Click on these regional tags to view Featured Past Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Large Collection of Coins, Mint Proofs, Gold and Silver Jewellery, A Johnny Bower Autographed Pepsi Puck, Sealed Package Of Oshawa Generals Cards, Sterling 925 Canadian Olympics Silver Charm, Rare High Grade 1902H 10 Cent MS64 ICCS, 925 Sterling Silver Vancouver BC Collector Spoon, Set Of 4 Russian Military Medals, Mint Fleer Larry Bird Card In Plastic Holder, 12" Hand Carved Wooden Duck Decoy, Vintage Brass Dog And Cat Society Dog Tag, Supper Nintendo Animaniacs Game In Holder and much more!

South Frontenac (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Auction (January) -...

This auction features Large Collection of Coins, Mint Proofs & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features China Cabinet, Wicker Items, Server, China, Collectables, Rugs, Tea Cart, Dresser, Bed, Side Tables, Lamps, Medical Aids, Dining Table and Chairs, Couch, Arm Chair and more!

CONDO Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Online Auction - Cha...

This auction features China Cabinet, Wicker Items, Server, C & More

MaxSold Auction: This Toronto Downsizing MaxSold Online Auction was one of our top sellers in January. Interesting finds were Sterling Silver, World War 1 binoculars, a rare early 19th Century black lacquer cabinet and original art. It is definitely worth a peruse!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Avenue Rd (401...

This Toronto Downsizing MaxSold Online Auction was one of ou & More

MaxSold Auction: It is hard to have ONE thing to get attached to when dealing with clients goods, but there is something about pianos we love. This MaxSold Downsizing Auction in Toronto had a gorgeous Heintzman & Co. Upright Piano which sold for over $2,500. Although pianos typically aren't top sellers these days (a majority of auction houses, consignment stores and donation places will not take them anymore), However, MaxSold is the best vehicle to foster competitive bidding - it also helped to have great pieces of art, antiques and a Ridgeway grandfather clock which attracted lots of views to the sale.

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Cedarland Dr...

It is hard to have ONE thing to get attached to when dealing & More

MaxSold Auction: Another great auction in for our repeat sellers in Kingston. Featuring a Toyota Yaris, audi, leather couches, persian rugs and a bowrider boat there is no surprise that MaxSold has helped these sellers make over $11,000!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Discovery Avenue

Another great auction in for our repeat sellers in Kingston. & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Fusion Booster Juicer, Keurig Coffee Brewer, Bar Stools, Tools, Shark Navigator Lift Away Vacuum, Pine Table & Chairs, Decor Items, Electronics, Maple Rocking Chair, Royal Albert China, Nintendo Wii, Plant Stands, Keirstead Print, Signed Caithness Paperweight,  Sterling Jewellery, Singer Sewing Machine, Emergency Escape Ladder, Front Load Wash, Dryer and so much more!

Norwood (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Centre Line Rd

This auction features Fusion Booster Juicer, Keurig Coffee B & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Vintage Schwinn Bike, Antique Linens, Rogers Silver Co, Lladro, Crystal, Tiffany and Co. Sterling Silver, Vintage Religious Items, Vintage Clocks, Rugs, Batik Tribal Art, Tools, Homer Laughlin plates with 22kt gold Accents, Large Collection of Books, Records, Vintage Dresser With Mirror, Vintage Velvet Chair, Cream French Provincial Desk  and much more!

Bethesda (Maryland, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Westbard Ave

This auction features Vintage Schwinn Bike, Antique Linens, & More

MaxSold Auction: At MaxSold we love cars from back in the day, such as this Jaguar, even if it was not driven in decades. This Atlanta area Cumming MaxSold Estate Online Auction also included a Howard Miller Floor Clock, Bose sound system, a safe and other interesting finds (including the usual Lladro figurines.).

Cumming (Georgia, USA) Estate Online Auction - Brookline Court

At MaxSold we love cars from back in the day, such as this J & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Nintendos, Sega Genesis, Playstations, PS2, Game Cube, Collections of Souvenir Spoons, Records, Fishing Tackle, Watches, Jewellery, Snowboard, Ashton Drake Dolls, Belly And Tongue Rings, Film Cameras, Air Hockey Game, Blue Mountain Pottery, Diamond Cut tilting table saw, Taxi Signs, Chalet Glass Bowl, Coleman Stove, Coach Purse and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Olde Circle Market SELLER MANAGED Auction...

This auction features Nintendos, Sega Genesis, Playstations, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features 5 Drawer Teak Dresser, Teak Queen Bed frame And Mattress, Teak 9 Drawer Dresser, Retro Lamps, Rugs, Nexus Walker, Gibbard, Walnut 6 Drawer, Electronics, Lazyboy Recliner, Exercises Items, Tools and more!

Burlington (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Highview Dr...

This auction features 5 Drawer Teak Dresser, Teak Queen Bed & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Walnut Drop Leaf Table, Collection Of Vinyl Records And Books, Original Artwork, Arm Chair, Mahogany Dining Table, Postcards And Old Newsprint Lot, Rugs, Craftline Mahogany Side Table, Royal Doulton, Crystal, Silver Plate, Oak China Cabinet, Morettes Chairs, Wood Secretary, Mink Fur Coat and much more!

CONDO Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Keele St (Be...

This auction features Walnut Drop Leaf Table, Collection Of & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Bombay Coffee Or Tea Service, West German Pottery, Vintage Walnut China Cabinet, Original Artwork, Duck Decoys, Corningware Casserole Dish, Metal Decorative Eagle, Pottery, Antique Oak Chair, Copper Fireplace Seats, Antique Tapestry Occasional Chair, Oriental Cocktail Shaker, Royal Hager Ceramic, Mid-Century Stainless Steel Lot, Vintage ESSO Yellow Plastic Oil Drop, Vintage McDonalds Hamburglar, Brass Candle Stick, Old Steamer Trunk and much more!!

Kingston/Bath (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Auction - ...

This auction features Bombay Coffee Or Tea Service, West Ger & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Universal Pressure Washer Car Wash Brush Set, Armor-All Wash Sponge, Black Knight Roof Repair, Pressure Washer Water Broom, Indoor Outdoor Thermometer, Double Cut blade, Worx Tri Vac., Garden Hose 50 FT, Ear Plugs, Multi Tool Blade, Stanley Mitre Box With Saw, Stanley Staple Gun, Workboots. Size 13, Mintcraft Drywall Aluminum Hawk, DeWalt Tape Rule 30 FT and much more!

Gananoque (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Business Overstock Online...

This auction features Universal Pressure Washer Car Wash Bru & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Antique Wood Cabinet, Ceramic Bakeware, Wood Steeple Bell Box, Vintage Food Shredders, Old Harrowsmith Magazines, Vintage Kitchen Ware, Kitchen Cabinet, Wicker Arm Chair, Vintage 1950's Table And Bench Seats, Vintage Records And Tapes, Vintage Sears Record Player, Snowshoes, Metal Detector, Artwork, Vintage Telephone, Vintage Tins, Weedeater Trimmer, Silver Plate and much more!

Napanee (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Online Auction - East St

This auction features Antique Wood Cabinet, Ceramic Bakeware & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Gold and Silver Jewellery, Tin Lithograph Pictures, Playboy Watch, Washer And Dryer, Hockey Trading Cards, Digital Camcorder, Porcelain Dolls, Solid Wood Buffet, Vintage Ice Skates, Computer Parts, Gold Rimmed Plates, Anne Geddes Prints, Records, Shoes and Boots, Tools, Collectable Coins, Halogen Projector Lamp, Electric Drums, Snow Plow Light, Paintball Gun and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction ...

This auction features Gold and Silver Jewellery, Tin Lithogr & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features vintage radios, bamboo Binds, Collection of Stemware, Shells, Furniture, Mantel Clock, Koch Messer set of knives, Vintage Kitchen Items, Camera And Adding Machine, Oak cabinet, Hamilton beach five light chandelier, Tea Service Set, Antique Sewing Machine, Aluminum ladder, Industrial Freezer and Fridge, Fire Pit, Cast Iron Pots and so much more!!

Belleville (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Pine St

This auction features vintage radios, bamboo Binds, Collecti & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Vintage Stamp Collection, Chicago White Socks Signed Photo, Antique Reference Toy Price Guide, John Deere License Plate Tin Sign, Vintage Smoking Pipe, Vintage Smoking Pipe, Tribal Necklace, Marty McSorley Signed Card, Older Telegraph Device, Vintage Hand Drill, Older Door Knobs, Vintage Piggy Bank, A-Team Comic Book Issue #1, Inuit Soapstone, 10k Gold Floral Theme Pendant and so much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Pickers World SELLER MANAGED Online Aucti...

This auction features Vintage Stamp Collection, Chicago Whit & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Teak Sideboard, Dinning Table and Chairs By Imperial Stratford, Waterford Crystal, Artwork, Home Decor, Wrought Iron Fireplace Tools, Stained Glass Lamp, Adjusta-Magic Bed, Kitchen Items, Glassware, Royal Albert China, Lladro, Silverplate, Collectables, Area Rugs, Brass Finished Ceiling Fans and much much more!!

Peterborough (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Stratton Ave

This auction features Teak Sideboard, Dinning Table and Chai & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Sterling Silver, Carelli Violin, Microscope, Jewellery, Sony Explode woofer, Peavey amplifiers, Singer sewing machine, Autoharp, World Globes, Ladies Skyline Bicycle, Original Artworks, Wedgwood China, Cranberry Glass, Soap Stone, Silver Plate, Waterford Crystal, Royal Doulton, Victorian Medicine Dishes, furniture, Mink, Fox, Seal, Racoon, Lamb, Rabbit Coats and Jackets and much more!!!

North York (Ontario, Canada) Business Liquidation Online Auction - O...

This auction features Sterling Silver, Carelli Violin, Micro & More

MaxSold Auction: This Hamilton Antiques and Art MaxSold Online auction is full of beautiful pieces - including a gorgeous Danielle O'Connor Akiyama Oil on Canvas! the auction also included stuff every girls' dream is made out of: Tiffany's jewellery, a postcard for the Titanic and lots of art.

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) Antiques and Art Online Auction - East Av...

This Hamilton Antiques and Art MaxSold Online auction is ful & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Panasonic 50 Inch DLP Tv HDTV, New 100 Lbs Weight Set, Polk Audio Corner Speaker, Uryu Torque Control Screwdriver, Husky Air Hammer Hdt103 New, Husky 0.5 Inch Impact Wrench New, Airworks Humidifier Sh1150 New, Precision Acoustic In Dash Stereo Bluetooth, Skullcandy Headphones Lowrider New, Side Table Lamps and more!!

SELLER MANAGED Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) Business Liquidation On...

This auction features Panasonic 50 Inch DLP Tv HDTV, New 100 & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Wedgwood, Moorcroft, Faberge - Peter The Great Egg, Crystal, Vases, Bakers Shelf, Johnson Bros Dishes, Sterling Silver Flatware, Gerber Carving Set, Collector Spoons And Coins, Royal Doulton Dish Set, Ginger pot style urn, Pedestal Table, Soapstone, Appliances, Prints, Dry Sink, Golf Lot, Lamps, Purses, and much more!

Brampton (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Mill St S (Ma...

This auction features Wedgwood, Moorcroft, Faberge - Peter T & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Hand Blown Glass Unicorn Paper Weight, Pair Of Oxford Silver Plate On Lead Salt & Pepper, Leather Cowboy Hat Green Underside, Halo Computer Game In The Box With Manuel, Circulated 1954 2 Dollar Canadian Bill, 6 Sealed Packs Of The Rocketeer Trading Cards, Sterling Silver 925 Ring, Prehistoric Fish Fossil, Retro Tin Sign, Mighty Movers Die cast Tractor In Box, 10 Dollar Liberian Coin Hologram Liberty, Blue China Plate, Russian Military Medal, 1913 Older Canadian Large Cent Coin, Vintage Kodak Instant Camera In Leather Case, Autographed Golden Originals Beehive Card and much much more!!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Joe's Wholesale SELLER MANAGED Onlin...

This auction features Hand Blown Glass Unicorn Paper Weight, & More

MaxSold Auction: The seller was actually turned down by local galleries and consignment stores because they were already overflowing with art. MaxSold to the rescue! This Vancouver, BC area MaxSold Online Auction sold everything in just 2 weeks - and the seller was full of praises for MaxSold. The painting Port Hood Fishboats By Mike Svob had the highest selling price of over $1000.

Delta (British Columbia, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - 55 St (...

The seller was actually turned down by local galleries and c & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Braemore Large Wood Sideboard, Early Armchair, Bauhaus Love Seat, Hanging Oil Lamp, Weight Scale, Old Clark Bed / Foot Warmer, Signed Artwork, 2 Early Duck Decoys, Vintage Electric Lamp, Older East lake Style Couch, Victorian Cast Iron Wood Stove, Antique Wool Winder, Automotive Creeper and much more!!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Hwy 15 (40 Lo...

This auction features Braemore Large Wood Sideboard, Early A & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Restaurant Tables, Cash Drawer And Adding Machine, Restaurant Cutlery, Serving Trays, Dishes, Stainless Bowls, Soup-Warmer, Hall Bench, Escargot Dishes, Couter Top Fryer, Walk In Fridge, Stainless Heat Table, Gravity Globe Feeder Slicer, Moffat Table Top Grill, Sugar, Salt And Peppers, Baker's Rack, Take Out Containers, Industrial Ice Maker, Plastic Shelves, Cooling Rack, Chest Freezer and upright freezer, Fire Extinguishers and much more!

Gananoque (Ontario, Canada) Restaurant Liquidation Online Auction - ...

This auction features Restaurant Tables, Cash Drawer And Add & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Teak  and Vintage Retro Furniture, Teak Framed Mirror, Kahnert Furs Racoon Full Length Coat, Original Art, Rugs, Coffee Table, Server With Shelving, Retro Dishes, Buffet and Hutch, Crystal, Vintage Furniture, Vintage Lamp, Wall Hangings, Vintage Studio Couch, Postcards And Globe Lot, Soap Stone Carving Lot, Souvenir Collectibles, Wardrobe, Firewood and much more!!

North York (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Sandringham...

This auction features Teak and Vintage Retro Furniture, Tea & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Beautifully illustrated bound Torah, Sterling Silver Medals, Sterling Silver Coins, 1996 Proof $2 Piedfort And Bank Note Sets, Older Canada Coins, Israel Silver (.999) Medallions, Great Britain and Israel Bank Notes, Bronze Israel Medals, Lot of Canada Money Rolls, Stamps, 2002 Queen Mother Silver Dollar, Proof Sets, Old European Paper Money, Australia Silver 2 Ounce $2.00 Coins, France Currency and 5 Franc Silver Coin 1875 and much much more!!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Coin and Stamp Auction ...

This auction features Beautifully illustrated bound Torah, S & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Antique Ivory Colour Hall Table, Vintage Wrought Iron Chairs, Wrought Iron Chairs, Duncan Phyfe Couch, Artwork and Decorative Items, Giant Wood Sideboard, Dining Room Table And 4 Chairs, Frigidaire Gallery Series Stove, Bombay Company Wood Side Table, Wooden Storage Cabinet, Kenmore Elite Front Load Dryer and Washer, Wicker Furniture, Hall Bombay table, King Size Four Poster Bed Set and so much more!!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Jasper Ct (11...

This auction features Antique Ivory Colour Hall Table, Vinta & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Vintage footstool, Side Table, Camp Cot, Night Stand, Mirrored Table Set, Oak Magazine Rack, Mid Century Walnut Buffet, Ash Desk, Persian Style Hall Runner, 1938 Oak China Cabinet, Mid Century Walnut Dinning Set, Mid Century Walnut Stereo Unit, Mid Century floor polisher, Vintage Stroller, A.J.Wilkinson Ltd Royal Staffordshire Pottery Christine China Dinner Set, 14 Vintage Dolls, Vintage Purses and more!

SELLER MANAGED Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Abe...

This auction features Vintage footstool, Side Table, Camp Co & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Deilcraft Dining Room Set, Coffee Table and End Tables, Child's Play Vanity & Stool, Rugs, Games, Books, Lamps, Bicycles, Garden Tools, Power and Hand Tools, Rocking Chairs, Decorative Items, Prints, Kitchen Items and so much more!

Barrie (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Davies Crescent...

This auction features Deilcraft Dining Room Set, Coffee Tabl & More

MaxSold Auction: This Kingstonian seller was moving down south and needed to sell a household full of stuff. If you are looking for mod style this is the auction for you, as a bonus there also icludes some Star Wars memorabilia. This auction features, Older Life Magazines Vintage, Samurai Sword & Sheath, Super Nintendo Games, Super Nintendo Games, Sterling Silver Chain & Mother Of Pearl Pendant, Bondboid Sterling Silver Broach, Vintage German Made Cuckoo Clock, Early Lamp With Umbrella Shade, Barbie Holiday Edition Nip, Antique Carpenters Wood Plane, Original Oil Painting and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Pickers World SELLER MANAGED Multi Vendor...

This Kingstonian seller was moving down south and needed to & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Gibbard Wood Dresser And Highboy, Tools, Vintage Children Toys, China including Aynsley, Royal Albert, Coalport, Denby, Croydon Wood Furniture, Two Vintage Teak Lamps, Christmas Items, Vintage Record Player, Old Wood Sleighs, Old Radio Cabinet Table, Wooden Wreaths And Rattan Chair, Vintage Skis and so much more!

Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) Moving Online Auction - Fifth Ave (121 Lots...

This auction features Gibbard Wood Dresser And Highboy, Tool & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: Note: This location is a Condo.

SELLER MANAGED (CONDO) North York (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Au...

Note: This location is a Condo. & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features MTD Push Mower, Craftsman Gas Weedeater, Ladders, Sterling Outdoor BBQ, Lounge Chairs With Pads, Patio Table And Chairs, Garden Tools, Pressure Washer And Shop Vac, Tools, Office Desk And Chair, Office Electronics, Toshiba 51 Inch HDTV, Snowhite Regency China, Pinwheel Crystal, Vintage Dining Table And Chairs, Electric Fireplace, Large Record Collection, GE Washing Machine, Kenmore Dryer, Collectibles Cabinet and much more!

Belleville (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Janlyn Cres...

This auction features MTD Push Mower, Craftsman Gas Weedeate & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Gibbard Dining Table And Six Chairs, Gibbard Low Boy Server, Canadian Legacy, Model 1617, Gibbard Server, Canadian Legacy, Model 1627, Pocket Barometer, compass, and photographer light meter, Sterling Silver, Older Wash Stand, Vintage Tea Wagon and Trays, Wedgwood, RS Germany, Aynsley, N and C Italy, Royal Doulton, Royal Albert, Kaiser, Samsung 26" TV, Two Fur Coats And Mink Collar Toshiba Computer and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Ontario St (61 Lo...

This auction features Gibbard Dining Table And Six Chairs, G & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions