Click on these regional tags to view Featured Past Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Baroque tea set, BMX bike, children’s books, cookie jar, outdoor brass lanterns, women’s clothing & shoes, designer handbags, power tools, DVDs, games, heater, pet products, 3D puzzles, and much, much, more!!!

Richmond Hill (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction...

This online auction features Baroque tea set, BMX bike, chil & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features coin sets, fishing gear, camping gear, outerwear, security cameras, vintage lighters, vintage books, sports trading cards, toys, games, hand tools, gaming gear, and more!

Saint Catharines (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online...

This online auction features coin sets, fishing gear, campin & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Star Wars collectibles, action figures, new Hot Wheels vehicles, vintage ceramic door knobs, Star Trek collectibles, Sports collectibles, new Pez dispensers, and more!

Aurora (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - In...

This online auction features Star Wars collectibles, action & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features vintage brass figurines, vintage jadeite, vintage Pyrex, origami paper basket, soapstone sculptures, art glass, perfume bottle, antique cloisonne teapot, vintage ashtrays, vinyl records, antique mirror, vintage guitar, and more!n

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) PARTNER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - ...

This online auction features vintage brass figurines, vintag & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features bamboo chair, wooden sculptures, Funko Pop!, novelty teapots, guitars, accordion, craft supplies, vintage computers/monitors, glass topped tables, and more!n

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction -...

This online auction features bamboo chair, wooden sculptures & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features sports trading cards, proof-like coin sets, specimen coin sets, proof coin sets, silver coins, comics, banknotes, die-cast vehicles, carousel horses, Royal Doulton figurines, Funko Pop!, games, toys, Pokemon collectibles, Lego figures, and more!

Newmarket (Ontario, Canada) PARTNER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction ...

This online auction features sports trading cards, proof-lik & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features art glass, Toby mug, perfume bottles, metal sculpture, brass figurines, art pottery, Carnival glass, MCM copper enamel plate, teacup/saucer sets, Royal Doulton & Lladro figurines, antique charm bracelets, vintage clay teapot, vintage jewelry, and much, much, more!!!n

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) PARTNER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - ...

This online auction features art glass, Toby mug, perfume bo & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features sports trading cards, non-sports trading cards, Star Wars collectibles, Pokemon cards, new games, vintage postcards, first-day issue stamps, baby shoes, toys, and much, much, more!!!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - E...

This online auction features sports trading cards, non-sport & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Star Wars collectibles, games, toys, vintage clothing, Red Rose Tea collectibles, Muppet figures, office supplies, pet products, stamps, small kitchen appliances, fitness gear, Disney collectibles, DVDs, jewelry, and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction -...

This online auction features Star Wars collectibles, games, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features oil lamps, antique serving plates, teacup/saucer sets, binoculars, soapstone carvings, inversion table, perfume bottles, TV, vintage ashtrays, art pottery, Star Trek collectibles, video game console & games, cameras, humidifier, air purifiers, hand puppets, printer, drone, portable air conditioner, DVDs, sewing machine, stones/rocks, jewelry, vinyl records, men’s clothing, small kitchen appliances, power tools, snow blower, lawnmower, yard tools, chainsaw, bike, vintage washing machine, and much, much, more!!!

Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auction -...

This online auction features oil lamps, antique serving plat & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features teacup/saucer sets, vintage tins, Japanese tea service, office supplies, art glass, Lladro figurines, antique hurricane lamp, vintage posters, vintage ashtrays, vinyl records, vintage Italian masks, vintage cedar chest, women’s clothing, games, vintage toys, dryer, washing machine, vintage vanity desk, costume jewelry, perfume bottles, and much, much, more!!!

Burlingame (California, USA) PARTNER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auct...

This online auction features teacup/saucer sets, vintage tin & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction includes wall art, mask, planters, trays, Limoges and other china, vintage Pyrex, vintage miniature cast iron stoves, books, camping supplies, vintage projector screen, lamps, linens, MCM chair, vinyl records, track tapes, clothing, accessories, sewing machine, board games and much more!

Ajax (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - No...

This online auction includes wall art, mask, planters, trays & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features TV, drum, leather jackets, outerwear, teacup/saucer sets, art pottery, art glass, costume jewelry, BBQ grill, patio furniture, outdoor fountain, small kitchen appliances, dehumidifier, stained glass panels, cameras, games, puzzle, fitness gear, hand tools, art supplies, pet products, office supplies, shelving units, canvas art, barrister bookcase, Carole Andrews artwork, guitars, gold jewelry, yard art, and much, much, more!!!

London (Ontario, Canada) PARTNER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - Wei...

This online auction features TV, drum, leather jackets, oute & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features leather furniture, patio furniture, area rugs, adjustable desk & chair, metal shelving, costume jewelry, teacup/saucer sets, games, puzzles, small kitchen appliances, camping gear, watches, yard art, and more!!

Sequim (Washington, USA) PARTNER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - Lon...

This online auction features leather furniture, patio furnit & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features dryer, snow racer, jogging stoller, skis, bike, exercise equipment, golf clubs, patio furniture, fitness gear, small kitchen appliances, desktop computer & accessories, costume jewelry, power & hand tools, video game console & games, Marilyn Monroe collectibles, toys, ice skates, inflatable boat, dirt bike apparel, solar lights, fishing tackle, and much, much, more!!!

Oshawa (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - Si...

This online auction features dryer, snow racer, jogging stol & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features metal signs, sports trading cards, sports collectibles, antique skelton key collection, comics, flatware sets, Joan Miro lithograph, Persian rugs, gold jewelry, engagement rings, military medals, library desk, Star Wars collectibles, Don Chase painting, Indigenous artworks, costume jewelry, pearl necklaces, coins, currency sets, banknotes, sterling silver jewelry, first-day covers, stamp collection, rock carvings, and much, much, more!!!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auction ...

This online auction features metal signs, sports trading car & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features NIB laser printer, small kitchen appliances, NIB folding exercise bike, air purifier, steam cleaner, tower heater, pet products, video games, new walkie-talkies, gaming gear, LED light strip, earbuds, beauty appliances, toys, fitness tracker, neck fans, and much, much, more!!!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) PARTNER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - ...

This online auction features NIB laser printer, small kitche & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction includes Remington typewriters, chandeliers, wood legs, Asian decor, china, kitchenware, lampshades, planters, stools, piano lamp, brass stand, garden urn, lenses, phonograph horn, sconces, antique toy sewing machine, silverplated coffee set and much more!

Newmarket (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction...

This online auction includes Remington typewriters, chandeli & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features costume jewelry, watches, vintage jewelry, vintage rosaries, art pottery, marbles, antique steamer trunk, women’s shoes, art pottery, small kitchen appliances, coins, pet products, power tools, glass top table, and much, much, more!!!

Arvada (Colorado, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - We...

This online auction features costume jewelry, watches, vinta & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features vintage table lamps, art glass, vintage mirrors, antique secretary desk, small kitchen appliances, drill press, bar stool, golf clubs, area rugs, fabric, art pottery, cameras, miniature tea set, bike, generator, snow thrower, TV, fitness gear, and much, much, more!!!

Frederick (Maryland, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction -...

This online auction features vintage table lamps, art glass, & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features blanket box, upright freezer, massage table/chairs, costume jewellery, coins, banknotes, electric fireplaces, stained glass fixtures, vintage Doulton figurines, watches, electric stove, refrigerator, area rugs, leather recliner, four-poster bed, Royal Copenhagen plates, perfume bottles, TV, small kitchen appliances, teacup/saucer sets, Folk paintings, and much, much, more!!!

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auction...

This online auction features blanket box, upright freezer, m & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction includes wall art, RCA TV and other electronics, cutlery, Royal Doulton and other figures, kitchenware, small kitchen appliances, ladders, lamps, bags, accessories, rugs, linens, furniture such as an occasional table, bookcases, dining table, folding chairs, china cabinets and many more!

Oshawa (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Charity/Fundraising Online A...

This online auction includes wall art, RCA TV and other elec & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features planter pots, yard tools, stereo components, metal wall art, kitchen utensils, outerwear, oil lamps, fabric, women’s clothing & shoes, TV, small kitchen appliances, power & hand tools, patio chairs, golf clubs, desk, office supplies, upright freezer, and much more!

Gig Harbor (Washington, USA) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Aucti...

This online auction features planter pots, yard tools, stere & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Mission Battery Bases for Echo Dot, LED light orbs, LED light strips, LED light bar, neck fans, handheld fans, cooling fans, ring lights, and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SHORT NOTICE PARTNER MANAGED Reseller Onli...

This online auction features Mission Battery Bases for Echo & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features gemstone jewelry, gold jewelry, freshwater pearl jewelry, silver jewerly, Pandora style beads, and loose gemstones such as diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, rubies, emeralds, citrine, and much more!!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) PARTNER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction ...

This online auction features gemstone jewelry, gold jewelry, & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features vintage Pyrex, teacup/saucer sets, vintage glass Christmas ornaments, Depression glass, Toby jugs, S & P shakers, trinket box,  art glass, antique dresser set, Royal Doulton figurines, Jadeite, vintage head vases, perfume bottles, wood screen room divider, Evesham, Goebel figurines, Hull tea set, antique cruet, vintage books, and much, much, more!!!

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auction...

This online auction features vintage Pyrex, teacup/saucer se & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features comics such as Indiana Jones, Justice League, Doctor Strange, Fantastic Four, Titans, Walt Disney, Daredevil, Silver Surfer, Warlord, Green Lantern, and much more!!

Aurora (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - In...

This online auction features comics such as Indiana Jones, J & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features gold ring, vintage watches, vintage jadeite pieces, teak furniture, stereo components, Wade figurines, coins, Delfts plate, vintage ashtray, beer tap handle, vinyl records, jewelry boxes, vintage lead soldiers, stamps, oil lamps, and much, much, more!!!

Ajax (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - Pick...

This online auction features gold ring, vintage watches, vin & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features original art, home health aids, outdoor toys, glass insulators, art pottery, art glass, scarves, tabletop football game,  small kitchen appliances, virtual reality headset, vintage toys, costume jewelry, stamps, men’s & women’s clothing & shoes, leather furniture, vinyl records, vintage bottles, children’s books, pocket watches, and much, much, more!!!n

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auction ...

This online auction features original art, home health aids, & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features banknotes, toques, games, diecast cars, puzzle, pet products, comics, CDs, outerwear, Paw Patrol toys, collector plates, vintage Pyrex, rain sticks, electric fireplace, and much, much, more!!!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) PARTNER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction...

This online auction features banknotes, toques, games, dieca & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features stamps, decorative plates, office supplies, vinyl records, miniature figurines, cork diorama, DVDs, salt stones, Hummel figurines, milk glass, Indigenous artwork, costume jewelry, vintage watch, small kitchen appliances, collector shoes, craft supplies, art pottery, CDs, women’s clothing & shoes, glass corner desk, and much, much, more!!!

Victoria (British Columbia, Canada) PARTNER MANAGED Moving Online Au...

This online auction features stamps, decorative plates, offi & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features watches, proof coins, sterling silver jewelry, vinyl records, Indigenous artwork, vintage trinket box, vintage magazines, Lego kit, antique book, vintage charm bracelet, comics, Depression glass, sports collectibles, vintage train cars, Pokemon cards, fishing gear, graphic novels, guitar, costume jewelry, art pottery, cuckoo clock, and much, much, more!!!

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auction...

This online auction features watches, proof coins, sterling & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Jim Shore Santa, crafting supplies, children’s books, enameled signs, infant clothing & accessories, Blu-Rays, vintage neon sign, women’s shoes, small kitchen appliances, construction extras, video games, pet products, and more!

Gig Harbor (Washington, USA) PARTNER MANAGED Downsizing Online Aucti...

This online auction features Jim Shore Santa, crafting suppl & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction includes coins, stamps, trading cards, Star Wars discs, tools, Ethiopian opal and other gemstones, toys, pottery, Royal Crown Derby china, accessories and more!

Inverary (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction ...

This online auction includes coins, stamps, trading cards, S & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction includes Funko Pop figures and other toys, stereo platform controllers, LED emergency exit sign, body slimming machine, meat slicer and more!

Upland (California, USA) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - Mo...

This online auction includes Funko Pop figures and other toy & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features charging & power bundles, HDMI cables, USB cables, earbuds, smartwatch, magnetic wireless chargers, Disney collectibles, radio sets, tripods, and much, much, more!!!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SUPER SHORT NOTICE PARTNER MANAGED Reselle...

This online auction features charging & power bundles, HDMI & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions