Click on these regional tags to view Featured Past Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features industrial kitchen appliances (Garland gas stove, new stainless steel exhaust hood, new Martin stock pot cooker, gas chicken rotisserie, Habco glass fridge, cold/ hot open display unit, and more), Tequmseh compressor, power washers, vacuum, tables, leather chairs, ice storage bin, glassware, bar set, Steelite restaurant China, aluminum shelves, and more.

London (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Business / Restaurant Liquid...

This auction features industrial kitchen appliances (Garland & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Loveseat, Sofa, Media Stands, Wood and Glass Tables, Dog Coats, Sony 200 CD Disc Player, Artificial Plants, Dining Set, Nutcracker, Tripod, Bookcases, Audio Equipment, Bicycles and much more!

Eaton (Colorado, USA) SELLER MANAGED Moving Oniline Auction - S Moun...

This auction features Loveseat, Sofa, Media Stands, Wood and & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features vintage mirror, dressing screen, vanity, side table, mirror, vase, urns, dressing screen, writing desk, and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction (Oct) - Dunvegan...

This auction features vintage mirror, dressing screen, vanit & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features a large collection of costume, sterling and gold jewelry, women clothing (Vera Wang, Christian Dior, Alfred Sung, Lillie Rubin, Coldwater Creek, Danier), Guess purse, cufflinks and tie clips, black and white pictures, records and antique metronome, Victor radio, vintage barbies, carved statue and more. **Winning bidders would receive the complete address.

Perth (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Beckwith St E

This auction features a large collection of costume, sterlin & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Ford Fusion SE 2006, Kitchen Aid mixer, Emerson TV, Samsung washer and dryer, kitchen appliances, guitar, china, decor, tools, computer, office supplies, collectible dolls and teddy bears, Bossons wall ornaments and more.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Warburton Cre...

This auction features Ford Fusion SE 2006, Kitchen Aid mixer & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Walnut Tea Wagon, Oil Paintings, Pair Of Luster Lamps, David Brown Pastel, Silver Plate Flatware, Samsung TV, Fridge, Stove, Bedroom Set, Raleigh Mountain Bike, Lawn Mower, Ladders, Garden Tools, and much much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Holland Cresc...

This auction features Walnut Tea Wagon, Oil Paintings, Pair & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Hot wheels, autographed hockey card, hockey books, heater, beer steins, men and women's watches, Barbie, purse, 1969 Canadian bank note, chest, costume jewelry, lamps, mirror, decor, glassware, hand crafted wine presenter and more.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED K.K.I.D.S Charity Online A...

This auction features Hot wheels, autographed hockey card, h & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Carriage House bedroom furniture (canopy bed, dresser with mirror, night stand, and wardrobe), original art, purse, jewelry boxes, prints, decor, new women shoes, books and book cases, coffee table, electronics, linens, collectibles, kitchenware and more.

Kitchener (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Frey Crescent

This auction features Carriage House bedroom furniture (cano & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features large collection of collectibles items, such as coins, dollar note, Brownie camera, comic books, antique keys, blue and white china, hockey cards, Marilyn Monroe collectors plates, carved soapstone, African carved Wood mask, jewelry, cow bell and strap, and more.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Queens Collectibles Pickers World SELLER...

This auction features large collection of collectibles items & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features original watercolor by F. Turner, Mexican wall art, Staffordshire china, books, Wood & Sons china, stainless steel smoker, solid oak chairs, aquarium, artwork, power tools, rocking chair, Casio CTK-500 keyboard, stained glass, and more!

Coquitlam (British Columbia, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Dia...

This auction features original watercolor by F. Turner, Mexi & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features large collection of record albums, industrial deli meat slicer, camera, food processor, fireplace, Samsung digital sound system, Macbook, power tools, WII bundle, artwork, dolly, china, steamer trunk, and much more. **COMPLETE ADDRESS would be offered to the winning bidders.

Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) October SUPER SHORT NOTICE SELLER MAN...

This auction features large collection of record albums, ind & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Sklar-Peppler cabinet, dinning table and chairs, Royal Albert china, hall table and mirror, statue, decor, Centro gas BBQ, queen size portable inflatable bed, crystal, collectible spoons, silver plate cutlery, GE stove, kitchen appliances, rugs, office equipment, ladder, bike, garden outdoor lots and more.

Markham (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Hawkridge Ave

This auction features Sklar-Peppler cabinet, dinning table a & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features leather couch and chair, camera Praktica LLC by Pentacon, decor, hall table, chair, entertainment cabinet, china, glassware, kitchenware, Coca Cola collection, 75 year old teddy bear, vintage items, garden lot, Yamaha keyboard and more.

Barrie (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Mailey Ln

This auction features leather couch and chair, camera Prakti & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features 1996 Saab 900, Dell LCD TV, maple furniture, vintage, collectible tall ships, stamps, crystal, lamps, Dimplex electric air heater, jewelry, Victorian chairs, Liberty blue china , kitchen appliances, silver plate dinnerware, and much more.

Osterville (Massachusetts, USA) Moving Online Auction - Tower Hill R...

This auction features 1996 Saab 900, Dell LCD TV, maple furn & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Moorcroft vase and dish, vintage furniture, sterling silver, sterling and Wedgwood jewelry, Imperial Treasures by Joan Rivers, Gone with the Wind lamp, mirror, Royal Doulton, decorative porcelain, classic books, Copeland Spode England China, and much more.

Gananoque (Ontario, Canada) SHORT NOTICE Downsizing Online Auction ...

This auction features Moorcroft vase and dish, vintage furni & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features collectibles, such as dolls, comic books, Sex and the City DVD set, decor, Tobi Wrinkle cleaner, Henckels knives, Wedgwood, vintage games, children toys, martini glasses with stand, lamps, crystal, silver plate, cups and saucers, china, prints, and more.

Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - ...

This auction features collectibles, such as dolls, comic boo & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Mirrors, Decorative Signs, Collectables, Kids Musical Instruments, China Cabinet, Dining Set, Flatware, Gardening Supplies, Lawn Tools, Vintage Games, Trophies, Records and Record Players, Street Signs and much much more!

Rockville (Maryland, USA) Estate Online Auction - Bentana Way

This auction features Mirrors, Decorative Signs, Collectable & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Karastan wool carpet, Dyson vacuum DC07, antique rocking chair, dining table and chairs, drop front desk, Sony stereo, etchings, watercolor, painting, decorative, printer, brass lamps, ladder, garden, tools, outdoor furniture, pottery and china, furniture, Japanese kmono, Cissette by Madame Alexander doll and more.

Wayne (Pennsylvania, USA) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - Ros...

This auction features Karastan wool carpet, Dyson vacuum DC0 & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features signed painting, Danish cherry wood dining table, Farfisa Partner 415 organ, oak side tables, recliner, tools, skates, holiday items, appliances, Blue Mountain pottery, wall art, vintage bassinet, lounger and chair, bike, patio table, and more!

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Rowse Cresce...

This auction features signed painting, Danish cherry wood di & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Vintage Art Deco Ribbon Art Paper Doll Framed, 1920s-30s, Vintage Framed Oil Painting, Vintage Beswick Ballet Trinket Container, vintage and contemporary silver jewelry, Plywood & Pine, Toy / Train Box with trays, coins, and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Estate Online Auction - Co...

This auction features Vintage Art Deco Ribbon Art Paper Doll & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features crystal chandelier, large Christmas collection, modern style entertainment unit, stained glass, motorcycle helmets, Lazy Boy rocker, electric fireplace, hallway mirror small demi lune table, AquaTec tub lift and medical aids, wooden headboard and footboard, jewelry, and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Bath Rd (COND...

This auction features crystal chandelier, large Christmas co & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features retro stereo, electronics, pocket radios, guitar Efx pedals, Elvis collection, vinyl records, vintage electronics, Toshiba Speakers, Akai stereo tuner, Kenwood amp, vintage radio and 8 track players, three 8 track players, vintage cabinet tube radio, and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Business Liquidation Online Auction - Nass...

This auction features retro stereo, electronics, pocket radi & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features turquoise and kokopelli, jewelry, dry suit, cash register, high chair, vintage toys, video discs, coke and vintage table, figurines, plant stands, VHS movies, magazines, books, electronic games, and much more!

Tilbury (Ontario, Canada) Business Liquidation Online Auction - Supe...

This auction features turquoise and kokopelli, jewelry, dry & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features framed Native American and cheetah prints, wooden table, display case, Whirlpool refrigerator, ornate chair, German clock in display case, corner table and decorative bowl, toys, vintage wedding dress, NordicTrack treadmill, and more.

Atlanta (Georgia, USA) SHORT NOTICE Downsizing Online Auction - Old ...

This auction features framed Native American and cheetah pri & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction proved that you don't need a reserve to reach a fair market price! For instance this La Patrie Accoustic guitar sold for $410 in this St. Catherines downsizing auction whereas many sellers on kijiji or craigslist are asking for $300-$400.

St.Catharines (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auc...

This auction proved that you don't need a reserve to reach a & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Volkswagen Beetle, floor lamp, girl's bike, Yamaha keyboard, dishes, telescope, pine Asian money chest, sofa, desk and chair, dishes, and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Moving Online Auction - Queens Quay W (CON...

This auction features Volkswagen Beetle, floor lamp, girl's & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features swarovski owl, original paintings, rugs, credenza, glass and crystal, china hutch, lighted ashtray, deer heads, vintage drop leaf table, Soho Square sign and framed handkerchief, dresser, Asian inspired dolls, barbecue, Viking refrigerator, china cabinet, and more.

Scarborough (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Eastlea Cresce...

This auction features swarovski owl, original paintings, rug & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features vintage china cabinet, vintage wood bed, vintage dining room long cabinet/sideboard, vintage dining room table with 6 chairs, vintage wood night stand, vintage wood armoire, and more!

Arlington (Massachusetts, USA) SELLER MANAGED Estate Online Auction ...

This auction features vintage china cabinet, vintage wood be & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features cameras, small kitchen appliances, lamps, books, gardening tools, Sadler England tea set, Tiffany style lamp, wooden bee hive frames and cabinet, antique furniture, antique writing desk, and more!

Etobicoke (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction...

This auction features cameras, small kitchen appliances, lam & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features buffet, book case and modular desk/book shelves, stationary bike, china, collection of Red Rose figurines with case, television and VCR with stand, dining table and chairs, sports equipment, garden items, and more!

Bobcaygeon (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auctio...

This auction features buffet, book case and modular desk/boo & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features original art, antique wicker love seat, antique table top cabinet, antique beverage table, Broyhill entertainment cabinet, antique clock, portable air conditioner, Gibbard highboy, glass, crystal, silver plate, small Asian chest, and much more!

Picton (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - W Mary St

This auction features original art, antique wicker love seat & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features silver jewelry from India, Mimi Shulman jewelry, garden tools, original art, illustration by J.W.Smith, primitive and First Nations art, Royal Doulton Toby mug, wall sconces, oak swivel office chair, and more.

Aurora (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - ...

This auction features silver jewelry from India, Mimi Shulma & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features heirloom lounge chaise and ottoman, figurines, sectional sofa, pair of painted side tables, mirrors, kitchenware, wood kitchen Island, china, copper kettles, Christmas decor, Danby refrigerator, grill with propane tanks, silverplate, and more!

Catonsville (Maryland, USA) Estate Online Auction - Black Friars Cir

This auction features heirloom lounge chaise and ottoman, fi & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features silver plate, wood coffee table, 1965 silver dollar coins, Royal Canadian Mint Ottawa/Winnipeg commemorative medallion, sideboard, rugs, art, guillotine, demi-moon table, Royal Doulton figurines, Wedgwood china, Johnson furniture desk, lamps, and more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Chudleigh Ave

This auction features silver plate, wood coffee table, 1965 & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Le Creuset set, artificial Christmas tree, international stamps and vintage photos, vintage buffet, Beanie Babies, Sir Edward Poynter framed print, wooden screen with photo inserts, OMC china, Princess House barware, roll top oak desk, and more!

Tewksbury (Massachusetts, USA) Moving Online Auction - Stonebury Way...

This auction features Le Creuset set, artificial Christmas t & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features original art, vanity table and stool, rocking chair, ceramic statue, wrought iron sofa, framed postcards, barware, large menorah, teak furniture, corner sofa, oak rocker recliner, and more

Orillia (Ontario, Canada) Moving Online Auction - Old Muskoka Rd

This auction features original art, vanity table and stool, & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions