Click on these regional tags to view Featured Past Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features Thomasville Wing back chair, bustle back recliner,coffee table,upholstered arm chair and sofa,cabinets, blanket chest,lamps, collectibles, kitchen aid mixer and much more!

Harleysville (Pennsylvania, USA) SELLER MANAGED Estate Online Auctio...

This auction features Thomasville Wing back chair, bustle ba & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features antique brass and marble floor lamp, bedroom dresser with mirror hutch, vintage oil lamps, stereo and vintage music, central drill press model, camping supplies and much more !

LaGrange (Ohio, USA) SELLER MANAGED Estate Online Auction - Parsons ...

This online auction features antique brass and marble floor & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Wurlitzer baby grand piano, hand-woven carpet, trio of jazz prints, lamps, chess set, electronics, speakers, cookware, vanity, Queen Anne style highboy, four poster bed. and much more!

Washington (District of Columbia, USA) Estate Online Auction - R Str...

This auction features Wurlitzer baby grand piano, hand-woven & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Bentwood rocker, Franklin mint,  Ken & Barbie dolls, desk with hutch, dishes, rowing machine, car toys, coins and stamps and much more!

Scarborough (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Bellefonta...

This online auction features Bentwood rocker, Franklin mint, & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features fine crystal, Canon camera, Thomasville dining table, Hammond organ, tools, ornate lamps, international dolls, glass top bar cart, portable light stands, patio furniture, chairs and much more!

Hyattsville (Maryland, USA) Estate Online Auction - Calverton Dr

This online auction features fine crystal, Canon camera, Tho & More

MaxSold Auction: This Georgia Downsizing Auction is making us long for the outdoors, good thing it's finally Spring! Featuring wooden benches, wrought iron patio chairs and of course a lawn mower to help keep the backyard tidy.  Check out all this and more in the Atlanta area MaxSold Cumming Online Auction.

Cumming (Georgia, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Pennington Rd

This Georgia Downsizing Auction is making us long for the ou & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features jewelries, collectibles, sterling silvers, figurines, cooler, wood ships, decorative items, glassware, vintage trunk and much more.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction ...

This auction features jewelries, collectibles, sterling silv & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features antique c 1890 Chinese Peking wool,1860 silk embroidered carved mahogany fire screen, vintage Nouveau art rueven hand painted glass bowl, 1950's Dorset Rex fifth ave NY, gold basket metal and Amber tortoise lucite handbag/purse, 1940's wartime celluloid airman, A retrospective, art book signed by Christopher Pratt,breadbox, Swedish Kosta boda blue art glass dish and much more!

Whitby (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - ...

This auction features antique c 1890 Chinese Peking wool,186 & More

MaxSold Auction: Tools, Tools and more Tools in this Rhode Island North Providence Estate Auction. If you're wondering what kind of prices your garage-full of tools will fetch on MaxSold, have a look through this auction.

North Providence (Rhode Island , USA) Estate Online Auction - Dougla...

Tools, Tools and more Tools in this Rhode Island North Provi & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features signed prints and arts, tables and chairs, collectibles, figurines, office desk, Palliser Armoire dresser, bed, television and much more!

Richmond (British Columbia, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - 4th...

This auction features signed prints and arts, tables and cha & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Canadian stamp collection, bike,vintage camera, cowboy boots, kitchen items, furniture, art glass, prints and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - Flo...

This online auction features Canadian stamp collection, bike & More

MaxSold Auction: This inaugural MaxSold Naples Downsizing Online Auction featured a Hossfeld Bender which brought in $720, and Metal Rolling Tool cabinet brought in $560, and a Miller Syncrnowave Welder which sold for $910. All this equals one happy seller.

Naples (Florida, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - Eri...

This inaugural MaxSold Naples Downsizing Online Auction feat & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features frames and prints, Roget stainless Japan cutlery,wine racks, blenders, silverware, Kitchen Aid dish washer, television, binoculars, lamps, cameras, lamps,tables and chairs,kitchen items, south African mask and much more!

New York (New York, USA) Estate Online Auction - First Ave

This auction features frames and prints, Roget stainless Jap & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features sideboard,dryer, stamps, mirror, records, patio umbrella, Black and Decker workmate 350, record player, dressers and much more!

Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - Mi...

This online auction features sideboard,dryer, stamps, mirror & More

MaxSold Auction: Milanse Armour helmets, Snowmobile helmet and dollies, thermal liquid carrier, karcher power washer, revenge bike, stereo and speakers, Arctic car or Yamaha muffler system, Champion generator, clawfoot bath tub,drums, tables and chairs, Coca cola collectibles and much more!

Midland (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Christine Dr

Milanse Armour helmets, Snowmobile helmet and dollies, therm & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features  Wedgwood china, 925 Tiffany style bracelet, original art, vintage furniture, oscilloscope, guitar amplifier, and much more!

Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Aucti...

This auction features Wedgwood china, 925 Tiffany style bra & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features entertainment unit, weights, car collection, decor, Wayne Gretzky figurine, dresser,cabinets, sofa, carpet, mirrors, frames and photo album, lawn mover, appliances and much more.

Milton (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Lingen Cres

This auction features entertainment unit, weights, car colle & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features fur coats, Lladro figurines, Belleek teapot,Italian jar, water fountain decor, Wedgwood bowl, original art,silver jewelry, vintage cases, sofa and much more!

Toronto (Ontario Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - O'Connor D...

This online auction features fur coats, Lladro figurines, Be & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features glass door bookshelf, Noble Olefin pile rug, Maytag dryer, floor lamps, French side table, children chairs and dresser, mirror, sewing table, mid century dresser, vintage Ethan Allen TV console, hand painted dresser, buffet, secretary, glassware, sofa, black swivel chair,  Louis style chairs and more.

Stamford (Connecticut, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Selleck stre...

This auction features glass door bookshelf, Noble Olefin pil & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction feature Craftsman Lawn mower, Frigidaire fridge, mirrors, oak table and chairs, double bed and matress, Grenier dresser with mirror, GE Range, collectibles, upholstered rocking chair, bar items and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Estate Online Auction - Pr...

This online auction feature Craftsman Lawn mower, Frigidaire & More

MaxSold Auction: Tools, portable table saw, lawn mover, aquarium and supplies, cement mixer, side table, copper art, Eatons fur coat, Vilas furniture, vintage Phillips stereo,  jewelry armoire, Whirlpool AC and much more.

Surrey (British Columbia, Canada) Estate Online Auction - River Rd

Tools, portable table saw, lawn mover, aquarium and supplies & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features wall arts, prints and paintings,household treasures,Brass mail box units, vintage type writer, advertising items with Pez, camera equipment, sports collectibles and jerseys,office supplies, collectibles, books, chairs, cabinets, outdoor items and much more!    

Note: Pickup for Category D items ONLY: March 30th from  12pm to 5pm

Paramus (New Jersey, USA) Household Downsizing and Business Liquida...

This auction features wall arts, prints and paintings,househ & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Canadian collector coins, figurines, vintage Olympic gold rimmed wine glasses, handmade 2 foot stone lighthouse, solico blue Cadillac Eldorado, vintage musical items, fine arts prints by Gellman,1989 Ertl Batman, 1980, 37 Bugatti, Pi-eyed Piper and much more!

Angus (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - S...

This online auction features Canadian collector coins, figur & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Elkay two handled pullout faucet, plumbing hardware, Delta Chrome bath, shower spouts, Emerson motor, circuit breakers, round sink with gold finish faucets, light fixtures, toilet parts, door hardware and much more!

Eatontown (New Jersey, USA) Specialty Products Plus Moving Online A...

This online auction features Elkay two handled pullout fauce & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This auction features log seat,canoe,outboard motor, propane grill,stove and cooler, telescope, electric fireplace, lawn mower,tables and chairs, Marilyn Monroe,celebrity poker and David Bowie prints, custom framed art, kitchenware, plumbing supplies, weed trimmer,piano, artificial trees and much more.

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Estate Online Auction - Sunnyside Rd

This auction features log seat,canoe,outboard motor, propane & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Gibbard vanity mirror, antique feeder/shelf, window and vintage exterior door, cabinets, tables and chairs, horse riding gear,oven toaster,electric fireplace and grate, portable infant bassinet car seat bundle, homemade children play teepee and much more.

Bath (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Moving Online Auction - Main S...

This auction features Gibbard vanity mirror, antique feeder/ & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Maytag washing machine,Thomas Collectors Edition radio, oak headboard, double bed, pool table, collectibles, sofa, jewelry and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction ...

This online auction features Maytag washing machine,Thomas C & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features china cabinet,collection of Meito Garden Rose ivory china, dining room table, chairs, Lenox Crystal, Lladro figurines, Tiffany style lamp, prints and much more!

Lyndhurst (Ohio, USA) SELLER MANAGED Downsizing Online Auction - Aca...

This online auction features china cabinet,collection of Mei & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Coleman Powermate compressor, tools, fridge, washing machine, outdoor sports, tires, china, boots, cabinets, watches, spoon collection, camera and much more!

Pefferlaw (Ontario, Canada) Moving Online Auction - Ashwood Ave

This online auction features Coleman Powermate compressor, t & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features poster, wall arts, pictures and prints,stereo equipment,Tacam recorder CD-RW900SL, weights and bars, dehumidifier, shop vacuum and fan, snowboards, bobble heads, camera, child's car,  bookcases, kitchenware,housewares,office supplies, cabinets, tables,chairs outdoor planters and much more!

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Richview Ave

This auction features poster, wall arts, pictures and prints & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features lawn tractor, snow blower, Horizon treadmill, 4 snow tires for 2004 Honda Civic, contents of a bedroom, TV and stand, metal and glass patio set, dehumidifiers, toys and much more!

Kingston (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Rogers Side ...

This online auction features lawn tractor, snow blower, Hori & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features Lladro figurine, antique-look Asian wood chair,Asian accent table, office desk, sterling and costume jewelry, tables and chairs,drum set, trumpet and case,television, Sony PSP, DeWalt miter saw, tools and much more.

Rockville (Maryland, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Northrup Drive

This auction features Lladro figurine, antique-look Asian wo & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features signed prints, Royal Doulton figurines,Inuit soapstone and wood art, vintage typewriter, antique photo in frame, Florentine secretary, vintage radio, office supplies,fishing rods and gears, golf clubs,appliances, cabinet, rugs, books, cameras, telescope and binoculars, sofa, cabinets, dressers and much more.

Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Bloor St (...

This auction features signed prints, Royal Doulton figurines & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions
MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Artedi Italian marble and glass coffee table, The Incredible Hulk comics, Steiff Hedge Hog, Hummel little German boy doll, women's shoes, chest, office supplies, costume jewelry and much more!

Lakewood (New Jersey, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - Sophee Ln (C...

This online auction features Artedi Italian marble and glass & More

MaxSold Auction: This auction features 2000 Buick Century car, car hose,power tools, snowblower, snow thrower and yard tools, lawn and gas mower,Devon china set, sterling silver tea set,prints,watercolors,31" TV and player,binoculars and video camera, oak sideboard and dining table, collector spoon and rack, Belleek,cabinets, rags,figurines, linens, beds and much more

Cobourg (Ontario, Canada) Downsizing Online Auction - Stoneridge Roa...

This auction features 2000 Buick Century car, car hose,power & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features brass, marble and crystal antique candle holder set, framed oil paintings, electric fireplace, projectors, wood dining table, purses, speakers, bookcases, vintage bar, chairs and much more!

Ft. Washington (Maryland, USA) Downsizing Online Auction - MacDuff D...

This online auction features brass, marble and crystal antiq & More

Highlights from MaxSold Online Auctions