Click on these regional tags to view Featured Past Auctions
MaxSold Auction: A large collection of furniture (modern curio cabinet, Windsor-style rocking chair, dining table and chairs, highboy, bookcase, knechtel sideboard, arm chair, bookcase, wicker trunk, sofa bed), AJ Casson limited edition print, Carl Brenders Print, crystal and glassware, kitchenware, Noritake china, Christmas decor, costume jewellery and more.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Condo Online Estate Auction - King St W(...

A large collection of furniture (modern curio cabinet, Winds & More

MaxSold Auction: Auction features cameras, suitcase and photos, watches, train set, jewellery, walnut victorian chair, fireplace mantle and deflector, chairs, cabinet, french doors, roll up desk, collections of head and foot board, walnut dinning table and chairs, crystal lamp droppings, bookcase, records, drop front desk and bookcase and more.</br>
* If you buy items from multiple categories, please come at the later time slot.

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Business Liquidation Auction - Dupont St(...

Auction features cameras, suitcase and photos, watches, trai & More

MaxSold Auction: MaxSold has helped many people moving who don’t want to bring all the belongings that they hardly use. This Colorado Springs (Denver Area) Online Auction had a 100% sell through rate! The seller couldn't be more happier! (there was even a sauna in the online auction!)

Colorado Springs (Colorado, USA) Moving Auction - Filly Ln(79 Lots)

MaxSold has helped many people moving who don’t want to br & More

MaxSold Auction: Auction features furniture (sofa, chair, ladies fireside chair, dinning table and chairs, coffee table, pine corner cabinet, china cabinet), Pin Wheel crystal (decanter, long steam wine glasses, cream and sugar and more), glassware, mirror, appliances (fans, humidifier, vacuum), art, purses, linen, and more.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada)Online Condo Downsizing Auction - King St...

Auction features furniture (sofa, chair, ladies fireside cha & More

MaxSold Auction: Auction features Sterling Inlaid Silverware, silver plate, Paradigm speakers, brass, Royal Dolton china, garden lots, tools, work bench, step ladder, kitchen appliances, mirror, furniture (coffee table, side table, chair), electronics (Magellan RoadMate 2036 GPS, Denon CD player, portable room air cleaner), car accessories (Karrite Rooftop Carrier, winch, jacks, mirror), Yamaha piano, rugs, chairlift, Christmas ornaments and more!

Omemee (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Charlore Park Dr(100 ...

Auction features Sterling Inlaid Silverware, silver plate, P & More

MaxSold Auction: Auction features assorted dolls from around the world, large collection of jewellery (sterling earrings, cameo pin, necklace with diamond stud, turquoise, gold, pearl, amethyst), Tiffany sterling cup, original art, Yamaha guitar, kitchen appliances, furniture, office lot, garden lots, tools, camping supplies, wallets, souvenir spoons, historical photographs, Japanese china, collectibles, and more!

Silver Spring (Maryland, USA) Downsizing Auction - Kinsman View Cir(...

Auction features assorted dolls from around the world, large & More

MaxSold Auction: We are flattered when hired by retired antique dealers to handle the entire sale of their store contents (even though it happens a lot to us). This Toronto Downsizing Online Auction also features furniture and camera equipment and more. Who would have thought that a mystery box of photographs would raise $3300 for the seller! It goes to show that our MaxSold buyers have done their research and know value when they see it.

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Roxborough St W (Yong...

We are flattered when hired by retired antique dealers to ha & More

MaxSold Auction: Auction features garden lots, furniture (Kroehler swivel rocker, patio set, dinning room server, china cabinet, dinning table and chairs, kitchen table and chairs, wicker chair, ottoman), stereo set, kitchen lot, microwave, art glass, pottery, sewing machine, decor, glassware and more.

Georgina (30 min. from Newmarket, Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auctio...

Auction features garden lots, furniture (Kroehler swivel roc & More

MaxSold Auction: Bidding wars are not all that uncommon at MaxSold online auctions - and things heat up last minute - which is exactly what happened in the Warwick, Rhode Island Downsizing Online Auction. A suitcase full of historic editions of the Providence Journal and a vintage leather baseball glove got HOT with a whopping 190 bids bringing the seller over $3,000... talk about competition!

Warwick (Rhode Island, USA) Downsizing Auction - Timberline Road(83 ...

Bidding wars are not all that uncommon at MaxSold online auc & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features stained glass, sterling silver jewellery, Fisher Price Toy Telephone, Dutch Delft pottery,  Gold Stock Certificate, French Ivory Dresser Set Of 11 Pieces, amber depression glass, baseball cards,  vintage electric guitar, Franklin Mint Die Cast Woody Wagon Model, comic books, NHL memoribilia, Vintage Wood 7up Bottle Crate and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Pickers World SELLER MANAGED Online Aucti...

This auction features stained glass, sterling silver jewelle & More

MaxSold Auction: Clocks, stainless flatware, silver plate, Greg Paulter ship prints, end tables, chairs, blankets, vintage grooming set, toys, glass and crystal, Johnson Brothers ironstone china, electric lawn mower, bench saw, garden lots (bird bath, flag stone, bench, fountain bench and more), christmas lot, air conditioner, jewelry and silver dollars, and more.

Cambridge (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Christopher ...

Clocks, stainless flatware, silver plate, Greg Paulter ship & More

MaxSold Auction: For this Oshawa (Ontario) Downsizing Online Auction, MaxSold auctioned original art by M. Bates, W. L. Wylie, Andre Besse and Peter Max. Also included ruhs, furniture and glassware. MaxSold rocked this auction with a 100% sell through rate!

Oshawa (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Woodbine Pl (Wincheste...

For this Oshawa (Ontario) Downsizing Online Auction, MaxSold & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: Toro snow blower, mobility scooter, Russian samovar, Janome Serger, etchings, tea cups, Coca Cola crates, Seth Thomas hall clock, records, Pewter tea service, eaerly ladders, art and more.

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Monkton Ave ...

Toro snow blower, mobility scooter, Russian samovar, Janome & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Vintage Lionel Train Tracks, Royal Albert "Silver Birch" Bone China, Citation furniture love seat, original art, binoculars, lambskin, large appliances, kitchen accessories, decorative wall hangings and home decor, comic books, tools, storage bins, ladder and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Aylmer Cres(128 Lots...

This auction features Vintage Lionel Train Tracks, Royal Alb & More

MaxSold Auction: This Boston moving online auction is full of interesting vintage, quality furniture and flatware. The online auction even had a L&F Moreau Lamp.

Boston (Massachusetts, USA) Moving Online Auction - Orient Ave(243 L...

This Boston moving online auction is full of interesting vin & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: ** Live View: 8 lots closing each minute ** This auction features a large collection of fine bone chine, Sterling Silver, pecan gentleman's chest, armoire, maple drop front desk, lamps, Fishing Equipment, telescope, Humpback Trunk, Playboy Magazine Collection, Old Glass Front Bookcase , Marble-Topped Round Table, Mantle Clock, tools, dolls, and much more!

Lawrenceville (Georgia, USA) Moving Auction - Arnold Rd(102 Lots)

** Live View: 8 lots closing each minute ** This auction fea & More

MaxSold Auction: **LIVE VIEW: 8 lots closing each minute to make it easier to follow along.** This auction features a beautiful collection of teak furniture including Honderich Teak Chairs, Frontier Furniture wardrobe, Serving Dishes, glassware, Rosenthal China, sleeping bag, Zenon strobe light, vintage typewriters, bookcases, books, and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Howland Ave (Bathurst...

**LIVE VIEW: 8 lots closing each minute to make it easier to & More

MaxSold Auction: Craftsman snow blower, furniture (head board and footboard, love seat and matching chair) soft top for TJ, doors and hood for TJ, air compressor, shop vac, stove, fridge, end tables, microwave, floor jack, back seat for TJ, lawn mower, garden hose, photo printer, ceiling lights, hub caps, Christmas ornaments, serving trays, garden decor, game board, and more.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Storage Locker Auction - People's St...

Craftsman snow blower, furniture (head board and footboard, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: Sea container, cooler, heater, tub full of blankets, Coleman pump, magic chef fridge, furniture (rop leaf, nesting tables, teak headboard, sofa, chair, and bedroom dresser), console turn record player, lots of boxes, and more

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Storage Locker Auction - Climate Controll...

Sea container, cooler, heater, tub full of blankets, Coleman & More

MaxSold Auction: Graphic novels boxes and boxes of comics, signed prints, telescope, air mattress, hockey equipment, box of purses, collector spoons, Jobmate shop vac, furniture (sideboard, tables, chairs, china cabinet, and curio cabinet), fishing poles, round table, Kenwood speakers, sport cards and more.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Storage Locker Auction - All About Storag...

Graphic novels boxes and boxes of comics, signed prints, tel & More

MaxSold Auction: Furniture, golf tees, fan, bed, garden lots, electronic, wine fridge, bag of hockey equipment, hockey sticks, snow shovel, misc French books, Patrick Roy pic, sleeping bag and more.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Storage Locker Auction - Get Smart Storag...

Furniture, golf tees, fan, bed, garden lots, electronic, win & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: What a fun, colourful auction this Califon, New Jersey MaxSold Moving Online auction was. This auction features a lot of pop art inspired posters and prints, solid wood furniture and modern pieces. With such eye catching items there is no surprise this auction raised $12,655 for the sellers!

Califon (New Jersey, USA) Moving Online Auction - Dinner Pot Rd( 238...

What a fun, colourful auction this Califon, New Jersey MaxSo & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features old glass windows, old oak piano bench, Indian rug, bamboo book rack, old metal buggy carriage seat, dome trunk, old hand weights, vintage metal candelabra, wood duck decoy, old pine wood door and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Millcreek Antique/Architectual Salvage SE...

This auction features old glass windows, old oak piano bench & More

MaxSold Auction: MaxSold loves cars! Especially new cars like the 2009 Toyota Venza sold in this Kingston downsizing auction which came with a set of 4 winter tires! Those 2 items alone brought in $15, 250 for the seller!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Fairway Hill Crescen...

MaxSold loves cars! Especially new cars like the 2009 Toyota & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction feateures Deilcraft furntiure, Vermillion salad bowl set, Ceramic pitchers, Florentine style nesting tables, Rogers Bros silver plate curlery, Royal Doulton Figures, vintage vinyl chairs, Bravia LCD TV, Malcolm dresser, Upright Freezer, and much more!

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Blackdown Crescent ...

This auction feateures Deilcraft furntiure, Vermillion salad & More

MaxSold Auction: Auction features trivets, brass shoe horn, early snowshoes, early barometer, oak cabinet top, Wolfcraft Roller extension stand, primitive lot (mounted wrenches, horse brass, buck saw, hand saw, kitchen utensils), large collection of tools (clamps, wet sharpener, grinder, wide board clamps, antique English pewter tea set, table, wool rugs, train engine by Hornb, Jelly Roll Morton records, board games, 1885 History of Britiish Eloquence book, and more.

Thornbury (1 hr 20 min from Barrie, Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Onli...

Auction features trivets, brass shoe horn, early snowshoes, & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features 1937 Mason & Risch solid oak baby grand piano, original art, antique secretary, carnival glass dish, Sony Bravia 53" LED 1080p television, Roberto Alomar autograph picture, leather 3 seater sofa, glassware, flatware and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Rosemary Rd (Bathurst...

This auction features 1937 Mason & Risch solid oak baby gran & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: It didn't matter that this Estate was in Omemee, a rural town in Ontario, with only a few thousand people. MaxSold went all out in marketing far and wide and made this sale a huge success! Auction featured tractors, Royal Crown Derby china and much more!

Omemee (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - (Trans-Canada Hwy 7...

It didn't matter that this Estate was in Omemee, a rural tow & More

MaxSold Auction: If you are looking to furnish your house MaxSold is definitely the place to go. This King City (Ontario) Downsizing Online Auction had so many quality furniture pieces including a bed, bar and china cabinet as well as some original art.

King City (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Keele St (Da...

If you are looking to furnish your house MaxSold is definite & More

MaxSold Auction: Local collector, the late Phil Koven had a passion for collecting. Over the years he assembled a collection of trains, hat pins, china, glass, Persian rugs, antique furniture, and even a couple of unusual miniature music boxes. The printing press was formerly owned by the late David Holmes, a local artist of note who was represented by a New York Gallery. In all, the auction, in two sessions includes over 400 lots of interesting and varied items from their hwy 15 home.

Part 2 of 2 Online Auction: Sterling silver cutlery, vanity seat, Royal Dolton figures, Silver plated  candle holders, fine linen, Wedgewood china, Native head dress, pewter charger plates, CP Rail conductor hat, slot machine, large collection of model trains, chest, mahogany bonnet chest of drawers, crock, large lot of print fonts, cigarette tins, large collection of miniatures, oil on board, stained glass and lots more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Highway 15 (P...

Local collector, the late Phil Koven had a passion for colle & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This Kingston downsizing auction features an eclectic mix of high quality items, bringing in  $23,569 for the seller! This included persians rugs, which always sell for top dollar, original art and sterling silver. If you are feeling lucky this auction also had a slot machine.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Auction - Highway 15 (Part 1)(...

This Kingston downsizing auction features an eclectic mix of & More

MaxSold Auction: Auction features low-hour McCulloch Riding Mower, electric sign, motorola radios, floor stapler, Stihl chainsaw, Rebar wire tires, Rebar wire twister, electrical switches, bolts and nuts, plumbing test plugs, security cameras, tools, office equipment and lots more!

Gananoque (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Business Overstock Auctio...

Auction features low-hour McCulloch Riding Mower, electric s & More

MaxSold Auction: K.K.I.D.S. (Kingston Kids With Illness Deserve Support Inc.) is a volunteer organization that raises money and awareness to support special projects for sick children in the Greater Kingston community. These projects focus on helping sick children and their families cope with the stress of serious illness.
In the early 1990s a small group of volunteers identified and were moved by a decline in funding for special projects for sick children and their families in the Greater Kingston community.  These concerned individuals came together and formed a small but dedicated non-profit volunteer organization to make a difference in the lives of Kingston families.  That non profit group is now a registered childrens charity, known today as K.K.I.D.S. (Kingston Kids with Illness Deserve Support Inc.) and has been raising money and awareness for sick children in our community ever since.  One of their projects involves providing funding assistance to the patients of the Child Development Centre at Hotel Dieu Hospital.

Thank you for visiting our auction and supporting K.K.I.D.S. (Kingston Kids With Illness Deserve Support Inc.)

 Good Luck!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) K.K.I.D.S Kingston Kids With Illness Dese...

K.K.I.D.S. (Kingston Kids With Illness Deserve Support Inc.) & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: Auction features Samsung 40"TV, chess set, vintage cameras, vintage gas mask, R. Hubbleinck watercolours, vintage Philco radio, safe, yard tools, trunk, plastic and metal storage unit, garden lot, oak buffet, lamps, Mikasa Cambridge china set, wool area rug, kitchen table and chairs, metal tonic trucks, heater, pet crate, exercise equipment, and more.

Sandy Springs (Georgia, USA) Moving Online Auction - Hunters Branch ...

Auction features Samsung 40"TV, chess set, vintage cameras, & More

MaxSold Auction: Auction features film reels, Whirlpool range hood, Dewalt compound mitre saw, Schwinn electric scooter, A&W sign, iPod sign, snow boards and clubs, Drywall drills, cadenza, plumbing supplies, air compressor, power washer, Westinghouse radio, Electrohome radio, portable heater, range hood and heating vent covers, books, metal fencing and more.

Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) Short Notice Business Liquidation Auct...

Auction features film reels, Whirlpool range hood, Dewalt co & More

MaxSold Auction: Auction features teak wall lamp, 1970's style leather chair, original art on board and watercolour, lithograph, Chinese motif, upright piano, shelves, dresser, chairs and tables, washer, kitchen lot, Noritake china and more.

Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) Condo Downsizing Auction - Dixie Rd (...

Auction features teak wall lamp, 1970's style leather chair, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions