Click on these regional tags to view Featured Past Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Acer Chromebook, small kitchen appliances, portable projectors, digital piano, electric tools, Android tablet and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - W...

This online auction features Acer Chromebook, small kitchen & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Computer Accessories, LPs, Costume Jewelry, Watches, Toys, Vintage Books, Coins, Stamps, Baseball Memorabilia, 3D-Puzzles, Decorative Plates and much more!

East Brunswick (New Jersey, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Au...

This online auction features Computer Accessories, LPs, Cost & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Artwork by Olaf Schneider, Kathryn Torrance Bond, Joanne Clarke, S. Jarret, Laurie De Camillis, Stephen Kaye, Philp Craig, K. Lawrence, Marco Klee Fallani and much more!

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - ...

This online auction features Artwork by Olaf Schneider, Kath & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features silver 925 jewelry, furniture such as travertine dining table, and vintage curio, dinner chairs, home decor, CDs, framed wall art, small kitchen appliances and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction -...

This online auction features silver 925 jewelry, furniture s & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Sports & Non-Sports Trading Cards, Comics, Jewellery, NIB Leather Wallet Phone Cases, Art Glass, Teacup/Saucer Sets, New Jewellery, Hair Clips, & Keychains, Vintage Porcelain Figurines, New Clothing, Vintage Gargoyles, New Cookie Cutters, New Party Balloons & Decorations, Stamps and much more!

New Westminster (British Columbia, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller O...

This online auction features Sports & Non-Sports Trading Car & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Sports Collectibles, Simpson Collectibles, Steins, Star Wars Collectibles, Vintage Toys, Fishing Gear, Antique Bombe and much more!

San Francisco (California, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auc...

This online auction features Sports Collectibles, Simpson Co & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Bookcase, Games And Puzzles, Upholstered Chair, Wood Side Table, Fog Machine And Car CD Player, File Cabinets, Rolling Media Cart, Lamp, Ceramic Vase, Shelving Units, Keyboards, Cabinet, Vintage Doll Houses, Garden Tiller, Janis Mountain Bike, Piano With Bench, Acrylic Dinnerware and much more!

Concord (Massachusetts, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Plainfield ...

This online auction features Bookcase, Games And Puzzles, Up & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Coins, Toys, Stamps, Comics, New Baby Clothes, Vintage Children’s Books, Enesco Figurines, Sports & Non-Sports Trading Cards, Funko Pop, Art, Office & Scrapbooking Supplies, Puzzles, Board Games, Nascar Collectibles, Vintage Push Fire Engine, Swarovski Crystal Bracelets and much more!

Easton (Pennsylvania, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction ...

This online auction features Coins, Toys, Stamps, Comics, Ne & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Kids Bicycles, Pokemon Cards, LPs, Fold-up Bar, BBQ Grill, Baby, Toddler & Women's Clothing, Bar Signs, Grow Equipment, Children's Books, Hand & Power Tools, Small Kitchen Appliances, Costume Jewelry, Ski Equipment, Golf Clubs, Portable Washing Machine, Nascar Collectibles, Toys and much more!

Pawtucket (Rhode Island, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Aucti...

This online auction features Kids Bicycles, Pokemon Cards, L & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as a Bauhaus sofa, dining room table, chairs, kids junior chairs, bed frames, futon, shelving units, rocking chair and more, planting pots, surfboard, faux plants, mirrors, baskets, cleaning supplies, kitchenware, small kitchen appliances, electronics, decor and much more!

Orlando (Florida, USA) Moving Online Auction - Bardmoor Hill Circle

This online auction features furniture such as a Bauhaus sof & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features binoculars, vintage Hull pottery, art glass, carnival glass, collectible plates, stamps, porcelain figurines, trinkets boxes, decanters, antique books, Robinson Ransbottom vase, Native American art pottery vases, air compressor, glass insulators, vintage pinball game, vintage beer steins and much more!

St. Petersburg (Florida, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Aucti...

This online auction features binoculars, vintage Hull potter & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Lenox china, furniture such as sectional sofa, dining room table, dining room chairs, glass console table, and solid wood dresser, glassware, lamps, signed wall art, home decor and much more!

South Easton (Massachusetts, USA) Moving Online Auction - Indian Cov...

This online auction features Lenox china, furniture such as & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Antique China Cabinet, Vintage Chaise Longue, Victorian Rocking Chair, Art Glass, Art Pottery, Bar & Stemware, Antique Electric Fireplace, Vintage Cedar Chest, Jewelry, Art Supplies, Carnival Glass and much more!

London (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Renovation Online Auction - ...

This online auction features Antique China Cabinet, Vintage & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Cup & Saucer, Bar Stools, Table Lamp, Entertainment Center, Coffee Grinder, Dish Set, Area Rug, Shoe Rack, Space Heater, Blow Up Canoe Kayak, Printer, Window Fan and much more!

Bothell (Washington, USA) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - 201...

This online auction features Cup & Saucer, Bar Stools, Table & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Vintage Pearl Necklaces, Royal Doulton Figurines, Vintage Books, Decanter, Vintage Table Lamps, Area Rug, Vintage Dolls, China Dolls, Vintage Dinky Cars, Carnival Glass, Tea Saucers, Vintage Josef Original Figurines, Stone Sculptures, Collector Spoons, Fishing Lures, Hand Tools, Hardware and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) PARTNER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction ...

This online auction features Vintage Pearl Necklaces, Royal & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features an Encyclopedia set, a Mickey Mouse Jacket, Glassware, A Signed Poster by Jack Robbins, A Vintage Hairdryer and much more!

Baltimore (Maryland, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - Jonquil Avenu...

This online auction features an Encyclopedia set, a Mickey M & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as an audio cabinet, bookcase, chairs, bedframe, bookcase, china hutch and more, board games, RC cars, snowboard, vacuums, small home appliances, lamps, rugs, John Deere weeder, Frigidaire refrigerator, Maytag dishwasher, Frigidaire gas stove, First Act electric guitar, toys, albums and much more!

Hampstead (Maryland, USA) Moving Online Auction - Hanover Pike

This online auction features furniture such as an audio cabi & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features New in Open Box items such as Security Cameras, Small Kitchen Appliances, RC Toys, Headphones, Eye Glass Holder Necklaces and much more!

Richmond Hill (Ontario, Canada) PARTNER MANAGED Reseller Online Auct...

This online auction features New in Open Box items such as S & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction includes 2001 Honda Odyssey, collectible model cars, billiards table, furniture such as dining chairs, Baronet dresser, Broyhill dresser, kitchen table with chairs, and Deilcraft coffee table, lamps, musical instruments, home decor, Vizio TV, glassware, electric fireplace, Broil King BBQ, fishing gear, power tools, stairlift, John Deere lawn tractor, and much, much more!

Peterborough (Ontario, Canada) PARTNER MANAGED Moving Online Auction...

This online auction includes 2001 Honda Odyssey, collectible & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as a hope chest, microfiber sofa, oak dining chairs, antique vanity, oak dresser, nightstands, office chair and more, tools, Marty Bell art, faux ficus tree, VCR, Asian platter and more!

Stevenson Ranch (California, USA) Reseller Online Auction - Chisom L...

This online auction features furniture such as a hope chest, & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Coins, Banknotes, LPs, Teacup/Saucer Sets, Sports Collectibles, Porcelain Dolls, Scrapbooking Supplies, Puzzles, Children’s Books, Board Games, Sports Trading Cards, DVDs, Golf Clubs, Video Games, Stamps, Jewelry and much more!

Apache Junction (Arizona, USA) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auctio...

This online auction features Coins, Banknotes, LPs, Teacup/S & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features NIB Small Kitchen Appliances, Sewing Machine, NIB Small Refrigerator, New Kitchen Bakeware & Gadgets, Chest Freezer, Board Games, Judaica, Treadmill, Art Auction Catalogs, Samovars, Camping Gear, Men's Hats, Ethnic Kutas, Mandir Hindu Temples, Lederhosen, Toys, Chinese Calligraphy Brushes, Knitting & Jewellery Making Supplies, Digital Piano and much more!

Bremerton (Washington, USA) PARTNER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Aucti...

This online auction features NIB Small Kitchen Appliances, S & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features a Zygarde Pokémon Card, Vintage figurines, cordless phones, Vintage Rookie Review Cards, Mastercraft Rotary Tool Kit, Vintage comic books from Batman, Wolverine, The Incredible Hulk, The Adventures of Superman and much more!

Gananoque (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction...

This online auction features a Zygarde Pokémon Card, Vintag & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Antique Lacquer Jewelry Box, Pyrography Art, First Nations Art, Travel Pennants, Art Glass, Jewelry, Art Supplies, Religious Collectibles, Vintage Clarinet, Cigar Boxes and much more!

Victoria (British Columbia, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online...

This online auction features Antique Lacquer Jewelry Box, Py & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as vintage dressers, cabinet, hutch, wood bedframes, side table, file cabinets, metal cart and more, kitchenware, small kitchen appliances, clothing, magazines, linens, glassware, seasonal decor, pottery, chain saw and other tools, fishing equipment, fireplace items, atlas, Sears vintage record player, victrola, vintage cameras, frames and many many more!

Dallas (Texas, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Jordan Valley Road

This online auction features furniture such as vintage dress & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features New in Box items such as Beauty Appliances, Toys, Small Kitchen Appliances, Pet Products, LED Lighting, Wifi Cameras, DVDs, Sports Trading Cards, Heated Apparel, Earbuds, Drone, Smart Watches, and LPs, Vintage Books, Comics and much more!

Burlington (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction ...

This online auction features New in Box items such as Beauty & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as a pingpong table, Brunswick pool table, wicker rocker, chairs, tables, recliner, file cabinets, bookcases and more, vacuum cleaner, golf clubs, seasonal decor, vases, art, kitchenware, clocks, silverplate, flower pots, fireplace tools, lamps, wool rug, costume jewelry, plush animals and much more!

Dunwoody (Georgia, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - Summerset Lane

This online auction features furniture such as a pingpong ta & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Coins, Stamps, Vintage Bottles, Soapstone Carvings, Art Glass, Sports Cards, Comics, Graphic Novels, Collector Plates, Vintage Coke-Cola Trays, Pokemon Cards, Board Games, Art Mask, Wade figurines, Game Dice, Nascar Collectibles and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction ...

This online auction features Coins, Stamps, Vintage Bottles, & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as a sleeper sofa, armchair, coffee table, side table, dresser, bookcases, headboards and more, window treatments, yard tools, linens, kitchen storage, clothing, mirror, shower curtain, RCA TV, DVDs, electric bug zappers, Igloo mini wine fridge and much more!

Mahopac (New York, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - Tamarack Road

This online auction features furniture such as a sleeper sof & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features NIB Doll Furniture, Vintage Washboards, Jewelry Armoire Chest, Children's Books, Kids Bike, Electric Go Cart, Decorative Water Fountain, Electric Mobility Scooter, Roll Top Desk, Outdoor Fireplace, Wilton Cake Pans, NIB Surveillance Cameras and much more!

Morrisville (Pennsylvania, USA) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Aucti...

This online auction features NIB Doll Furniture, Vintage Was & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as table and chairs, and bed frame, home décor such as jewelry armoire, wall art, lamps, and clock, collectibles such as Pink Floyd poster, metal signs, souvenir currency and much more!

Burleson (Texas, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Brownford Drive

This online auction features furniture such as table and cha & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Stemware, Decanters, Barware, Serveware, Buddha Statues, Hutch and much more!

Powder Springs (Georgia, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Aucti...

This online auction features Stemware, Decanters, Barware, S & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features appliances such as Maytag dryer, Wedgewood stove, and GE refrigerator, furniture such as occasional tables, bed frames, dressers, patio chairs, and couch, home décor such as wall art, glassware, crystal, silverplate, and chandelier, fashion such as men and women's clothing, electronics such as Zenith TV, and vintage projectors, and much, much more!

Los Angeles (California, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - Barbydell...

This online auction features appliances such as Maytag dryer & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Vinyl Records by such artists as Chicago, Elton John, Elvis, BTO, Dave Brubeck, Gordon Lightfoot, Ultimate Spinage, The O’Jays, Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Cheech & Chong, Meat Loaf and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - W...

This online auction features Vinyl Records by such artists a & More

MaxSold Auction: This Charity/Fundraising Online Auction features Digital Video Camera, Stamps, Sound Mixers, Recording Equipment, Latin Percussion Cajon, Microphone, Upright Piano and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Charity/Fundraising Online ...

This Charity/Fundraising Online Auction features Digital Vid & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features cabinets, sofas, media storage, lamps, vacuum cleaner, Ottomans, books, shelving units, speakers, silverware sets, china sets and much more!

Arvada (Colorado, USA) Moving Online Auction - West 80th Drive

This online auction features cabinets, sofas, media storage, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions