Click on these regional tags to view Featured Past Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Master Cook Barbecue, Dining Table and Chairs, Nesting Tables, Music Instruments, Royal Lot, Lead Glass Hanging Light, Vintage Dresser with Mirror, Brass Bed, Antique Sewing Machine, Captains Bed, Cedar Chess, Fishing lot, Vintage Toys, Curling Lot, Garrard Stereo System, Milk Can & Lantern, Vintage Sutek Bike, Tools, Drum Skin, Telephone Table and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Glenaire Mews

This auction features Master Cook Barbecue, Dining Table and & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Wood Kitchen Buffet, Black & Decker Workmate, Sterling, Kenmore Fridge, Pottery, Games Lot, Soapstone, Art Prints, 1871 Shakespeare Book Collection, Crafts Lot, Storage Trunk, Wood Desk, Marionette Puppets, Tools, Woman's Jacket, Kenmore Washer, Dryer and Deep Freezer, Sports Lot, Raleigh 15 Speed Bike And Accessories and much more!!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Wright Cresce...

This auction features Wood Kitchen Buffet, Black & Decker Wo & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Antique Cabinet, Limoges China, Crystal, Settee, Original Artwork, Dresden Porcelain Lace Figurines, Wilkinson Sword, Violin, Porcelain Vase, Tea Wagon, Silver Plate, Large China Cabinet,  Brass, Upright Wormwith Piano, Tools, Countertop Wine Cellar, Area Rug, Appliances, Wooden Door and much more!!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - (Lawrence Ave...

This auction features Antique Cabinet, Limoges China, Crysta & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Antique Wood Wall Phone, Vintage Toaster, Military Helmet, Old Toy Truck, Canada Post Stamp Sets, Vintage Quilt, Power Tools, Coins, Vintage 21 Blackjack Game, Music Box Treasured Memories, Duck Decoy, Ford Belt Buckle, Collectable Dolls, English Leather Saddle, Guitar Sovereign and much more!!

Angus (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - S...

This auction features Antique Wood Wall Phone, Vintage Toast & More

MaxSold Auction: MaxSold took on this Fairfax, Virginia downsizing auction and rocked a 99% sell through with a very happy seller! This auction sold a Bauhaus sectional for over $700 and several other pieces that the seller thought would have to be disposed of.

Fairfax Station (Virginia, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Bracksfo...

MaxSold took on this Fairfax, Virginia downsizing auction an & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Gottlieb Buttons And Bows Pinball Game, Vintage Collectible Toys, Collectible Bottles, Tins and Signs, Vintage Camera Equipment, Sleds,  Rocking Horse, Coca Cola Fridge and Collectibles, Early Buffet And Hutch, Samick Electric Guitar And Case, and much much more!

Perth (Ontario, Canada) Antique Collection Downsizing Online Auction...

This auction features Gottlieb Buttons And Bows Pinball Game & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Jewelry, Toro Lawnmower, Earthwise Edger And Blower, Bicycles, Charbroil Gas Grill, Coffee Table, Clocks, Mitsubishi 73" TV And Stand, Silver Plate, China, Russian Nesting Dolls, Rose Glass, Civil War Sword, Artwork, Antique Dolls, Cast Iron, Wooden Trunk, Vintage Medical Equipment and so much more!

Marietta (Georgia, USA) Moving Online Auction - Cedar Forks Dr

This auction features Jewelry, Toro Lawnmower, Earthwise Edg & More

MaxSold Auction: Auction features Crosley Compact Stereo With Turntable, garden bench and tools, decor, Santo Japanese dinnerware set, walker, workshop tools, small appliances, Boshart cedar chest, vinyl records and tape, souvenir spoons, kitchen appliances, washer and dryer and much more.

Markham (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - (Main Street Markh...

Auction features Crosley Compact Stereo With Turntable, gard & More

MaxSold Auction: Auction includes 1997 Toyota Tercel CE Sedan, Black and Decker garden shed, oil on canvas (K Baker, R Sanford, Chapman, W. Duncan and more), Alfred Meakin and Swinnertons china, Egyptian carpet, hand tools, Bombardier leather jacket, Kitchenware, lamps, decor ships, bookcases, and more.

North York (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Bogert Ave.(She...

Auction includes 1997 Toyota Tercel CE Sedan, Black and Deck & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Underwood Typewriter, Coloured Glass Lampshade, Antique Bamboo Shelf, China, Sterling Salt Shakers, Pop Art Chair, Furnace Plates, Goose Carving, Vintage Metal Keys, Crock, Kodak Camera, Vintage Scale, Vintage Console Cabinet, Antique Singer Sewing Machine, Pipe Wrench Collection, Hydro Insulators and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Antiques, Collectibles &...

This auction features Underwood Typewriter, Coloured Glass L & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features 2005 Honda Odyessy, 2006 Honda Ridgeline, Yamaha Portatone PSR 330, Sideboard, Dining Table, Flatware, China Cabinet, Crystal, China, Air Purifiers, Prints, Electric Fireplace, Barbecue, Desk And Shelves, Computer Software, Barometer Thermometer, Clocks, Safes and much more!

Pickering (Ontario. Canada) Estate Online Auction - The Esplanade N(...

This auction features 2005 Honda Odyessy, 2006 Honda Ridgeli & More

MaxSold Auction: Kingston Frontenacs Pink in the Rink Game Worn Jersey Auction, On Friday, October 10, 2014 the Kingston Frontenacs wore limited edition pink jerseys for Pink in the Rink, a fund and awareness raising game at Rogers K-Rock Centre. Most are autographed by the players who wore them for the game, each comes with a signed certificate of authenticity.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Fundraising/Charity Online...

Kingston Frontenacs Pink in the Rink Game Worn Jersey Auctio & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Original Artwork, Jewellery, Swarovski Crystal, Soapstone, Mahogany Drop Leaf Table, Mahogany China Cabinet, Mantle Clock, Gourlay Upright Piano, China, Oak Dining Table, Demi Lune Tables, Silver Plate Flatware, Antique Record Cabinet, Collector Spoons, Vintage Radios and more!!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Beresford Ave (Th...

This auction features Original Artwork, Jewellery, Swarovski & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Gold and Silver Jewellery, Jackets, Nintendo NES, Model WWII Japanese Zero Air Plane, Original C. Melton Oil Painting, Duck Decoys, Carnival Glass Bowl, Crystal, Marbles, Trading Cards, Vintage Toys, Vintage Boxing Gloves and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction ...

This auction features Gold and Silver Jewellery, Jackets, Ni & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Coins, Jewellery, Sterling Silver, Stain Glass, Baseball and Hockey Cards, Copper Wall Hanging Pots, Polaroid Sun 660 Camera With Strap, Fine Bone China Set Royal Adderley, Decoy Duck, Older Pocket Watch and much more!

South Frontenac (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online A...

This auction features Coins, Jewellery, Sterling Silver, Sta & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features 50s Coke Chalk Board Sign, 1950s Pinball Machine, Vintage Kitchen Items, 1972 Life Rolling Stones Cover, Gum Ball Machine, Original JFK Memorial Card, 1965 Beatles Ticket Stub, Ltd Edition Sabres Timex Watch, 1980 Yogi Bear, 1931 Pressed Calendar and more!

Angus (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - B...

This auction features 50s Coke Chalk Board Sign, 1950s Pinba & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Jules Pascal French 19th Century Barbizon School Oil on Board, Sylvester Stannard R.S.A. 1926 Original Watercolor, Trench Art, Natural Angel Skin Coral Round Bead Necklace, Old Copper Seneca 1842 Penny Advertising Sign, 1870 Etching "Cheveaux de Courses", Hot Wheels Redline, Dinky, Corgi and other Old Toys, Cloisonne, Wood Carved Buddha, Marble Top Console Table, Old Books, Fountain Pens, Natural Baltic Amber Necklace and Honey Amber Ring, Estate Jewelry, Bakelite Bangles, Silver, Lenox, Antique Japanese Vase Kyokuzan Satsuma, White Star Line Steamship Souvenirs, Jean-Paul Gaultier Choker, 19th Century Japan Bronze Woven Basket and more!

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Online Auction - East Ave ...

This auction features Jules Pascal French 19th Century Barbi & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Large Selection of Tools, Workmate, Coleman Electric Pressure Washer, Motocycle Tires, Books, Glider Rocker, Saddlemen Motorcycle Bags, Yamaha Receiver, Paradigm Speaker and Stands, House Safe, Old Typewriter, CB Radio Lot, XM Ready Portable Stereo System, Motorcycle Jackets, DVDs, Sterling Stainless Steel BBQ, Push Manual Lawnmower and much more!!

Gananoque (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Brock St

This auction features Large Selection of Tools, Workmate, Co & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features New Lingerie, including European, French and Specialty sized Bras Brands Include Simone Perele, Aubade, Empreinte, Fantasie, Peige and more. Shapewear, Swimwear, Silk Lingerie, Bustiers. Also  Dressers, Decorative Items, Store Fixtures, Manequin Forms, Inventory Scanner, Hanging Racks and much more!

Cambridge (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Business Liquidation Onli...

This auction features New Lingerie, including European, Fren & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Vintage Children's Books, Dyson Vacuum, Rugs, Crystal, Purses, Wooden Side Board, Jewellery, Toy Cars, Crochet Bag Lot, Christmas Decorations, Mercury Glass, Roller Blades, Asian Wooden Sculptures, 19th Century Wooden House Fragments, Chandelier, Portable Fireplace, Toy Scooter, Fooze Ball Table, Toys and Children Items and much more!!

Oakville (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - (Dundas St E/...

This auction features Vintage Children's Books, Dyson Vacuum & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Electric Chair Lift, Rugs, Sterling, Vintage, Marble Oil Style Lamp, Brass Candle Stick, Crystal, Massage Table, Barometers, Henry Herbert Upright Piano, Mahogany and Oak Finished Furniture, Coca Cola Lot, Duck Decoys, Wine Cooler and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Earl Street (Earl ...

This auction features Electric Chair Lift, Rugs, Sterling, V & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This is possibly one of the most fragile auctions MaxSold has hosted. Filled with china, Royal Doulton Figurines, alabaster and art this Toronto Estate auction was filled with gorgeous items.

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - (Donlands Ave / Do...

This is possibly one of the most fragile auctions MaxSold ha & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Dining Room Table and Chairs, Buffet, Love Seats, Sofas, Coffee Table & End Table, Glass Top Kitchen Table, 4 Lamps, Dresser and Mirror, Boudoir Bench, Dresser, Box Spring, Mattress & Frame, Perfume Bottles And Decor, Lead Crystal, Rugs and more!!

SUPER SHORT NOTICE Brampton (Ontario, Canada) Moving Online Auction ...

This auction features Dining Room Table and Chairs, Buffet, & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Large Selection of Original Artwork including Numbered Prints, Acrylics, Oils, Watercolours, Lithographs, Marble Table, Wall Plaques, Mirrors, Beds, Mahogany Coffee Table, Table Lamps, Chairs, Vintage Record Player And Camera, Books, 21 Speed Wheeler Bike, Jewelry, Wheel Chairs, Royal Doulton and much more!!

Cobourg (Ontario, Canada) Multi-Estate Online Auction Week 2 - Elgin...

This auction features Large Selection of Original Artwork in & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Mahogany Bookcase, Wedgwood, Display Cabinet, Wool Rug, Antique Wash Stand, Antique Chair, Antique Bench, Tapestry, Silver Dollar, Jewellery Cabinet, Silver and Gold Jewellery, Tiffany And Co. Bracelet, Original Artwork, Minton Ceramic Pail and more!

Brampton (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Lisa St (COND...

This auction features Mahogany Bookcase, Wedgwood, Display C & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Art Shoppe African Maple Walnut Dining Table, Chandelier, Sink And Hardware, Hand Knotted Rug, Barbie Dolls, Vintage Wooden Cabinet, Retro Dining Table and Chair, Samsung Television, Costume Jewellery, Bunk Beds, Marble Side Table and more!!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Fairlawn Ave ...

This auction features Art Shoppe African Maple Walnut Dining & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Vintage Handmade Quilt, Vintage Rocking Chair, History Of All Nations By S.G. Goodrich 1861, Spider-Man Action Figure, Vintage Cutlery, Pentax Me Super Camera With Original Box And Case, Vintage Crock, Stop Timer, Crystal And Vintage Glass Stops, Decoy By Ron Sadler - Signed And Numbered and much more!!

Angus (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - S...

This auction features Vintage Handmade Quilt, Vintage Rockin & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features 1966 Pro Football Game, Vintage Tin, Jewellery, 1904 Masonic Mason Lodge Kingston, Nautical Brass Pocket Calendar, Harley Davidson Chrome Cap, Hockey Cards, Antique Wood Abacus, WW2 Canadian Ration Stamp Book, Coins, Old Fire Extinguisher, Old Industrial Wood & Metal Tape, Wedgwood, Sterling Silver, WW1 Tank Pin With Ribbon and more!!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Pickers World SELLER MANAGED Online Aucti...

This auction features 1966 Pro Football Game, Vintage Tin, J & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Sectional Leather Couch, Heintzman Piano & Antique Chair, Vintage Metronome & Sheet Music, Original Artwork, Oak Desk & Brass Lamp, Coins, US Bi-Centennial Medal/Stamp, Antique Singer Puzzle Box, Jewellery, Antique Iron, Crystal, SilverPlate Rogers Flatware, Perfume, Antique Door Lock & Knocker, Books, Records, Vintage Toys and much more

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - (...

This auction features Sectional Leather Couch, Heintzman Pia & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Vintage Paymaster Machine, Vintage St Michaels tin, Beetle Steel Die Cast, Star Wars Boxed Set W/Darth Tin, 2 Vintage Pair Of Glasses, Peanuts Metal Lunch Pail, Vintage Doll Wardrobe, Vintage Coleman Torch, Vintage Goalie Mask, Cooper Weeks, 60s Easy Bake Oven and more!!

Angus (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - B...

This auction features Vintage Paymaster Machine, Vintage St & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Mica Wet Suit Xl, Vintage Hockey Game Can Vs USA, Vintage Trunk, Men's Bauer Skates, Left Handed Golf Clubs, Canadian Nickels, Vintage Wood Wave Action Surf Boogie Board, Dock Side Chair With Foot Rest, Vintage Camera Pentax, Vintage Republic Sewing Machine,  VHS Disney Videos and much more!

Wasaga Beach (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auct...

This auction features Mica Wet Suit Xl, Vintage Hockey Game & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features 1998 Toyota Sienna, Virginia Grandfather Clock, Original Artwork, Ethan Allan Furniture, Sterling Silver, Tea Cart, Cast Coal Burner Lamp, Royal Albert, Electric Fireplace, Cranberry Glass, Pioneer Sound System, Vilas Corner Cabinet, Rattan Kitchen Set, Fishing lot, Collectables From RCMP and so much more!!

Bath (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Empire Ct

This auction features 1998 Toyota Sienna, Virginia Grandfath & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Original Artwork, Religious Artifacts, Sterling Silver, Lladro, Amber, Autographed Memorabilia, Comics, Tapestry, Ginger Jar, Tiffany and Co., Gold, Jadeite, Crystal, Decanters, Carvings, Candelabras, Queen Anne style Chair and so much more!!!

Oshawa (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - (King St W/ Hwy...

This auction features Original Artwork, Religious Artifacts, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Tiffany & Co. 925 Bracelet, Platinum 950 Ring with Citrine Stone, 10K Gold Ring with Topaz, Swarovski Ring, Swarovski Necklace and Earrings, Stamp Collection, Gretzky Rookie Card, Books, Wooden Bible And Box, Vintage Juice Jug, Northern Electric Ringer Box and much more!!

Napanee (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Auction - East S...

This auction features Tiffany & Co. 925 Bracelet, Platinum 9 & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Pine Top Kitchen Island, Kenmore Range and Fridge, Book Collection, Coffee Table, Wade Pieces, Purses, Rowing Machine, Electronic Games, Ladies Desk Vanity, Area Rug, Oak Rocker, Vintage End Tables, Demi-lune Table, Claw Foot Bathtub, Milwaukee And Jobmate Drills And Mitre Saw, Vintage Table Saw and more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Barnsley Cres

This auction features Pine Top Kitchen Island, Kenmore Range & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Sterling Silver Jewellery, Keys Skeleton, Vintage 8" Bronze Boat Blade, Coins, Sport Cards, 1987 Doctor Who Magazine, Coca Cola Tin, 1973 Mad Magazine, Coca Cola Digital Watch, Vintage Open Bail Fishing Reel, Mario Doctor Nintendo Video Game and more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Joe's Wholesale SELLER MANAGED Onlin...

This auction features Sterling Silver Jewellery, Keys Skelet & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions