Click on these regional tags to view Featured Past Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Satsuma Urn, New Fashion Costume Jewellery, Oil Paintings, Samuel Prout Lithographs, Fishing Gear, Simon Tookoome Seriagraphs, Art Books, Character Jugs, Watercolour Paintings and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction -...

This online auction features Satsuma Urn, New Fashion Costum & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Lawn Mower, Snow Blower, Bicycles, Power Tools, Scuba Diving Gear, Dog Supplies, Electronics, Sub Woofers, Smoker Grill, XBOX, BOSE and much more.

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) SHORT NOTICE SELLER MANAGED Reseller Onli...

This online auction features Lawn Mower, Snow Blower, Bicycl & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Halloween Masks, CoffeeTable Books, Batman Collectibles, Beatles Collectibles, Spiderman Graphic Novel, Variant Covers, Kiss Comic, Movie Poster, X-Man Comics, Hummel, Christmas Decorations, Trading Cards, DVDs, LPs and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SHORT NOTICE SELLER MANAGED Reseller Onlin...

This online auction features Halloween Masks, CoffeeTable Bo & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features sterling silver, silver plate, Pandora necklace, 925 silver jewelry, Paragon, Limoges, Wedgwood, collectible currency, art books, antique coal miner’s lamp, robot car kit, fountain pens, signed art glass, speakers, Model T horn, costume jewelry, exercise equipment, sporting goods, Sony turntable, antique dresser, signed wall art, vintage vinyl records, Coalport porcelain, Lego, signed pottery and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - C...

This online auction features sterling silver, silver plate, & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as retro kitchen chairs, MCM chairs and more, jewelry, DVDs, Canon scanner, candleholders, decor, vases, vintage MCM glassware such as roly-poly glasses, wooden baskets, outdoor lights, ceramic Buddha, jewelry, CDs, electronics, National Geographic magazines and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction -...

This online auction features furniture such as retro kitchen & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Electronics & Tech Gadgets, Drone, Security cameras, Wifi & Bluetooth items, Health & Beauty Items, Dashcam, Auto accessories, Stereo Equipment & Components, Video gaming gear, Lighting, Power tools, Toys, Games, Small Kitchen Appliances, Sporting goods & gear, treasured items and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - D...

This online auction features Electronics & Tech Gadgets, Dro & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Antique Fire Extinguisher, Bottles, Antiques, Brass, Chandeliers, Art Glass, Sterling Silver Jewelry, Oriental Art and Pottery, Musical Instruments, Figures, Statues, Cameo, Noritake, Decoy Ducks, Camera equipment, Delft, LEGO, Fine China Jewelry, Comic Books and much more.

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - ...

This online auction features Antique Fire Extinguisher, Bott & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Handmade Quilts & Quilt tops, Asian furniture and decor, Arts and Crafts Supplies, Pokemon cards, Antique & Vintage Solid Wood Furniture, Cowboy boots, Vintage tools. Home Electronics & Tech Gadgets, Mid-Century Glassware, Dinnerware & Kitchen sundries, Fine china, Uranium glass, Microscopes, Garden decor, Jewelry, Nostalgic Toys & Games, Office Furniture, Equipment & supplies, Signed Original Art & numbered Prints, TVs, vintage magazines, Signed Artwork, Leather jackets, Stereo Equipment & Components, Furs, treasured items and much more!

North Andover (Massachusetts, USA) Moving Online Auction - Great Pon...

This online auction features Handmade Quilts & Quilt tops, A & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features crystal ware, fine bone china, Blue Mountain pottery, KD Smart electric mobility wheelchair, costume jewelry, furniture such as vintage chairs, antique oak cabinet, antique dressers, and TV stand, glassware, home decor, wall art, books, CDs, small kitchen appliances, chandelier, bicycles, yard tools and much more!

Oakville (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Old Abbey Lan...

This online auction features crystal ware, fine bone china, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Furniture, Sofa, Kitchenware, Royal Doulton, Pottery, Sculptures, Tables, Glassware, Flatware, Kitchen Appliances, Lladro, Stairlift, Costume Jewelry, Flat-screen TVs, Steam Trunks, China, Vintage Phones, Computer, Lamps and much more.

Burlington (Ontario, Canada) Estate Sale Online Auction - Fairview S...

This online auction features Furniture, Sofa, Kitchenware, R & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Kenmore dryer, Frigidaire washer, Coca-Cola collectibles, vintage Stiffel lamps, sterling silver, fine china, 54” Samsung TV, Sony Blu-ray player, furniture such as Henredon tables, love seats, MCM walnut tables, MCM dining table and chairs, cherry dresser, and leather sofa, power tools, lighting, welding supplies, hand tools, linens, costume jewelry, holiday decor, luggage, books, vintage toys, framed wall art, barware, small kitchen appliances, ceramics, office supplies, potter’s wheel, camping gear and much more!

Culver City (California, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - Cranks Ro...

This online auction features Kenmore dryer, Frigidaire washe & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Vintage Persian rugs including Isfahan, Kashan, Zanjan, Hamedan and more!

Thornhill (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction -...

This online auction features Vintage Persian rugs including & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features a paddleboat, furniture such as a buffet hutch, Knechtel chest of drawers, teak dining set, dressers, white cabinet and more, drying rack, children's items and toys, clothing, blanket holder, bird feeder, water cooler, MCM art, crystal and glassware, display boxes, caps, magazines, Christmas decor and much more!

Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - ...

This online auction features a paddleboat, furniture such as & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features fine china, decor plates, Hummel, Limoges, sterling silver, furniture such as wicker chairs, life chair, oak washstand, oak table with chairs, media cabinet, and La-Z-Boy chair, framed wall art, home decor, dishware, glassware, small kitchen appliances, planters, Christmas decor, electric BBQ, reference books, area rugs, new luggage, LPs, yard tools and much more!

Bath (Ontario, Canada) Estate Sale Online Auction - Heritage Drive

This online auction features fine china, decor plates, Humme & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Crystal, Sectional Sofa, Dining Room Set, Sterling Silver, Kitchenware, Drum Set, Games, Electronics, Books, VHS, Board Games, Sporting Equipment, Video Games and much more.

Asbury (New Jersey, USA) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - Blan...

This online auction features Crystal, Sectional Sofa, Dining & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Antique & Vintage Solid Wood Furniture, Candelabras, Arts and Crafts Supplies, Fitness Equipment & Sporting Goods, Mid-Century Glassware, Dinnerware & Kitchen sundries, Piano, sheet music, Textile art, Tapestries, African carved wood art, Nostalgic Toys & Games, Dolls, Men's & Women's clothing & accessories, Purses, jewelry, Books, MCM Furniture & Decor, Office Furniture, Equipment & supplies, Small Kitchen Appliances, Food prep, & gadgets, Sewing Machine & notions, Signed Artwork, Yard & Garden Grooming tools & Supplies, treasured items and much more!

West Hollywood (California, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - North ...

This online auction features Antique & Vintage Solid Wood Fu & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Vintage Pool Table, Upright Piano, Vintage Furniture, Beer Steins, TV, Vintage Trinket Box, Figurines, Area Rug, Collector Plates, Art Glass, Belleek China, Japanese China Tea Set, Blue & White Ceramics, Teapots, Indigenous Pottery, Hand Carved Totem Poles and much more!

Ancaster (Ontario, Canada) PARTNER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auctio...

This online auction features Vintage Pool Table, Upright Pia & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Artisan Pottery and Ceramics, Antique & MCM home goods, Blue Willow, Ridgeway, Textile art, Brunswick bowling balls, Danish Teak, Pyrex, Meakin, Copper kitchenware, Brass Lion Doorknocker, Highland Sporran & Tartan wool blankets, Signed art glass, wool yarn, Lava Lamp, nostalgic treasures and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction -...

This online auction features Artisan Pottery and Ceramics, A & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features fly fishing equipment, canoe, kayaks, cameras, fishing gear and tackle, Klipsch speakers, China, outdoor furniture, spotting scope, pine and mahogany furniture, vintage Lionel trains, decoy ducks, scaffolding ladders, yard tools, power tools, hand tools, lawn mower, surround sound system, braided rugs, cookware, garden tools, White sewing machine, snow blower, antique furniture, vinyl, books and much more.

Canton (Massachusetts, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - Washington ...

This online auction features fly fishing equipment, canoe, k & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features New in Open Box items such as Robot Vacuum, Gaming Laptop, Drones, Gaming Gear, Video Doorbell, Solar Lights, Dash Cam, Baby Monitor, Jump Starters, Smart Watches, and much more!

Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction...

This online auction features New in Open Box items such as R & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Saxophone, Apple Mac Towers, Leather Furniture, Computer Equipment, Electronics, BOSE, ROOMBA, Exercise Equipment, SONY, Bicycles, Artwork, Ninebot Unicycle, DVDs, Books, Tools, KitchenAid Mixer, Kitchenware, Camera Equipment, Go PRO, Power Tools, Electrical Components, Dressers, TVs and much more.

Los Angeles (California, USA) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auct...

This online auction features Saxophone, Apple Mac Towers, Le & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features stamp collection, Lionel train, Lladro, Limoges, Lenox, fine china, sterling silver, furniture such as rocking chair, Hitchcock table with chairs, vintage school desk, and bedroom set, power tools, glassware, lamps, record albums, telescopes, framed wall art, grandfather clock, CDs, DVDs, globe bar, bakeware, costume jewelry, 56” Sceptre TV and much more!

Madison (New Jersey, USA) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auction ...

This online auction features stamp collection, Lionel train, & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Soap Box Derby Vintage Racer, Tike Trike, LPs, Outdoor Chairs, Coins, Banknotes, Sports Cards, Vintage Johnny West Action Figure, Art Glass, Vintage Jerseys, Vintage Toys, Jewelry, Comics, Vintage Books, Cast Iron Skillets, Mitre Chop Saw, Brass Swan, Rain Stick Dijjerido and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction ...

This online auction features Soap Box Derby Vintage Racer, T & More

MaxSold Auction: This Charity/Fundraising Online Auction benefiting People to People Ministry features Salt & Pepper Shaker Collection, Baoding Balls, Collector Die-Cast Vehicles, Cat Collection, Toys, Football Apparel, Pfaltzgraff, Metal Wall Art, Talavera Plates, Craft Supplies, Toby Mugs and much more!

Phoenixville (Pennsylvania, USA) SELLER MANAGED Charity/Fundraising...

This Charity/Fundraising Online Auction benefiting People to & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Pro Sports memorabilia, trading cards & action figures, Collector's plates, Delft, Russian painted eggs, Silver-plated items, Nascar model vehicles, Vinyl LPs, 1960's music memorabilia, Star Trek collectibles, Vintage magazines & comic books, Sewing machine, Nostalgic Toys & Games, Sporting goods & gear, Skis, Die-cast vehicles, treasured items and much more!

Nepean (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - ...

This online auction features Pro Sports memorabilia, trading & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Original Artwork by Tadas Zaicikas (TedyZet) and Marc Chagall Lithographs and Andy Warhol, Lithograph, Book and much more!

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - ...

This online auction features Original Artwork by Tadas Zaici & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Sterling Silver Jewelry, Area Rugs, Antiques, Jewelry, Furniture, Art glass, Pyrex, Lamps, Pottery, Artwork, Wedgwood, Perfume, Kitchenware, Fishing Tackle, MCM and much more.

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction -...

This online auction features Sterling Silver Jewelry, Area R & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as MCM chairs, expanding MCM dining set, tray table stand, side tables, wooden chest, dresser, desk and chair, wood dresser, file cabinet, bedframe, vintage chair, armoire and more, vintage women's accessories, vintage cameras including a Polaroid Land Camera, wall art, figurines, mirror, fans, Olympia typewriter, space heaters, Nintendo Wii, sailor figure, Gibson freezer, MLS Foosball table, Christmas decor, weighted sterling, kitchenware, small kitchen appliances and much more!

Watertown (Massachusetts, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - Dartmout...

This online auction features furniture such as MCM chairs, e & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Carnival Glass Hurricane Lamp, Bentwood Chairs, Bunnykins, Binoculars, Horse Brasses on Leather, Royal Doulton Figurines, Hummels. Antique Pie Crust Table, Teacup Collection, Antique Bugle, Royal Doulton Character Jugs, Mayan Aztec Sculptures, Tankards, Fine Costume Jewelry. Hanne Lawrence Lidded Bowl and much more!

Oakville (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auction...

This online auction features Carnival Glass Hurricane Lamp, & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Vintage Patio Set, Vases, Bookcase, Vacuum, Art, Prints, Collectible Spoons, Fine China, Telefunken Vintage Stereo, Sewing Machine, China Cabinet, Microwave &Toaster, TV and much more!

Richmond Hill (Ontario, Canada) Estate Sale Online Auction - Oxford ...

This online auction features Vintage Patio Set, Vases, Bookc & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features fine china, Wedgwood, crystal ware, silver plate, vintage advertising, MacBook laptop, furniture such as teak MCM dining table and chairs, MCM dresser, desks, and night tables, dishware, crystal ware, small kitchen appliances, area rugs, pottery, shelving units, glassware, camping gear, home decor, wall art, LPs, hand tools, power tools, office supplies, bookbinding supplies, luggage, rowing machine, yard tools, ladders, automotive supplies and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Moving Online Auction - Cornerbrook Drive

This online auction features fine china, Wedgwood, crystal w & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as display cabinets, chairs, tables, and wooden pedestals, décor such as hanging mirrors, framed print, figurines, bookends, decorative plates, Limoges, and Staffordshire and much more!

Bolton (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - King Street Eas...

This online auction features furniture such as display cabin & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features NHL collectibles, collector plates, vintage dolls, sterling silver and 10k jewelry, Apple iPad, furniture such as child’s desk with chair, side tables, and antique table, original framed wall art, power tools, small kitchen appliances, dishware, glassware, planters, luggage, lamps, bedding, holiday decor, home health aids, costume jewelry, cameras, children’s toys, footwear, books, handbags, PlayStation 2 and 3 games, vintage Raleigh bike and much more!

Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) Estate Sale Online Auction - Scott-Dupuis W...

This online auction features NHL collectibles, collector pla & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as armoire, nightstands, Huntington House couch, dining table, desk, sideboard hutch, leather loveseat, and bench, décor such as area rugs and runners, glassware, hanging mirror, and framed art, electronics such as Sony camcorder and Hitachi camcorder and much more!

Sammamish (Washington, USA) Moving Online Auction - 230th Terrace So...

This online auction features furniture such as armoire, nigh & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as couch, bed, leather sofa, Oakworks massage table, and leather recliner, home décor such as area rug, faux plants, holiday decorations, Staffordshire, and Royal Doulton, exercise equipment such as Vision Fitness treadmill, appliances such as Miele oven, electronics such ad Sharp TV and HP Deskjet printer, toys such as wooden train set, Roco train sets, and Atlas track sets, outdoor furniture such as patio table and patio chairs and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Lyall Avenue

This online auction features furniture such as couch, bed, l & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features a Sherlock-Manning piano, Howard Miller grandfather clock, crystalware, Royal Standard china, silver tea set, lamps, cushions, wall art, handmade boat model, Corningware, furniture such as a corduroy chair, curio cabinet, end table, floral loveseat, coffee table, Skylar dresser and much more!

Sarnia (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auction -...

This online auction features a Sherlock-Manning piano, Howar & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions