MaxSold Auction: This online auction features antique stereoscope viewer, pewter miniatures, art glass, antique Disney light shades, art pottery, astrological/oracle cards, vintage bottles, DVDs, vintage Foo dogs, wood carvings, tasseography teacup, uranium glass, milk glass, vintage cadmium bowl, antique phonograph & edison cylinder records, beer steins, MCM ashtrays, depression glass, Fenton glass, glass insulators, vintage tins, souvenir spoons, vintage toys, vintage camel saddle, Folk Art miniatures, vintage books, games, milk glass, vintage jewelry, secretary desk, and much, much, more!!!

Trillium Crescent, London, ON, N5Y 4T3

This online auction features antique stereoscope viewer, pew & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features office supplies, DVDs, bamboo tables & chairs, desk & chair, printer, decanters, costume jewellery, watches, beauty products, 4-poster bed, vanity, electric fireplace, Toby Jug, small kitchen appliances, proof set coins, banknotes, and much, much, more!!!
St. Thomas

Hampstead Court, St. Thomas, ON, N5R 5M9

This online auction features office supplies, DVDs, bamboo t & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features washstand, art glass, mirrors, area rugs, costume jewellery, stereo components, glass top table, stone carving, Lladro figurines, Royal Doulton figurines, Fenton glass, Moorcroft, Swarovski figurines, Sadler teapot, teacup/saucer sets, printer, small kitchen appliances, office supplies, clay jugs, duck decoys, wood chest, vinyl records, desk & chair, spinning wheel, TVs, home health aids, wine rack, bikes, golf clubs, Toby jugs, and much, much, more!!!

Riverside Drive, London, ON, N6H 5N4

This online auction features washstand, art glass, mirrors, & More

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MaxSold Auction: This online auction features art pottery, games, books, Edward Zuber originals, art glass, stained glass hanging, watches, vintage Hummels, Boyd’s Folkstone & Bearstone collections, Boyd’s Bears, soapstone carving, collectible dolls, room divider, milk glass, vintage ashtrays, table linens, kid’s books, sports collectibles, oil lamp, uranium glass, coins, golf clubs, and much, much, more!!!

Trillium Crescent, London, ON, N5Y 4T3

This online auction features art pottery, games, books, Edwa & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features power & hand tools, antique hand tools, garden supplies, sewing machine, crafting supplies, wicker chairs, pet products, hardware, sports collectibles, vintage ashtrays, air compressor, work lights, antique furniture, desk, antique oil lamp, antique jug, and much, much, more!!!
St. Thomas

Linden Lane, St. Thomas, ON, N5P 4M4

This online auction features power & hand tools, antique han & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features toys, comics, die-cast vehicles, action figures, graphic novels, train cars, gnome collection, toys, art glass, art pottery, decanter sets, MCM pebble bowls, vintage Pyrex, uranium glass, insulator, yarn, vinyl records, games, BMP, Depression glass, teacup/saucer sets, Christmas collectible plates, dog figurine collection, cameras, DVDs, cookie jar, small kitchen appliances, puzzles, vintage books, children’s books, soapstone carvings, TV, and much, much, more!!!

Trillium Crescent, London, ON, N5Y 4T3

This online auction features toys, comics, die-cast vehicles & More

Item Alerts Sent To You

MaxSold Auction: This online auction includes Royal Crown Derby and other china, glassware, kitchenware, small kitchen appliances, vintage home decor, milk crates, rug, wood bench, table set, books, Beswick horse figurine, indoor grill, work lights, vinyl records, wall art, linens, electronics, Hummel figurines, tools, hardware, Woods freezer, Edison gramophone and many more!

Cadeau Terrace, London, ON, N6K 4G2

This online auction includes Royal Crown Derby and other chi & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features rooster collection, cast iron pot holder, pet products, TVs, area rugs, stereo components, small kitchen appliances, antique smoker’s table, antique wine keg, leather chairs, Asian carved table, dehumidifier, toilets, free standing tub, ceiling fans, pressure washer, desks, camping gear, suit of armour, washer, dryer, power tools, drone, puzzles, wine making supplies, air compressor, yard tools, garden art, garden pots, solar lanterns, patio furniture, BBQ grill, and much, much, more!!!

Wonderland Road North, London, ON, N6G 5C1

This online auction features rooster collection, cast iron p & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features patio furniture, area rugs, printer, children’s books, office supplies, Indigenous art, curio cabinet, art pottery, TV, tub chairs, sofa bed, cast iron planters, garden supplies, ladder, yard tools, and much, much, more!!!\n

Becher Street, London, ON, N6C 1A4

This online auction features patio furniture, area rugs, pri & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features vintage glass & ceramic insulators, vintage buttons, vintage lamp finials, vintage Pyrex, cigar boxes, vintage pin collection, S & P shakers, Disney collectibles, comics, vintage medical bottles, collectible pop bottles, vintage magazines & catalogues, vintage road maps, Christmas houses, binoculars, cameras, vintage clothing & hats, women’s shoes, children’s books, vintage toys, stools, antique corbels, sewing patterns, porcelain dolls, Swarovski charms, action figures, vintage Barbies, clothing,  & accessories, teacup/saucer sets, decanter set, Carnival glass, vintage cigar band collection, vinyl records, teak desk, doll furniture, and much, much, more!!!

Riverside Drive, Exeter, ON, N0M 1S3

This online auction features vintage glass & ceramic insulat & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction includes winter coats, jewelry, jade accessories, table linens, antique Myott and other china, silver flatware, kitchenwares, small kitchen appliances, wall art, lamps, Kingsway telescoping tripod, vintage Coca Cola cooler, Moorcraft and other pottery, Pequegnat and other mantle clocks, crystalware, Uranium glass, antique and modern display cabinets, Adderley china, brass and other candleholders, 1953 coronation doll, coins, Honeywell air purifier, accent tables, luggage, tools, hardware, golf clubs, snowblower, tool chest, sofa bed, chairs, furniture, computer desks, Sklar Peppler dining set, cedar chests and other blanket boxes, Ping Pong table, German radio, Yamaha organ, BBQ and much more!

Hampton Crescent, London, ON, N6H 2N7

This online auction includes winter coats, jewelry, jade acc & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction includes a Dyson humidifier, comics, magazines, Blue Willow china tea set, toys, metronome, kitchenware, small kitchen appliances, vintage cameras, glassware, brassware, lamps, wall art, Bentwood chairs, shelf unit, board games, Royal Albert and other china, seasonal decor, Snowbabies and other figures, noismakers, Murano glass, Wade figurines, pottery and many more!

Trillium Crescent, London, ON, N5Y 4T3

This online auction includes a Dyson humidifier, comics, mag & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features board games, area rug, DVDs, printer, computer accessories, office supplies, cedar blanket box, antique furniture, collectible plates, puzzles, 3D puzzles, vinyl records, scrapbooking supplies, copper wall plates, Ben Babelowsky prints, collector spoons, bistro set, crocks, electric fireplace, charm bracelets & charms, art glass, small kitchen appliances, TV, vintage vanity, decanter set, art pottery, hand tools, vintage jewellery, watches, and much, much, more!!!

Teeple Terrace, London, ON, N6J 1T1

This online auction features board games, area rug, DVDs, pr & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features Ford Fairmont, Crown Victoria, snowblower, yard tools, lawnmower, ladders, patio furniture, small kitchen appliances, teacup/saucer sets, art glass, sewing machines, Fenton glass, printers, TVs, stereo equipment, secretary desk, new men’s shoes, Coca-Cola collectibles, vintage typewriter, cedar chest, cameras & lenses, refrigerator, chest freezer, power & hand tools, rolling tool chest, electronic components, vinyl records, HAN radio equipment, office supplies, McCoy pottery, and much, much, more!!!

Cumberland Crescent, London, ON, N5X 1B7

This online auction features Ford Fairmont, Crown Victoria, & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction features vintage china cabinet, retro room divider, MCM dresser, antique reel mower, collector tin toys, vintage wringer washer, stereo components, Bosson heads, antique tools, Carnival glass, teacup/saucer sets, vinyl records, vintage games, sewing machine, Avon collectibles, boxing gear & books, vintage bottles, insulators, circus memorabilia, organizers, mini fridge, art glass, vintage brass door stops, and much, much, more!!!

Perth Road, 120A James St. S, St. Marys, ON N

This online auction features vintage china cabinet, retro ro & More

MaxSold Auction: This online auction includes shelving units, workbench, cabinets, corner shelf, desk, wall units, demilune table, bar cart, sofa and others, kitchenware, small kitchen appliances, wall art, cleaning supplies, fishing accessories, hedge trimmer and other yard tools, garden pots, ski equipment, golf items, CDs, Royal Copenhagen plates, sterling silverware, stamps, Swarovski, brassware, electronics, Royal Doulton figures, decor, lamps, jewelry, tools, hardware, vinyl records, suitcases, seasonal decor and much more!

Lakeview Drive, Woodstock, ON, N4T 1W4

This online auction includes shelving units, workbench, cabi & More