Click on these regional tags to view Featured Past Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features China, Decorative Items, Gibbard Buffet And Hutch, Crystal And Glassware, Silver plate, Corner Curved Cerico Cabinet, Royal Doulton, Bulova Anniversary Clock, Gibbard Side Cabinet, Gibbard Dining Table and Chairs, Area Rugs, Chesterfield And Matching Chair, Artwork, Bible Book Lot, Myott China, Blue Mountain Pottery, Costume Jewellery, Hallway Bench and more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Elmwood St (CONDO...

This auction features China, Decorative Items, Gibbard Buffe & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Leather Love Seat, Vases, Leather Sofa, Decor, Textiles, African Art, Artwork, China, Keiser Exercise Bike, Bistro Set, Flat Screen TV, Antique Dresser, Books, Kenmore Dryer, Desk, Mirrors And Frame, Credenza, Queen Bed and more!

Cobourg (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Burnet Dr

This auction features Leather Love Seat, Vases, Leather Sofa & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Fire pit, Garden Lot, Patio Bench, Upholstered Accent Chair, Antique Oak Medicine Cabinet, Books, Vintage Dolls, Dining Table and Chairs, Decor, Original Artwork, Club Chair, Bauhaus Sofa, Lamps, NeoSet Double Bed, NeoSet Corner Desk Unit, Highboy, Mirrored Candle Holder, Vintage Table and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Joicey Blvd

This auction features Fire pit, Garden Lot, Patio Bench, Uph & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Tools, Glider Rocking Chair With Footstool And Table, China, Lamps, Wing Chairs, Chesterfield And Matching Chair, Mantle Clock, Dresser with Mirror, Modern Style Sofa Table, Artwork, Computer Desk, Small Wooden Desk, Brass, Vintage Swivel Rocker, Decorative Items, Articulating Lawn Mower, Aerators, Briggs And Stratton Snapper and more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Channelview R...

This auction features Tools, Glider Rocking Chair With Foots & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Bar Stools, Swivel Chair, English Bone China, Brass, Area Rug, Marble Chess Set, Record Albums, Crystal, Antique Décor Items, Settee, Precor Treadmill, Books, Gerhard Heintzman Piano And Bench, Retro Chair, Wedding Dress, Hudson's Bay Blanket, Thornton-Smith Half Moon Table, Mink Lined Coat, Original Artwork, Sterling Silver and more!

North York (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auctio...

This auction features Bar Stools, Swivel Chair, English Bone & More

MaxSold Auction: This is a record for MaxSold on how much fur we could sell in one auction! With over 300 pieces of fur we have never seen so much fur in one place! Also we can boast a 100% sell through rate on this auction!

Stouffville (Ontario, Canada) Special Fur Coat and Accessories Onlin...

This is a record for MaxSold on how much fur we could sell i & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Teak Wall Unit, Teak Gate Leg Table, La-Z-Boy Swivel Rocker, Shelving Units, Books, Stereo Cabinet, Electronics, Privacy Screens, Collectible Pottery, Pair of Wicker Shelves, Decorative Storage Shelf, Wicker Desk, Occasional Table, Cane Chair, Decorative Shelving Unit and more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Wright Cresce...

This auction features Teak Wall Unit, Teak Gate Leg Table, L & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Artwork, Lamps, Rocker Recliner, Sofa, Leda Book Case, Statues, Books, Armchairs, Wooden Globe Bar, Buffet And Hutch, Dining Table and Chairs, Rugs, Credenza, Crystal, Brass, Vanity Chairs, Electronics, Armoire, Sewing Machine, Drill Press, Marlin Guitar, Tools, Chandelier, Treadmill, Sportcraft Foosball Table, Vintage Dress Form, Mannequin  And Display Rack and more!

Stouffville (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Bloomingto...

This auction features Artwork, Lamps, Rocker Recliner, Sofa, & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Airship Hindenberg first flight postal cover, Sherman and Miriam Haskell jewelry, Michie & Co. Toronto stoneware jug, Bookends, Sterling silver, Old Russian and German medals, Antique enamel dresser box, Old car hood ornament, Antique photos, Inuit soapstone carvings, Oak shoeshine kit, Antique books, Antique G. & J.W. Hawksley 'Despatch Recapper' tool,  Framed silk tapestry, 1950 Marconi radio-phonograph, Vintage watches, Old china, glass, toys and much more!

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Art and Antiques Online Au...

This auction features Airship Hindenberg first flight postal & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Rugs, Dining Table and Chairs, Retro Wall Unit, Leather Jackets, Sporting Goods, Rocker Recliner, Lamps, Artwork, Sony Stereo System, Sony 40 inch TV, Books, Nickel Bronze And Rosewood Cutlery, Kitchen Aid Mixer, Tools, Dell and HP Computers, Decor, Picnic Sets, Vanity, Costume Jewellery, Coins, Watches, National Geographic and more!

Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Kaneff Crescen...

This auction features Rugs, Dining Table and Chairs, Retro W & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Fishing Reels, Chain Saw, Power Tools, Ceramic Crocks, Wood Rocking Horse, TFal OptiGrill, Telephone Insulators, Collectable Spoons, Artwork, Decorative Items, Fireplace Set, Harmony Electric Guitar, Wall Unit, Collectible Toys, Electronics, Ceramic Steins, Sapphire Gemstone and Foreign Money, Baseball Cards, Comic Books and much more!

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Keats Rd

This auction features Fishing Reels, Chain Saw, Power Tools, & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Garden Bench, Artwork, Decor, Club Chair, End Tables, Lamps, Armchairs, Royal Doulton, Ladies Raccoon Coat, Silver Plate, Dining Table and Chairs, Collector Plates, Chair And Ottoman, Silver Plate Cutlery Set, Rugs, Clothes Horse, Wooden Rocker, Vintage Tools, CharBroil BBQ and much more!

Aurora (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Simmons Crescent

This auction features Garden Bench, Artwork, Decor, Club Cha & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Night Stands, Lamps, High Boy Dresser, Lacquer queen size bed, Antique Cabinet, Original Artwork, Telescope, Golf Clubs, Antique Chair, Sectional Sofa, Area Rugs, Credenza, Wash Basin, Train Sets, Dining Table And Chairs, Entertainment Unit, BBQ, Trailer and more!

Brampton (Ontario, Canada) Moving Online Auction - Bellini Ave

This auction features Night Stands, Lamps, High Boy Dresser, & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features 8X10 locker with art prints, long sofa, twin beds, furniture, antique & carousel projectors and trays, rollator, humidifier and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) STORAGE Estate Online Auction - Trethewey ...

This auction features 8X10 locker with art prints, long sofa & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Wooden Screen Door, Victorian Style Settee, Bathroom Vanity Top, Golf Bags, Glass Dolls, Decor, Sony Electronics, Pine Sofa Table, Purses, Accent Chairs, Antique Look Mirror, Women's Motorcycle Gear, Children's Toys, Stained Glass Light, Washboard, Wii, China, Drill Press and much more!

Glenburnie (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auctio...

This auction features Wooden Screen Door, Victorian Style Se & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Craft Table, Original Artwork, Books, Workstation, Ceramic Doll, Table And Chairs, China Cabinet, Royal Albert, Pinwheel Crystal, Wood Childs Rockers, Corner China Cabinet, Rugs, Hand Painted Loons And Decoys, Pedestal And Lamp, LA Z BOY Recliner And Rocker, Bombay Shelf And Picture Cube, Kroehler Night Stand, Watches and more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Princess St

This auction features Craft Table, Original Artwork, Books, & More

MaxSold Auction: If you're looking for some classic Victorian furniture this is the go-to Auction. With pieces such as a Secretary, going for $1100 or Cherry dining chars and a Victorian bench, this Arnold Estate would add a bit of luxury to any home.

Arnold (Maryland, USA) Estate Online Auction - Magothy Villa Cir

If you're looking for some classic Victorian furniture this & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Lawn Mower, Bridge Lamps, Bronze Sculpture, Antique Desk, End Tables, Sofa, Loveseat, Leather Jacket, Antique Wheelchair, Area Rug, Dinette Table, Collectable Dishware, Cabinet, Artwork, Antique Vanity, Camera, Leather Jacket and more!

Mono (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Hwy 10

This auction features Lawn Mower, Bridge Lamps, Bronze Sculp & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Silver Plate, Decor, China, Rugs, Rosewood Display Cabinet, Artwork, Kawai piano and matching bench, Lamps, Wingback Chair, Electronics, Costume Jewellery, Asian Prints, Jewellery Boxes, Crystal, Books, Tools, Stools, Ping Pong Table, Copper, Ginger Jars, Planters, Rowing Machine, Work Mate, Chests, Side Tables and much more!

Thornhill (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Old English Ln

This auction features Silver Plate, Decor, China, Rugs, Rose & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Cast Iron Bench, Electro Plate, China, Dining Table, Silver Plate, Decor, Cabinet, Artwork, Chairs, Hall Table, High Boy, Printers, Electronics, Nordic Track, Rug, Wicker Sofa, Brass, Chase Lounge, End Table, Porch Swing, Dart Board, Tools and more!

Thornhill (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Cricklewood ...

This auction features Cast Iron Bench, Electro Plate, China, & More

MaxSold Auction: Kincaid Armoire Dresser, Lamps, Leather Sectional Sofa, Entertainment Posters, Monopoly Train Set, Kincaid Entertainment Armoire, Rugs, Drill Kit, Kitchen Items, Synthesizer, Midi Controller And Amp, Sports Collectibles, Books, Breakfast Tray and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Moving Online Auction - Gardiner Rd

Kincaid Armoire Dresser, Lamps, Leather Sectional Sofa, Ente & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Original Artwork, Noritake Ivory China, Crystal, Antique Chairs, Bar Cart and Contents, Collectible Statuettes, Coffee Table, Crystal Chandelier, Poppy Washing Basin Set, Decorative Centerpiece, Porcelain Doll, Antique Singer Sewing Machine, Antique Side Table, Books, Antique Table, Wood Dining Table and Rug, Sterling Spoon And Silverplate Platter, Antique Wardrobe and more!

Roswell (Georgia, USA) Moving Online Auction - Morning Dew Cir

This auction features Original Artwork, Noritake Ivory China & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Older Iron Planter, Hudson's Bay Point Blankets, Vintage Pond Boat, Nesbitt's Orange Advertising Sign, Artwork, 1950's Step Stool Combo Chair, Wood Duck Decoy, Zeiss Ikon Box Camera, Old Steamer Trunk, Brass And Red Coleman Lantern, Early Brass Jelly Pan, Early Map Of New England, Carnival Glass Bowl, China and much more!

Bath (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - Ma...

This auction features Older Iron Planter, Hudson's Bay Point & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Knechtel Dining Room Table and Chairs, Knechtel China Cabinet, Lamps, Sofa, Beleek China, Sterling Silver, Brass, Crystal, Pewter, Stemware, Pottery, Costume Jewellery, Persian Rug, Original Artwork, Early fire extinguisher, Cameras, Children's Toys, Books and more!

Bath (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Bath Rd

This auction features Knechtel Dining Room Table and Chairs, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features China Cabinet, Dining Table, 6 Drawer Shelf Unit, Thomas Kinkade Figurine, Silver Plate, Glass Oil Lamp, Artwork, Area Rugs, Costume Jewellery, Fur Coat, Brass, Exact Replica of a Wolf Patterson Lamp, Sheffield, Stamps, China, Decorative Plates, Wedgwood, Pinwheel Crystal, Air Purifier, Tools and much more!

Midland (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction -...

This auction features China Cabinet, Dining Table, 6 Drawer & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Boat, Large Selection of Original Artwork, Sterling Silver, Decor, Crystal, Wedgwood, Silver Plate, Pottery, China, Side Table, Soapstone, Sideboard, Stamps, Books, Oil Lamps, Fireplace Tools, Brass, Copper, Insulators, Vinyl Records, Stained Glass, Blue Mountain, Crocks, Weed Eater, Old Irons, Tools, Contents Of Dark Room, Jewellery Box, Clock, Lamps, John Deere Riding Lawn Mower, John Deere Trailer, Boil King Propane BBQ and much much more!

Orangeville (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - First St

This auction features Boat, Large Selection of Original Artw & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Octagonal Persian Type Rug, Receiver And Speakers, Dining Room Table and Chairs, Dining Room Buffet, Wing Back Chair, Brass And Glass End Table, Dinnerware Set, Vivitar Slide Carousel And Trays, Craftmatic Type Adjustable Bed, Desk And Chair, Vintage Settee And Stool, Queen Size Four Poster Bed, Vintage High Boy Secretary, Decorative Tins and more!

Cumberland (Rhode Island, USA) Moving Online Auction - Britts Ridge

This auction features Octagonal Persian Type Rug, Receiver A & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: If you were looking for some classy conversation pieces this Woodbridge auction would have been for you! This auction features Persian style rugs, a drop leaf secretary desk and even a metallic globe!

Woodbridge (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Intersite P...

If you were looking for some classy conversation pieces this & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Wine Cabinet, Marble And Mirror Hall Credenza, Glasses, Crystal, Lladro, Franklin Mint, Ming Village Vase, Perfume Bottles, Rosenthal Figurine, Dining Table and Chairs, China, Original Artwork, Display Pedestal, Coffee Table, Old Desk And Chair, Silver Ladies Vanity Set, Tea Wagon, Pewter, Brass, Silver Plate, Queen Anne Chair and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Ridley Blvd (CONDO...

This auction features Wine Cabinet, Marble And Mirror Hall C & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Duncan Fife Table and Chairs, China, Purses, Mirrored Dresser, Outdoor Tools, Lawn Mowers, Winding Clock, Retro China Cabinet, Saxophone Player Statue, Lamps, Panasonic Electric Typewriter, Wooden Crate, Corningwear, Area Rug, Books, Wicker Kitchen Chairs, Blue Mountain Dog, Silver Plate, Crystal and much more!

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction...

This auction features Duncan Fife Table and Chairs, China, P & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Ship Ahoy Nightstand, Vintage Etched Glass Beer Mugs, China Cabinet, Artwork, Chinoiserie Rosewood Foyer Or Hall Chest, Antique French Trumeau Mirror, Vintage Full Headboard, Chinese Lacquer Ware Stacking Box Alter And Porcelain, Pair Of CRI Ceramic Bowls, Noritake China Set and more!

Roswell (Georgia, USA) SELLER MANAGED Estate Liquidation Online Auct...

This auction features Ship Ahoy Nightstand, Vintage Etched G & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Wood Pedestal Table, Marble Top Table, Arm Chairs, Tiled Teak End Table, Vinyl Records, China Cabinet, Curio Cabinet, Books, Duncan Phyffe Table, Garden Arbor, Lamps, Fur Jacket, Electronics, Desk and Hutch, Bed Chesterfield, Limoges China, Silver Plate, Artwork, Pool Table and Accessories, Area Rugs, Tools, Ceramic Bird Bath, Vintage Metal Toy Wagon and much more!

Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) Moving Online Auction - Mt Vernon St

This auction features Wood Pedestal Table, Marble Top Table, & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Dining Room Table, Buffet, Antique Hutch, China, Birk's Sterling, Crystal, Bunnykins, Original Artwork, Tea Wagon, Decanters, Wedgwood, Logitech Speaker System, Underwood Typewriter, Books, Antique Ladies Writing Desk, Kettler Rowing Machine, Brass Items, Eskimo Carvings, Wood Rocking Chair, LazyBoy Leather Recliner, Record Albums and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction -...

This auction features Dining Room Table, Buffet, Antique Hut & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Toro Lawn Mower, Drill, Tools, Camping, Christmas Decor, Rotisserie, Weber grill, Couch Section, Air Filter, Coffee table, Arm Chair, Asian Style Vase, Outdoor Furniture, Brass, Sound System, Music Box, Books, Dell 3000 Computer, Ship's Wheel Coffee Table, Armoire, Dolls, Dresser With Mirror, Singer Serger and much more!

Elkridge (Maryland, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Foxcatcher Ct

This auction features Toro Lawn Mower, Drill, Tools, Camping & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Maytag Fridge, KitchenAid Stove, Cornflower Glassware, China, China Cabinet, Silver Plate, Dining Table And Chairs, Artwork, Coffee Table, King Size Bed, Rugs, Desk, Kenmore Washer and Dryer, Cuckoo Clock, Toro Snowblower, Craftsman Router And Table, Ping Pong Table, Beaver Table Saw, Kitchen Cabinets and more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Bernice Dr

This auction features Maytag Fridge, KitchenAid Stove, Cornf & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Original Artwork, Hall Sofa Table, Pool Cue Lot, Electronics, Stone Sculpture, Sofa, Storage Shelves, Jewellery, Diamond Ring, Eureka Vac, Men's Suit with Tails and Cape, China, Crystal, Tools, Lights, Wicker Chair, Old Dresser, Books, Charcoal BBQ, Ladies Esprit Bike, Hammocks, Power Washer and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Dingwall Ave

This auction features Original Artwork, Hall Sofa Table, Poo & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions