Click on these regional tags to view Featured Past Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features wooden canopy bed frame, studio pottery, cowboy metal art, shot glass collection, decanters, wine rack, bar plaques, Mesquite wood table, Southwest-inspired art, antique crock, children's books, toys, area rug, yard art, bikes, collector plates, office supplies, baseball memorabilia, costume jewelry, Brighton watches and much more!

New River (Arizona, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - West Yucca Lane

This online auction features wooden canopy bed frame, studio & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features NIB small kitchen appliances, binoculars, scopes, phone stabilizers, camera bags, Swarovski jewelry, NIB ignition part, golf club shafts, LPs, NIB toys, NIB beauty products, die-cast vehicles, board games, new daybed mattress, coins and  much more

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction -...

This online auction features NIB small kitchen appliances, b & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features costume jewelry, kitchen gadgets, antique dolls, Wade miniature animals, craft supplies, Victorian linens, art glass, collector plates, office supplies, pet products, toys, trinket boxes and much more!

West Hempstead (New York, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auct...

This online auction features costume jewelry, kitchen gadget & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as bed frames, file cabinets, patio seating, tables, dressers and more, Salvador Dali sculptures, Elvis collectibles, wine cooler cabinet, refrigerator, electric fireplace, patio heaters, bathroom fixtures, watches, rubies, Christmas decor, books, office supplies, wall art, Lone Ranger memorabilia, small kitchen appliances, hardware, household supplies, outdoor lantern, costume jewelry, exterior lighting and much more!

Dedham (Massachusetts, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - Lakeside Av...

This online auction features furniture such as bed frames, f & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features art pottery, patio furniture, stereo, LPs, art glass, jewelry, NIB action figures, vintage Disney figurines collection, small kitchen appliances, first edition books, fishing gear, garden art, power tools and much more!

Campbell (California, USA) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - ...

This online auction features art pottery, patio furniture, s & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features record albums, Toshiba record player, lamps, furniture such as bar cabinet, La-Z-Boy sofa, patio set, vintage dining chairs, antique kitchen sideboard, and armoire, framed wall art, kitchenware, garden tools, metal lockers, power tools, utility winch, office supplies, sports gear, vintage toys, camping supplies, video drone, musical instruments and much more!

Battersea (Ontario, Canada) Moving Online Auction - Round Lake Road

This online auction features record albums, Toshiba record p & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features coins, yard tools, Pokemon cards, stamps, video game systems, Imari ware, vintage books, violin, Indigenous art, rattan furniture, yard tools, sterling silver jewelry, LPs, electric scooter and much more!

Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada) PARTNER MANAGED Downsizing Onli...

This online auction features coins, yard tools, Pokemon card & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features kitchenware, china tea set, lamps, electronics, crystalware, art, linens, florals, DJ equipment, Braunfels turkey fryer, furniture such as a coffee table, sectional sofa, cabinets, hutch, chairs and much more!

Stonecrest (Georgia, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - Fairington Ri...

This online auction features kitchenware, china tea set, lam & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features comics, DVDs, graphic novels, vintage sealed VHS, hardcover books, new toys, Blu Ray movies, new audiobooks, hand puppets, vintage books & toys and much more!

Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - ...

This online auction features comics, DVDs, graphic novels, v & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features an antique dresser and mirror, entertainment cabinet, recliner sofa, figurines, teacup set, lanterns, tool box and much more!

Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Montmorency Way...

This online auction features an antique dresser and mirror, & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features antique dining room table & chairs, fabric, swivel barstools, workout gear, canopy bed, engine hoist, power, hand & yard tools, hardware, lawn tractor, washer, dryer, skis, ski clothing, hobby kits, small kitchen appliances, water toys and much more!

Granite Bay (California, USA) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction -...

This online auction features antique dining room table & cha & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features screen door, old trunk, cooler, engine stand, table saw, air compressor, freezer, honey bottles, honey extractor, lawnmower, patio furniture, planters, planters, birdbaths, hay feeder, tools, wine barrels, farming tools and much more!

Warkworth (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - N...

This online auction features screen door, old trunk, cooler, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features various items such as paintings, decor, vases, bowls, tea set, lamp, frames, jewelry, candleholders, bags, art, bamboo shelf, clothing, shoes, mirror, books, couch, ceramics, and much more.

Victoria (British Columbia, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online...

This online auction features various items such as paintings & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as a trundle bed, patio seating, bookcases, chairs, nightstand, MCM kitchen cabinet, wicker chair, table, couch, wooden bench, shelving units and more, Penncrest refrigerator, vintage books, ashtrays, decor, seasonal decor, mosaic art, games, eagle decor, vintage kitchenware, small kitchen appliances, home items, snow globes and much more!

Westminster (Colorado, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - Holland Str...

This online auction features furniture such as a trundle bed & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features a cubby shelf, nightstand, coffee table set, water cooler, summer decor, 4th of July decor, Elvis collectibles, hair weaves, kitchenware, small kitchen appliances, accessories, electronics, toys, shoes, linens, sporting goods, DVD, home maintenance items and much more!

Wilmington (Delaware, USA) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - ...

This online auction features a cubby shelf, nightstand, coff & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features bed, dresser, table, lamps, chair, sofa, patio sofa, shelf, picture frame, glassware, kitchenware, TV and much more!

Port Charlotte (Florida, USA) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction -...

This online auction features bed, dresser, table, lamps, cha & More

MaxSold Auction: This Charity/Fundraising Online Auction features puzzles, toys, pet products, jewelry, designer purses, vintage lighters and much more!

Windsor (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Charity/Fundraising Online ...

This Charity/Fundraising Online Auction features puzzles, to & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features display case shelve, washstand, clothing, sewing box, construction hard hat, glass bottles, book, helmet, costume jewelry, yarn, lamp, pottery, glassware, home decors, women hats, sculptures, books, spice rack, a corner shelf, teapot, picture frames, coats, sculptures, rugs and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Business Downsizing Online...

This online auction features display case shelve, washstand, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features smart watches, wireless earbuds, table lamps, children’s toys, graphics tablet, gaming keyboards, security cameras and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - D...

This online auction features smart watches, wireless earbuds & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features an oak dresser, cabinet, chest, barware, Asian tea service, chess set, coins and stamp, fountains, oil lamps, figurines, wall art, pottery, overlock machine, Asian stand, automotive supplies, reel mower, trimmer, garden tools and much more!

Abbotsford (British Columbia, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Va...

This online auction features an oak dresser, cabinet, chest, & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as a gardening table, side tables, rattan table, loveseats, dressers, vintage cabinet, dining set and more, wall art, vases, lamps, kitchenware, Birks cutlery, small kitchen appliances, clothing, accessories, prints, shadowboxes, electronics, tools, hardware, yard tools, pots and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Moving Online Auction - Elmwood Avenue

This online auction features furniture such as a gardening t & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features costume jewelry, vintage brooches, toys, gaming cards, art pottery, Boyd's Bears, office & art supplies, porcelain eggs, board games, area rug and much more!

Scottsdale (Arizona, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction -...

This online auction features costume jewelry, vintage brooch & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features a vintage salad serving set, vintage Corningware, dolls, games, Ella the elephant plush case, framed prints, Star Wars items, Elder Scrolls Online dragon statue, books, Legos, Fostoria glass, vintage chess sets and much more!

Federal Way (Washington, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Aucti...

This online auction features a vintage salad serving set, vi & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features grill roasting, glassware, mugs, dresser, tiles, fans, weights, photo frame, tables, chairs, vases, home decors, bookcase, TV, mirror, entertainment center, recliner, keyboard, freezer and much more!

Peekskill (New York, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Brown Street (...

This online auction features grill roasting, glassware, mugs & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features rattan patio furniture, antique china cabinet, pedestal table, beds, dressers, nightstands and much more!

Huntington (New York, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction ...

This online auction features rattan patio furniture, antique & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features cabinets, dresser, hall tree, sewing table, china, costume jewelry, kitchen appliances such as fryer, roaster, freezer, painting and art supplies, tools box, riding lawn mower, chainsaws and much more!

Lawrenceville (Georgia, USA) Moving Online Auction - Jordan Court No...

This online auction features cabinets, dresser, hall tree, s & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features antique saddle stool, vintage tins, Aynsley, Lenox, Limoges, crystal ware, mid century pottery, vintage lamps, milk glass, framed art, glassware, Asian ceramics, brassware, vintage kitchenware, dishware, barware, light fixtures and much more!

Whitehall (Pennsylvania, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Spruce Str...

This online auction features antique saddle stool, vintage t & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This Charity/Fundraising Online Auction features vintage secretary desk, garden tools, beach chairs, golf clubs, games, Precious Moments, children's books & puzzles, reclining sofa, vintage Pyrex, cedar chest and much more!

Salem (New Jersey, USA) SELLER MANAGED Charity/Fundraising Online Au...

This Charity/Fundraising Online Auction features vintage sec & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as a wood desk, dining table, tea cart, upholstered settee, antique bench, sofa, chairs, bookcase, desk and more, outdoor plants, paper shredder, office supplies, small kitchen appliances, washer and dryer, Sears refrigerator, kitchenware, antique phone, books, miniature dishes, purses, home decor, Mousey Thompson carved items, Wedgwood, shelf cups and many more!

Sunnyvale (California, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - Susan Way

This online auction features furniture such as a wood desk, & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features vintage lighting & shades, perfume bottles, steins, teacup/saucer sets, costume jewelry, watches, vintage books & magazines, comics, copper cookware, oil lamps, antique furniture, cast iron stove, LPs, bamboo patio furniture, B.C. kayak, board games, concrete flower pots, puzzles, art glass, antique French print and much more!

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - ...

This online auction features vintage lighting & shades, perf & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features furniture such as dressers, bookshelves, sectional sofa, tables, chairs, shelving units, china cabinets, armoire and more, mirror, brass items, decor, lamps, kitchenware, sewing machines, baskets, garden decor, books, luggage, clothing, accessories and much more!

Annandale (Virginia, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - Cindy Lane

This online auction features furniture such as dressers, boo & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features a Zuhafa GPS drone, power banks, lights, smart keyboard cases, Cisco adapter, keyboards, headphones, Compex muscle stimulator, rechargeable hand warmer, solar lights, smartphone tripod, hygrometer, portable vacuum cleaner, Nadamoo barcode scanner, bluetooth music receiver and much more!

Brampton (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction - ...

This online auction features a Zuhafa GPS drone, power banks & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features board games, puzzles, Indigenous carvings, NIB Funko Pop, new Hotwheels, Wilton cake pans, LPs, teacup/saucer sets, sports & non-sports trading cards, milk glass, studio pottery, comics, mini WOW figures, Anime books, Bunnykins and much more!

Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - ...

This online auction features board games, puzzles, Indigenou & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features decorative trumpets, hangers, teak bowls, kilt skirts, thread, sewing material, sewing supplies, electric fireplace, hangers, divider, tiara, jewelry, wigs, platters and much more!

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction...

This online auction features decorative trumpets, hangers, t & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features power tools, pressure washer, pool equipment, TVs, plastic pallets, toys, storage, pegboard, galvanized steel tubs, gardening supplies, reclining sofas and much more!

Whitehall (Pennsylvania, USA) SELLER MANAGED Estate Sale Online Auct...

This online auction features power tools, pressure washer, p & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Cabbage Patch dolls, Shopkins, Legos, Barbie convertible, action figures, Star Wars collectibles, board games, vintage Disney books, collectible toys and much more!

Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Reseller Online Auction...

This online auction features Cabbage Patch dolls, Shopkins, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions