Click on these regional tags to view Featured Past Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Wedgwood, Doulton Burslem, Vintage Brass Glass Hanging Lamp, Crystals Lamps, Brass Lamps, Collectible Dolls, RCA Victor Radio, Wooden cabinet, Gingerbread Clock, Antique  Kodak A-116 Brownie Camera, China, Crystal, Brass, Artwork, Birks Sterling Silver Candlesticks, Books, Crock, Royal Crown Derby and more!

Georgetown (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auctio...

This auction features Wedgwood, Doulton Burslem, Vintage Bra & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Omega Bronze Desk Clock, Men's Cufflinks, Antique Post Cards, Baltic Amber Jewellery, Sterling Silver, Military Medals, German WWII Military Book, Vintage Wrist Watches, Vintage Asian Buddha Tea Pot, Dean Markley Amplifier, Lithographs, Sterling Silver Jewellery, Vintage Harmonicas, Antique Asian Table, Artwork, Vintage Bronze Statue and more!

Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Aucti...

This auction features Omega Bronze Desk Clock, Men's Cufflin & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Chest Freezer, Mirrors, Textile Art, Chair, Rugs, Decor, Tea Cart, Chest, End Tables, Wine Cooler, Leather Luggage, Typewriter, Retro Display Cupboard, Wedding Gown, Silver plate, Glass And Crystal, Cocktail Set, Milk Glass, Blue Mountain Pottery, Fur, Books, Purses, Electronics and much more!

Vaughan (Ontario, Canada) Business Liquidation Online Auction - Glen...

This auction features Chest Freezer, Mirrors, Textile Art, C & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Teak frame chairs, Coffee Table, Lift Chair, Vintage Childs Table And Chairs, Statue, Artwork, Books, Teak Dining Table and chairs, Royal Doulton, Wiuterliug China, Teak Sideboard, Tools, Leather Sofa, Fireplace Tools, Bed Unit, Sewing Mannequin, Treadmill, Dark Room Contents, Crocks, Bicycles, Wine Barrels and more!

Ajax (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Kingston Rd W

This auction features Teak frame chairs, Coffee Table, Lift & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Bruno stairlift, Balloon Chairs, Wardrobe, Shelley China, Royal Doulton, Artwork, Parlour Table, Crystal, Sideboard, Decor, Chairs, Silver Plate, Electronics, Ceramics, Wood Armoire with bevelled glass mirror, Piano And Bench, Trombone, Costume Jewellery, Vinyl Records, Humidifier, Outdoor Fireplace, Lawnmower and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Glencairn Ave

This auction features Bruno stairlift, Balloon Chairs, Wardr & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Exercise Equipment, Audio Equipment, Tools, Wicker Trunk, Hardware, Grinder And Work Lamp On Table, Portable Tool Box, Metric Socket Set And Wrenches, Radial Saw, Chipper, Electric Lawn Mower, Saw Horses, Craftsman Vise, Vintage Signs And Advertisements, Hand Saws, Wood Computer Desk, Vintage Milk Can, Jewellery, Vintage Postcards, Clocks, Lamps, Solid Wood Dressers, Cowboy Boots and much more!

Framingham (Massachusetts, USA) Estate Sale Online Auction - Beacon ...

This auction features Exercise Equipment, Audio Equipment, T & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Rugs, Asian Theme Wall Hanging Tapestries, Blood Pressure Monitor, Lamps, Military Themed Wood Chair, Artwork, Leather Chair, Books, Home Stereo With iPod Docking, Small Appliances, Tools, Queen Size Bed, Older Wood Dresser And Mirror, Old Wood Dresser and more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Sharman's Ln

This auction features Rugs, Asian Theme Wall Hanging Tapestr & More

MaxSold Auction: This was the first Polyphon MaxSold has ever sold! Table Polyphon developed in Leipzig Germany circa 1860 to 1900. Works perfectly! Includes 61 playing discs including Auld Lang Syne, Strauss Waltzes and more. This North York Auction also featured a Birks Sterling Silver Set which sold for over $2000.

North York (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Yonge St (C...

This was the first Polyphon MaxSold has ever sold! Table Pol & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Decorative Items, Porcelain, Cornflower Crystal, Cuckoo Clock, China, Ginger Jar, Bronze Sculpture, Royal Doulton, Original Artwork, Tiffany Style Lamp, Wood Carved Parlour Chair, Modern High Boy, Costume Jewellery, Silver Plate, Wardrobe Chest And Headboard, Gibbard Tea Wagon, Electric Fireplace, China cabinet, Fur Coats, Rugs, Soapstone, Accordion, Large Safe By CHUBB and much much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction (June Part 1) - Dis...

This auction features Decorative Items, Porcelain, Cornflowe & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: You can travel the world in this one Estate online Auction. Featuring items from the North such as a Totem pole, from the orient such as Antique Chinese Trunk and original art from Toronto artist Jeffrey Sole.

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Glenvale Blvd

You can travel the world in this one Estate online Auction. & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Loving cup, clocks, Two ginger jar, souvenir, two Chinese bowl, porcelain jar, Old blue willow bowl, two leather wine bottles made in Italy, kitchen ware, pottery, blue mountain vase, collectable Plates, Shish Kebob Sets, glass vase, books, Records, purse, wood carving, antique painting frame, bronze bucket, marble candleholder, glassware, oil lamp, cast bronze tree holder, guitar, security cameras and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction -...

This auction features Loving cup, clocks, Two ginger jar, so & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Macy's Bedframe, Macys Dresser, Two Macys Night stands, Nightstand, Jewelry Chest, Decorative, Coffee Table, Artwork, Sofa, Chaise, Chair, Rugs, Desk, Office Chair, Entertainment Center, Punching Bag, Treadmill, Brass Light Fixture, Lamps, Appliances and more.

Rockville (Maryland, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Crestfield Dr

This auction features Macy's Bedframe, Macys Dresser, Two Ma & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features "Skylark Brand" Violin, Silver Virgin Mary Necklace, Vintage Floral Table Lamp with Crystal Droplets, Side Tables, Hanging Light Fixture, Unisex 11" Bicycle, Antique Occasional Walnut Table, Vintage Wing Back Chair, Artwork, Antique Drum Table with Leather Inlay, Traffic Signs, Stained Glass Door Insert, Brass, Religious Items, Bell Internet Modem, Metal Tool Chest and much more!

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction...

This auction features "Skylark Brand" Violin, Silver Virgin & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Wooden Decorative Items, Office Armoire, Coins, Stamps, Military Art, Prints, Armchair, Longaberger Baskets, Stone Crocks, Wedgwood, Crystal And Glass, Pewter & Sterling Silver, Antique Library Table, Wicker Chair, Dresser, Cast iron Cookware, Knick Knacks, Vanity and Bench, Sewing and knitting Supplies, Costume Jewellery and Watches, Lamps, Cedar Armoire, Porcelain Dolls, Tools, Military Items and much more!

Gaithersburg (Maryland. USA) Moving Online Auction - Suffolk Terrace

This auction features Wooden Decorative Items, Office Armoir & More

MaxSold Auction: This Haymarket downsizing auction had a lot of fun stuff to look at. Costume jewelry, butterflies, model ships and spinning wheel are only a few of the cool collectibles sold through MaxSold.

Haymarket (Virginia, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Lightner Rd

This Haymarket downsizing auction had a lot of fun stuff to & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Doors, Door Frames, fluorescent Lights, Kitchen Cabinets, Wainscot, Toilets, Urinals, Sinks, Water fountain, Chair Rail molding, Security Lights, Koala Kare Changing Station, Soap and towel Dispenser, 2 sinks faucets and counter top, Switch Plates and outlet covers, Round Ceiling Lights, Vintage Metal Victory Fire Alarm, Mirrors, Halogen Light Fixtures, Sconces and much much more!

Severn (Maryland, USA) Fundraising/ Salvage Online Auction - Donald ...

This auction features Doors, Door Frames, fluorescent Lights & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Ultralite 370 Fold N Go Scooter, Black And Decker Electric Lawn Mower, Bicycle, Outdoor Tools, Electric Snow Shovel, Chest Of Drawers, Retro Chandelier, 2 Teak Headboards, 2 Side Tables, Teak Dresser, Various Stainless Pieces, Chandelier, Teak Sideboard, Original Art By S. Jonzon, Silver Plate, Crystal And Glass, Japanese Dishes, Coloured Glass Decor Items, Holmes & Edwards Inlaid Danish Princess and much more!

North York (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Online Auction - Drewry ...

This auction features Ultralite 370 Fold N Go Scooter, Black & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Tea Cups With Saucers, Stouffer Creamer and Sugar Bowl, China Cabinet, Dining Table, Entertainment Center, Wicker Style King Size Bed, Wicker Dresser With Mirror, Clamps, La-Z-Boy Reclining Chair, Safe, Crystal Set, Wedgwood Bone China Pitcher, Clock, Artwork, Leaf Blower, Ryobi Saw And Stand, Router/Table, Tools, Dremel, Router, and Sander, Wooden End Table, Purse Collection and much more!

Dacula (Georgia, USA) Estate Online Auction - Chippewa Oak Dr NE

This auction features Tea Cups With Saucers, Stouffer Creame & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Costume Jewellery, DVDs, Silver Plate, Rotisserie, Kitchen Items, Coffee Maker, Stamps, Table, Music Keyboard, Comic Book Collection, Punch Bowl, Tools, Cordless Drill, Military Jackets, Women's Shoes, Beauty Salon Table, Tv Turntable Tuner and Cabinet, Bicycle, Artwork, Games, Halloween Items, Old School Desk and more!

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Lake Shore Blvd ...

This auction features Costume Jewellery, DVDs, Silver Plate, & More

MaxSold Auction: If you're looking for knick knacks, art and collectables this North York auction deserves a look through. Featuring a William Shayer oil on board, Aynsley China and Signed Pito Perez oil on canvas.

North York (Ontario, Canada) Moving Online Auction - Ruden Crescent

If you're looking for knick knacks, art and collectables thi & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Antique The Atlas, Books, Secretary Bookcase, Old Bottles, Artwork, Pottery, Old Rustic Cabinet, Love Seats, Cabinet, Glasses, Silver Plate, Moorcroft, Cabinet, Wing Back Chair, Barometers, Dresser, Camera And Binocular Lot, Wood Boxes, Electronics and more!

North York (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Northwood D...

This auction features Antique The Atlas, Books, Secretary Bo & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: Some cool collectibles in this Burnaby estate online auction. If you like Charlie Chaplin, Happy Days or antiques such as Dayton Scale take a look through this auction.

Burnaby (British Columbia, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Mayfield ...

Some cool collectibles in this Burnaby estate online auction & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Anniversary Clock, Sterling Silver, Blue Mountain Pottery, Blue and White Pieces, Tools, Antique Tea Cart, Silver Plate, Artwork, Balloon Back Chairs, Marble Top Table, Round Table, Gibbard Dresser with Mirror, Crystal, Royal Doulton, Parlor Chair, China, Wing Back Chair, Drum Table and much more!

Morrisburg (Ontario, Canada) Moving Online Auction - Augusta St

This auction features Anniversary Clock, Sterling Silver, Bl & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Purdue University Black & Gold Chairs, Tall Lamp, Authentic Chinese Gong, Hitchcock 2-tiered Corner Table, Ceramic Singapore Table and Chairs, Decorative Miniatures, Crystals, Hitchcock Secretary Desk, Wood And Brass Korean Cabinet, Stainless Steel Silverware Set, Chinese Wall Fan, Ceramic Dragon Piece, Plaid Upholstered Chair, Pitcher/Candlesticks and much more!

Lafayette (Indiana, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - ...

This auction features Purdue University Black & Gold Chairs, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Coffee Table, Loveseat, Printers, Scanners, Crystal, Silver Plate, Table Games, Kitchenware, Basketware, Chairs, Teak Kitchen Table, Recliner Couch, Easy Chair, Table, Hallway Runner Rug, Skis, Fridge, Heaters, Prints, Futon, Mirrors, Workbench and Tools, Radial Saw, Photo Enlarger, Patio Table and Chairs, Lawn Mower, Concrete Bird Bath and Bacchus Face and more!

Burlington (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Blue Spruce...

This auction features Coffee Table, Loveseat, Printers, Scan & More

MaxSold Auction: If you are a music maker this auction would be for you. Two trombones, electronic keyboard and a saxophone are only a few of the items sold in this Littleton Downsizing Auction on MaxSold.

Littleton (Colorado, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - W Quarto Ave

If you are a music maker this auction would be for you. Two & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Chesterfield, Upright Piano, Piano Bench, Leather Swivel Recliner, Samsung TV With Pioneer Receiver, Decorative Lot, Kitchen Table And Chairs, Chest Of Drawers, Cedar Chest, Vintage Chair, BBQ, Lantern Lot, Tools, Camera, Simonize Pressure Washer and more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Westmoreland ...

This auction features Chesterfield, Upright Piano, Piano Ben & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction was filled with little critters and colorful figurines. Featuring a gold fox brooch, Royal Dalton figurines and a bear garden fixture, this Collingwood Estate auction was a lot of fun.

Collingwood (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Golfview Drive

This auction was filled with little critters and colorful fi & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Jewellery, Books, CDs And Stand, Frigidaire Refrigerator, Hockey Equipment, Hockey Memorabilia, Frigidaire Stove, Camping Lot, Christmas Lot, Prints, Coffee Table, Kitchen Aid Pro 600 Series Bowl Lift Stand Mixer, Doll House And Games, Toys, Photography Lot, Electronics, Exercise Lot, Lights, Original Nintendo NES console and More!

Whitby (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Beachgrove Cres...

This auction features Jewellery, Books, CDs And Stand, Frigi & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Three storage units 10 x 20, and two 5 x 10. Jay Jr black guitar, several AC units, wood boxes, golf clubs, small shop vac, Stagg guitar, table, wine bottle holder, milk cans, baskets, luggage, boxes, bed, key board, luggage full, teak chair, cloths, fan, fishing pole, TV trays, kitchen chairs, kitchen pots and pans, more. These units may or may not contain items of significant value. The boxes in the unit may or may not contain the items listed on the labels of said boxes. All items are untested with many items waiting to be discovered!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Storage Locker Online Auct...

This auction features Three storage units 10 x 20, and two 5 & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features 6 Storage Lockers. 

Lamp, 7 tubs, lots of boxes, holiday decorations, shower seat, sound system, stuffed animals, house hold items, full tubs, luggage, art, military cloths, books, computer desk, kitchen supplies, Glider rocker, computer desk, high chair, shelf unit, very large TV, computer monitor, Black futon, black leather love seat, dresser, stools, skate board, floor lamp and more. 

This unit may or may not contain items of significant value. The boxes in the unit may or may not contain the items listed on the labels of said boxes.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Storage Locker Online Auct...

This auction features 6 Storage Lockers. Lamp, 7 tubs, lot & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features 16 Storage Lockers. Tubs full, coins, Caution Skier Crossing sign, cloths, books, mirror, basketball, tool boxes, clubs, fridge, sofas, love seats, chairs, toys electronics, kitchen items, large jewellery box, Dressers, oak table, records, children's toys, stainless Colman cooler, Wash stand, single bed, dressers, rocking chair, bunk beds, metal chairs, tools, weights and weight machines, large Sony rear projection TV, electronics, art, tires on rims, pine night stand, shelves, signed clock, tiles, Rogers silver plate cutlery, wood skies, hall table. 

These units may or may not contain items of significant value. The boxes in the unit may or may not contain the items listed on the labels of said boxes.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Storage Locker Online Auct...

This auction features 16 Storage Lockers. Tubs full, coins, & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Fly Fishing Rod, Reel, And Case, African Wood Carving, Binoculars, Canadian Military Uniform, 14k Gold Earrings, 14k Gold Rope Chain, 925 Silver Ring, 1992 Olympic Pin Set, Early Copper Nautical Wall Plaque, Art Deco Door Knob & Hardware Lot, English Tea Pot, 1970's Rolling Stones Poster, Valet Auto Stroop Shaving Razor Accessory, Three Nuns Tobacco Tin, 1918 Canada 25 Cent Coin, 925 Silver Ring With Pink Stone, Traynor Mixing Board and much much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Pickers World SELLER MANAGED Online Aucti...

This auction features Fly Fishing Rod, Reel, And Case, Afric & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Dining Room Table, Frigidaire Gallery Edition Fridge, Kenmore Stove, Wood Shelf Unit, Home Stereo In Wood Cabinet, Decorative Corner Cabinet, Hammond Organ, Wine Making Equipment, Wood Storage Box And Jugs, Wood Buffet Sideboard, Shop Vac, Artwork, STIHL Weed Eater With 2 Gas Cans, Metal Decorative Outdoor Furniture and more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - North Park Dr

This auction features Dining Room Table, Frigidaire Gallery & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Wade Tea Figures, Ford Coca Cola Coke Model Kit, Shell Gas Oil Dashboard Thermometer, Arrowhead Trade Bead Collection, Sterling Silver, 10k Gold Wishbone Pearl Lapel Pin, 1960s Bar Clock Retro Novelty Backwards, 1940 Ontario License Plate, 1852 Upper Canada One Penny Token, 1972-73 Export A Hockey Calendar Maple Leafs, Silver Plated Art Nouveau Salts Set, 1992-93 OPC Wax Box Hockey Cards Complete Sealed, Early Fish Hook Tin T&M Toronto, Comics and much much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Queens Collectibles Pickers World SELLER ...

This auction features Wade Tea Figures, Ford Coca Cola Coke & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Cabinet, Picnic Table, Ladies CCM Elite bicycle, Lawnmower, Snowblower, Ladders, Rocker Chair, Sideboard, Lights, Electronics, Elka Electric Organ, Treadmill, National Geographic, Comic Books, Artwork, Dresser, China, Wedgwood, Walnut finish dining table, Crystal, Settee, Corner Chairs, IBM Think Pads, Encyclopedias and more

Scarborough (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Wicklow Dr

This auction features Cabinet, Picnic Table, Ladies CCM Elit & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions