features silver plate, crystal ware, Dis & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Signed Original Art & numbered Prints, Australian tapestry, Midcentury short wave Radio, Vintage & Antique Solid wood Furniture, Henredon sofas, Books, Cameras, Magazines & ephemera, Small Kitchen Appliances, Food prep, & gadgets, Fitness Equipment & Sporting Goods, TV, Bookcases, Office Furniture, Equipment & supplies, Manual typewriters, Artisan Pottery and Ceramics, Coalport, Rosenthal China, Wicker Furniture, Homecare & Cleaning supplies, Yard and Garden Grooming tools & Supplies, Power Washer, Workshop Power Tools & Equipment, Hand Tools & Hardware, Mid-Century Glassware, Dinnerware & Kitchen sundries, Fostoria, Vintage Computer Equipment and Components & Tech and much more!

Houston (Texas, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Meadowvale Drive

This online auction features Signed Original Art & numbered & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Video Game Systems, Vintage Books, Vintage Porcelain Christmas Village, BMP Studio Lamps, Stamps, Coins, Art Books, Collectible Teacups, Vintage Moorcraft Vase, Vintage Estate Jewelry, Vintage Toys, Sewing Machine, Vintage Pyrex, Vintage Autoharp and much more!

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - ...

This online auction features Video Game Systems, Vintage Boo & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Depression Glass, Art Glass, Porcelain Fairies, Vintage Kitchen Tools, Curio Cabinets, Decorative Plates, Antique Books, LPs, Signed Lithographs, Small Kitchen Appliances, Vintage Pfaltzgraff, Vintage & MCM Furniture, Milk Glass, Carnival Glass, Garden decor, Electric Lawnmower, Porcelain Dolls and much more!

Arlington (Virginia, USA) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auction ...

This online auction features Depression Glass, Art Glass, Po & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as MCM dressers, armchairs, dining table with chairs, sofa, and desks, framed original wall art, 48” Samsung TV, Commodore 64, HP printer, Frigidaire refrigerator, cookware, glassware, shelving, office supplies, stoneware, exercise equipment, power tools, hand tools, garden tools, hardware, Brinkmann BBQ, battery chargers, ATV winch, fishing gear, sports equipment, small kitchen appliances, lawnmowers, camping gear, books and much more!

Plantagenet (Ontario, Canada) Moving Online Auction - County Road 9

This online auction features furniture such as MCM dressers, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as metal outdoor chairs, oak bookcase, storage shelf, multi drawer storage, Cherry wood china cabinet, Ethan Allen media cabinet, coffee table, solid oak end table, Pennsylvania House dressers, Vermont Precision maple children's chairs, desks, Robin Bruce sofa and loveseat and more, rugs, books, toys, dolls, camera and other electronics, wicker letter holder, plantation shutters, pots, tools, steamer, dance shoes, arts and crafts, fire pit and much more!

WELLESLEY (Massachusetts, USA) Moving Online Auction - Weston Road

This online auction features furniture such as metal outdoor & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features vintage heaters, vintage Torcan fans, vintage hot plate, Melmac plates, leathercraft materials, games, Ottlight, palm sander, mallots, scanner, books, woodworking items, router table, workmate, Skil scrollsaw and more!

Angus (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - S...

This online auction features vintage heaters, vintage Torcan & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features East Asian ceramic art, wall art, Foo dogs, lidded ceramic urns, ceramic vases, armchair, clay bakers, portable cooking ranges, small kitchen appliances, Kura bed, aquarium, luggage, clocks, dehumidifier, Snooker table, shelving units, electronics, leather lounger, folding tables, lamps, art books and much more!

Waterloo (Ontario, Canada) Estate Sale Online Auction - Glendene Cre...

This online auction features East Asian ceramic art, wall ar & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Limoges, pewter ware, Lionel trains, furniture such as oak washstand, antique desk, display cabinet, maple pedestal table with chairs, and walnut drop leaf table, lamps, cranberry glass, wall art, books, Panasonic receiver, power tools, hand tools, planters and much more!

Bath (Ontario, Canada) Estate Sale Online Auction - Westbury Avenue

This online auction features Limoges, pewter ware, Lionel tr & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Baby Wolf loom, furniture such as mission style dressers, side tables, barrister bookcases, IKEA shelving, holiday decor, shop vac, small kitchen appliances, dishware, porcelain, area rugs, 50” TV, decor windows, Honda tiller, Schwinn bike, tool cart, shelving, exercise equipment, pet bird supplies and much more!

Whitehouse Station (New Jersey, USA) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Au...

This online auction features Baby Wolf loom, furniture such & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features a French Church tabernacle door, antique clocks, sterling silverware, Asian-themed jewelry box, cider dispenser, chairs, cushions, sleeper sofa, rugs, Pre-Colombian pottery burial urn, antique Anker sewing machine table, mirror, dinner plates, chairs, silverplate and much more!

Washington (District of Columbia, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - 1...

This online auction features a French Church tabernacle door & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features a Firepit, a Piano, Upright Bass, Massage recliner, Women's Clothing and footwear, Leather furniture, Cycling gear, Jackets, Purses, Fitness Equipment & Sporting Goods, Beauty supplies, TVs, Home electronics and tech gadgets, Stereo Equipment & Components, including Bose, Books, Dog care, Sewing machine and notions, Games, Puzzles, Inspirational wall art, Mid-Century Glassware, Dinnerware & Kitchen sundries, Sporting goods & gear, Snowthrower, Small Kitchen Appliances, Food prep, & gadgets, Homecare & Cleaning supplies, Home Repair & Improvement Equipment and Supplies, Video games, Office Furniture, Equipment & supplies, Bathroom fixtures, lighting, china, Noritake and much more!

Colorado Springs (Colorado, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Silverw...

This online auction features a Firepit, a Piano, Upright Bas & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features scuba equipment, wall art, lamps, furniture such as nightstands, bar stools, double chaise, dining table with chairs, and Broyhill dressers, dishware, glassware, linens, gardening supplies, Weber grill, outdoor furniture, women’s and men’s footwear, women’s and men’s clothing, Bose stereo, wall art, books, garage cabinets, fishing gear, kitchenware, bakeware, small kitchen appliances and much more!

Cape Coral (Florida, USA) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - Sou...

This online auction features scuba equipment, wall art, lamp & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Solid Brass Floor Registers, Digimatic Caliper Gage, Micrometer Comparator, Micrometer, Absolute Linear Scale, Fire Alarms, Delivery Pump, Access Control Panel Board, Fire Alarm Signal System Control Unit, Brady Plug Lockouts, Portable Surface Roughness Tester, Sunon Fans, Dental X-Ray Unit Model, Dental X-Ray Unit Model, Cordless Phone Batteries and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - S...

This online auction features Solid Brass Floor Registers, Di & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Star Wars Collectibles, Art Pottery, Comics, Coins, Banknotes, Lego Set, Stamps, Vintage Carnival Glass, Russian Nesting Dolls, Vintage Schlitz Beer Stein and much more!

Phoenix (Arizona, USA)SHORT NOTICE SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Au...

This online auction features Star Wars Collectibles, Art Pot & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as a hall tree coat stand, oval table, curio cabinet, dining table, chairs, step stool, vintage secretary, bedframe and more, office supplies, vacuum parts, recumbent bike, power and hand tools, CDs, silverplate flatware, oak steamer trunk, blanket scarves, knobs and much more

Pottstown (Pennsylvania, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - W Walnut S...

This online auction features furniture such as a hall tree c & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as side tables, desk, trunk, rocker, matching chairs, file cabinets and more, Royal Doulton china, helmets and sports items, shoes, boots, German porcelain tea set, sterling jewelry, CDs, sterling flatware, RCA TV, silverplate, rugs, leaf blower, tools, wagons, cart, Christmas decor, bins, projector, workbench, luggage, office supplies and much more!

Jarrettsville (Maryland, USA) Moving Online Auction - Nodleigh Terra...

This online auction features furniture such as side tables, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features indoor/outdoor furniture, electronics, Microwave, lamps, prints, Utility Trailer, CDs, DVDs, electric typewriter, woodshop table saw, bicycles, bags and hats, TV, books, tools, cooler and much more.

Stoney creek (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auctio...

This online auction features indoor/outdoor furniture, elect & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features New in Open Box Items such as Laptop, Massagers, Smart Watches, Action Cameras, Gaming Gear, Drone, RC Trucks, Beauty Appliances, Solar Lights and much more!

Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction...

This online auction features New in Open Box Items such as L & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as a sectional, swivel chairs, end tables, side tables, dressers, electric piano and stand, small granite 3 drawer dresser and much more!

Millsboro (Delaware, USA) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - Do...

This online auction features furniture such as a sectional, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions